中文內容 | - 是攻擊的兵器
撒下 23:8,18
- 首次提到矛的經文
書 8:18
- 提到矛的部件
. 木桿
撒上 17:7
. 鐵矛頭或銅矛頭
撒上 17:7 撒下 21:16
- 可能兩端都是尖的
撒下 2:23
- 稱為發亮的矛 (槍)
伯 39:23 哈 3:11
- 各式各樣的矛
. 槍 (長矛)
耶 50:42
. 標槍
民 25:7 撒上 18:10
. 鏢
撒下 18:14 伯 41:26,29
- 用矛的人稱為持矛士兵
詩 68:30 徒 23:23
- 騎兵常常用矛作兵器
鴻 3:3
- 上戰場前先磨光
耶 46:4
- 打仗之前, 鐮刀要打成戈矛
珥 3:10
- 太平年裡, 槍矛要打成鐮刀
賽 2:4 彌 4:3
- 以色列人
. 熟悉製矛技術
撒上 13:19
. 每每用矛作兵器
尼 4:13,16
. 在底波拉和掃羅時期, 矛是少見的
士 5:8 撒上 13:22
- 以色列諸王大量供給矛
代下 11:12 32:5
- 每每用手擲出
撒上 18:11 19:10
- 使矛的人常把矛握在手裡
民 25:7 撒下 2:23
- 睡覺時, 矛就插在靠枕旁的地上
撒上 26:7-11
- 說明了惡人的敵意
詩 57:4 |
內容 | - An offensive weapon
2Sa 23:8,18
- First mention of, in Scripture
Jos 8:18
. The staff of wood
1Sa 17:7
. The head of iron or brass
1Sa 17:7 2Sa 21:16
- Probably pointed at both ends
2Sa 2:23
- Called the glittering spear
Job 39:23 Hab 3:11
. Lances
Jer 50:42
. Javelins
Nu 25:7 1Sa 18:10
. Darts
2Sa 18:14 Job 41:26,29
- Those who used, called spearmen
Ps 68:30 Ac 23:23
- Frequently used by horse soldiers
Na 3:3
- Furbished before war
Jer 46:4
- Pruning-hooks made into, before war
Joe 3:10
- Made into pruning-hooks in peace
Isa 2:4 Mic 4:3
. Acquainted with the making of
1Sa 13:19
. Frequently used
Ne 4:13,16
. Ill provided with, in the times of Deborah and Saul
Jud 5:8 1Sa 13:22
- Provided by the kings of Israel in great abundance
2Ch 11:12 32:5
- Frequently thrown from the hand
1Sa 18:11 19:10
- Often retained in the hand of the person using
Nu 25:7 2Sa 2:23
- Stuck in the ground beside the bolster during sleep
1Sa 26:7-11
- Illustrative of the bitterness of the wicked
Ps 57:4