中文內容 | - 算作贖罪祭, 也經常稱為贖罪祭
利 5:6,9
- 獻上贖愆祭的原因
. 知情不報
利 5:1
. 無意碰到不潔之物
利 5:2,3
. 輕率發誓
利 5:4
. 關於聖物的不知之罪
利 5:15
. 任何不知之罪
利 5:17
. 欺詐
利 6:2-5
- 是至聖的祭
利 14:13
- 包含
. 母羊羔或小山羊
利 5:6
. 沒有殘疾的公綿羊
利 5:15 6:6
. 無法獻羊羔的人, 就獻兩隻斑鳩
利 5:7-10
. 很窮的人所獻的素祭
利 5:11-13
- 窮人為小過犯所獻的贖愆祭得減輕, 但贖罪祭則不行
利 4:1-5:19
- 人靠著贖愆祭贖罪
利 5:6,10,13,16,18 6:7 19:22
- 獻贖愆祭之後要認罪
利 5:5
- 通常伴隨著賠償
利 5:16 6:5
- 贖愆祭牲要殺在宰殺贖罪祭牲和燔祭牲的地方
利 14:13 結 40:39
- 祭司有時在上帝面前揮舞活祭牲
利 14:12,13
- 獻贖愆祭的特殊場合
. 痲瘋病患得潔淨時
利 14:2,12-14,21,22
. 婦人得潔淨時
利 12:6-8
. 患血漏的人得潔淨時
利 15:14,15
. 違背誓言的拿細耳人得潔淨時
民 6:12
. 跟許配給人的婢女有染時
利 19:20-22
- 贖愆祭牲特屬祭司
利 14:13 結 44:29
- 用來說明基督
賽 53:10 結 46:20
內容 | - Esteemed as a sin offering, and frequently so called
Le 5:6,9
. For concealing knowledge of a crime
Le 5:1
. For involuntarily touching unclean things
Le 5:2,3
. For rash swearing
Le 5:4
. For sins of ignorance in holy things
Le 5:15
. For any sin of ignorance
Le 5:17
. For breach of trust, or fraud
Le 6:2-5
- Was a most holy offering
Le 14:13
. A she lamb or kid
Le 5:6
. A ram without blemish
Le 5:15 6:6
. Two turtle doves by those unable to bring a lamb
Le 5:7-10
. A meat offering by the very poor
Le 5:11-13
- Being for minor offences was lessened for the poor, not so
the sin offering
Le 4:1-5:19
- Atonement made by
Le 5:6,10,13,16,18 6:7 19:22
- Accompanied by confession
Le 5:5
- Generally accompanied by restitution
Le 5:16 6:5
- To be slain where the sin offering and burnt offering were
Le 14:13 Eze 40:39
- Sometimes waved alive before the Lord
Le 14:12,13
. Cleansing of a leper
Le 14:2,12-14,21,22
. Purification of women
Le 12:6-8
. Purification of those with issues
Le 15:14,15
. Purification of Nazarites who had broken their vow
Nu 6:12
. For connection with a betrothed bondmaid
Le 19:20-22
- Was the perquisites of the priest
Le 14:13 Eze 44:29
- Illustrative of Christ
Isa 53:10 Eze 46:20