中文內容 | - 猶太人聚會敬拜的地方
徒 13:5,14
- 早期告知有會堂的經文
詩 74:8
- 可能源自先知學校
撒上 19:18-24 王下 4:23
- 以色列人被擄歸回後, 會堂大大復興
尼 8:1-8
- 會堂的禮拜式包括
. 禱告
太 6:5
. 誦讀上帝的話語
尼 8:18 9:3 13:1 徒 15:21
. 闡釋上帝的話語
尼 8:8 路 4:21
. 讚美感恩
尼 9:5
- 會堂在安息日舉行禮拜
路 4:16 徒 13:14
- 管會堂的人
. 總管
徒 18:8,17
. 普通管理員
可 5:22 徒 13:15
- 聘有執事, 負責保管聖經
路 4:17,20
- 有會眾的座位
徒 13:14
- 會堂裡的高位是留給長老坐的
太 23:6
- 當天讀的經文有時由會眾其中一位誦讀
路 4:16
- 外人有時受邀向會眾致詞
徒 13:15
- 基督常常
. 去會堂
路 4:16
. 在會堂傳講、教導
太 4:23 可 1:39 路 13:10
. 在會堂行神蹟
太 12:9,10 可 1:23 路 13:11
- 使徒經常在會堂教導、傳道
徒 9:20 13:5 17:1,17
- 常常用來當法庭
徒 9:2 雅 2:2
- 犯法的人往往
. 交付會堂受審
路 12:11 21:12
. 在會堂受罰
太 10:17 23:34 徒 22:19
. 被逐出會堂
約 9:22,34 12:42 16:2
- 建造會堂被視為令人敬佩的高尚工作
路 7:5
- 有時一個城裡有數個會堂
徒 6:9 9:2
- 不同宗派各有其會堂
徒 6:9 |
內容 | - Places in which the Jews assembled for worship
Ac 13:5,14
- Early notice of their existence
Ps 74:8
- Probably originated in the schools of the prophets
1Sa 19:18-24 2Ki 4:23
- Revival of, after the captivity
Ne 8:1-8
. Prayer
Mt 6:5
. Reading the word of God
Ne 8:18 9:3 13:1 Ac 15:21
. Expounding the word of God
Ne 8:8 Lu 4:21
. Praise and thanksgiving
Ne 9:5
- Service in, on the Sabbath day
Lu 4:16 Ac 13:14
. A president or chief ruler
Ac 18:8,17
. Ordinary rulers
Mr 5:22 Ac 13:15
- Provided with a minister, who had charge of the sacred books
Lu 4:17,20
- Had seats fro the congregation
Ac 13:14
- Chief seats in, reserved for elders
Mt 23:6
- The portion of Scripture for the day sometimes read by one of
the congregation
Lu 4:16
- Strangers were invited to address the congregation in
Ac 13:15
. Attended
Lu 4:16
. Preached and taught in
Mt 4:23 Mr 1:39 Lu 13:10
. Performed miracles in
Mt 12:9,10 Mr 1:23 Lu 13:11
- The Apostles frequently taught and preached in
Ac 9:20 13:5 17:1,17
- Often used as courts of justice
Ac 9:2 Jas 2:2
. Given up to, for trial
Lu 12:11 21:12
. Punished in
Mt 10:17 23:34 Ac 22:19
. Expelled from
Joh 9:22,34 12:42 16:2
- The building of, considered a noble and meritorious work
Lu 7:5
- Sometimes several, in the same city
Ac 6:9 9:2
- Each sect had its own
Ac 6:9