中文內容 | - 蓋在摩利亞山阿珥楠的禾場上
代上 21:28-30 22:2 代下 3:1
- 大衛
. 迫不及待想建聖殿
撒下 7:2 代上 22:7 29:3 詩 132:2-5
. 身經百戰, 因此不得建聖殿
撒下 7:5-9 王上 5:3 代上 22:8
. 先知告訴大衛, 所羅門將來要蓋聖殿
撒下 7:12,13 代上 17:12
. 為建聖殿做了許多預備工夫
代上 22:2-5,14-16 29:2-5
. 把建殿的重任託付給所羅門
代上 22:6,7,11
. 祈求所羅門能有建聖殿的智慧
代上 29:19
. 把協助建聖殿的重任託付給首領
代上 22:17-19
. 百姓為了建殿所獻的甘心祭
代上 29:6-9
- 所羅門
. 建聖殿的心意堅定
代下 2:1
. 得到建聖殿的明確指示
代下 3:3
. 召集所有外人進行建聖殿的預備工作
代下 2:2,17,18 王上 5:15
. 請求希蘭差遣巧匠監督建造聖殿的工程
代下 2:7,13,14
. 召集三萬以色列人建殿
王上 5:13,14
. 與希蘭立約, 由希蘭供應木材、石頭、勞工
王上 5:6-12 代下 2:8-10
. 所羅門在位第四年的二月二日開工建殿
王上 6:1,37 代下 3:2
. 建殿的時候, 聽不見鎚子、斧頭等工具的響聲
王上 6:7
- 分成
. 聖所, 即大殿
代下 3:5
. 至聖所, 即內殿
王上 6:19
. 廊子
代下 3:4
- 周圍是三層旁屋, 與殿的右方相通
王上 6:5,6,8,10
- 四周是寬敞的院子
王上 6:36 代下 4:9
- 長六十肘, 寬二十肘, 高三十肘
王上 6:2 代下 3:3
- 從窗櫺採光
王上 6:4
- 以香柏木為屋頂
王上 6:9
- 大殿 (外殿)
. 長四十肘
王下 6:17
. 摺疊門扇是松木做的, 上面有雕花, 貼了金子
王上 6:34,35
. 門框是松木做的, 上面有雕花, 貼了金箔
王上 6:33 代下 3:7
- 內殿 (至聖所)
. 長寬高都是二十肘
王上 6:16,20
. 裡面有兩個橄欖木做的基路伯, 上面貼了金箔
王上 6:23-28 代下 3:11-13
. 內殿跟外殿之間隔著一條金鍊子
王上 6:21
. 門和門框是松木做的, 上面有雕花, 貼了金箔
王上 6:31,32
. 用幔子把內殿跟外殿隔開來
代下 3:14
- 聖殿的地板鋪了松木板, 牆壁上貼了香柏木板
王上 6:15
- 殿內的香柏木上面雕鏤著花朵等圖案
王上 6:18
- 以松木為天花板, 外面貼了金箔
代下 3:5
- 內外全部用金包裹
王上 6:21,22 代下 3:7
- 以寶石為裝飾
代下 3:6
- 聖殿的廊子
. 長二十肘, 寬十肘
王上 6:3
. 高一百二十肘
代下 3:4
. 柱子與柱頂的描述
王上 7:15-22 代下 3:15-17
- 華麗輝煌
代下 2:5,9
- 花了七年建造
王上 6:38
- 所羅門王在位第十一年八月竣工
王上 6:38
- 稱為
. 耶和華的殿
代下 23:5,12
. 耶和華殿的山
賽 2:2
. 雅各的神的殿
賽 2:3
. 錫安
詩 84:1-7
. 錫安山
詩 74:2
- 被派定為祭祀的殿宇
代下 7:12
- 被派定為禱告的殿宇
賽 56:7 太 21:13
- 上帝承諾要住在聖殿中
王上 6:12,13
- 百姓獻上的一切都擺在聖殿中
代下 5:1
- 眾人把上帝的約櫃運進聖殿, 極其肅穆
王上 8:1-9 代下 5:2-10
- 榮耀的雲彩充滿聖殿
王上 8:10,11 代下 5:13 7:2
- 所羅門正式把聖殿獻給上帝
王上 8:12-66 代下 6:1-42
- 行獻殿之禮時, 天上降下聖火
代下 7:3
- 不過是人手所建的殿
徒 7:47,48
- 預言聖殿要毀滅
耶 26:18 彌 3:12
- 提到聖殿的史實
. 被埃及王示撒掠奪
王上 14:25,26 代下 12:9
. 耶何耶大作祭司時, 約阿施修復聖殿
王下 12:4-14 代下 24:4-13
. 約阿施為了息亞蘭人的怒氣, 就把聖殿的寶物給他們
王下 12:17,18
. 聖殿遭玷污, 而且亞哈斯把聖殿的寶物給了亞述王
王下 16:3-4,8 代下 28:20,21
. 希西家潔淨聖殿並恢復敬拜上帝
代下 29:3-35
. 希西家為了順利跟亞述人訂和平協定, 把聖殿的寶物給了亞述人
王下 18:13-16
. 瑪拿西拜偶像, 弄污了聖殿
王下 21:4-7 代下 33:4,5,7
. 約西亞在位第十八年修復聖殿
王下 22:3-7 代下 34:8-13
. 約西亞潔淨聖殿
王下 23:4-7,11,12
. 巴比倫人劫掠、焚燒聖殿
王下 25:9,13-17 代下 36:18,19
- 用來說明
. 基督
約 2:19,21
. 崇高純潔的教會
林前 3:16 林後 6:16 弗 2:20-22
. 聖徒的身體
林前 6:19 |
內容 | - Built on Mount Moriah on the threshing-floor of Ornan or
1Ch 21:28-30 22:2 2Ch 3:1
. Anxious to build
2Sa 7:2 1Ch 22:7 29:3 Ps 132:2-5
. Being a man of war not permitted to build
2Sa 7:5-9 1Ki 5:3 1Ch 22:8
. Told by the prophet that Solomon should build
2Sa 7:12,13 1Ch 17:12
. Made preparations for building
1Ch 22:2-5,14-16 29:2-5
. Charged Solomon to build
1Ch 22:6,7,11
. Prayed that Solomon might have wisdom to build
1Ch 29:19
. Charged his princes to assist in building
1Ch 22:17-19
. Free will offering of the people for the building
1Ch 29:6-9
. Determined to build
2Ch 2:1
. Specially instructed for
2Ch 3:3
. Employed all the strangers in preparing for
2Ch 2:2,17,18 1Ki 5:15
. Applied to Hiram for a skilful workman to superintend, &c
the building of
2Ch 2:7,13,14
. Employed thirty thousand Israelites in the work
1Ki 5:13,14
. Contracted with Hiram for wood, stone, and labour
1Ki 5:6-12 2Ch 2:8-10
. Commenced second day of second month of fourth year of
1Ki 6:1,37 2Ch 3:2
. Built without the noise of hammers, axe, or any tool
1Ki 6:7
. The sanctuary or greater house
2Ch 3:5
. The oracle or most holy place
1Ki 6:19
. The porch
2Ch 3:4
- Surrounded with three stories of chambers communicating with
the interior on the right side
1Ki 6:5,6,8,10
- Surrounded with spacious courts
1Ki 6:36 2Ch 4:9
- Was three score cubits longs, twenty broad, and thirty high
1Ki 6:2 2Ch 3:3
- Was lighted by narrow windows
1Ki 6:4
- Was roofed with cedar
1Ki 6:9
. Was forty cubits long
2Ki 6:17
. Had folding doors of fir wood carved and golden
1Ki 6:34,35
. Had door posts of olive wood carved and gilded
1Ki 6:33 2Ch 3:7
. Was twenty cubits every way
1Ki 6:16,20
. Two cherubims of gilded olive wood made within
1Ki 6:23-28 2Ch 3:11-13
. A partition of chains of gold between it and outer house
1Ki 6:21
. The doors and the posts of, of olive wood carved and gilded
1Ki 6:31,32
. Separated from the outer house by a vail
2Ch 3:14
- The floor and walls of, covered with cedar and fir wood
1Ki 6:15
- Cedar of, carved with flowers, &c
1Ki 6:18
- Ceiled with fir wood and gilt
2Ch 3:5
- The whole inside and outside covered with gold
1Ki 6:21,22 2Ch 3:7
- Garnished with precious stones
2Ch 3:6
. Twenty cubits long and ten broad
1Ki 6:3
. One hundred and twenty cubits high
2Ch 3:4
. Pillars of, with their chapiters described
1Ki 7:15-22 2Ch 3:15-17
- Its magnificence
2Ch 2:5,9
- Was seven years in building
1Ki 6:38
- Was finished in the eighth month of the eleventh year of
1Ki 6:38
. The house of the Lord
2Ch 23:5,12
. The mountain of the Lord's house
Isa 2:2
. House of the God of Jacob
Isa 2:3
. Zion
Ps 84:1-7
. Mount Zion
Ps 74:2
- Appointed as a house of sacrifice
2Ch 7:12
- Appointed as a house of prayer
Isa 56:7 Mt 21:13
- God promised to dwell in
1Ki 6:12,13
- All dedicated things placed in
2Ch 5:1
- The ark of God brought into with great solemnity
1Ki 8:1-9 2Ch 5:2-10
- Filled with the cloud of glory
1Ki 8:10,11 2Ch 5:13 7:2
- Solemnly dedicated to God by Solomon
1Ki 8:12-66 2Ch 6:1-42
- Sacred fire sent down from heaven at its dedication
2Ch 7:3
- Was but a temple built with hands
Ac 7:47,48
- Complete destruction of, predicted
Jer 26:18 Mic 3:12
. Pillaged by Shishak king of Egypt
2Ki 21:4-7 2Ch 33:4,5,7
. Repaired by Josiah in the 18th year of his reign
1Ki 14:25,26 2Ch 12:9
. Repaired by Jehoash at the institution of Jehoiada
2Ki 12:4-14 2Ch 24:4-13
. Treasures of given by Jehoash to propitiate the Syrians
2Ki 12:17,18
. Defiled and its treasures given by Ahaz to the king of
2Ki 16:14,18 2Ch 28:20,21
. Purified and divine worship restored under Hezekiah
2Ch 29:3-35
. Its treasures given by Hezekiah to the Assyrians to procure
a treaty
2Ki 18:13-16
. Polluted by the idolatrous worship of Manasseh
2Ki 21:4-7 2Ch 33:4,5,7
. Repaired by Josiah in the 18th year of his reign
2Ki 22:3-7 2Ch 34:8-13
. Purified by Josiah
2Ki 23:4-7,11,12
. Pillaged and burned by the Babylonians
2Ki 25:9,13-17 2Ch 36:18,19
. Christ
Joh 2:19,21
. The spiritual church
1Co 3:16 2Co 6:16 Eph 2:20-22
. The bodies of saints
1Co 6:19