內容 | - Whom God chooses
Ps 65:4 Eph 1:3,4
- Whom God calls
Isa 51:2 Re 19:9
- Who know Christ
Mt 16:16,17
- Who know the gospel
Ps 89:15
- Who are not offended at Christ
Mt 11:6
- Who believe
Lu 1:45 Ga 3:9
- Whose sins are forgiven
Ps 32:1,2 Ro 4:7
- To whom God imputes righteousness without works
Ro 4:6-9
- Whom God chastens
Job 5:17 Ps 94:12
- Who suffer for Christ
Lu 6:22
- Who have the Lord for their God
Ps 144:15
- Who trust in God
Ps 2:12 34:8 40:4 84:12 Jer 17:7
- Who fear God
Ps 112:1 128:1,4
- Who hear and keep the word of God
Ps 119:2 Jas 1:24 Mt 13:16 Lu 11:28 Re 1:3 22:7
- Who delight in the commandments of God
Ps 112:1
- Who keep the commandments of God
Re 22:14
- Who wait for the Lord
Isa 30:18
- Whose strength is in the Lord
Ps 84:5
- Who hunger and thirst after righteousness
Mt 5:6
- Who frequent the house of God
Ps 65:4 84:5
- Who avoid the wicked
Ps 1:1
- Who endure temptation
Jas 1:12
- Who watch against sin
Re 16:15
- Who rebuke sinners
Pr 24:25
- Who watch for the Lord
Lu 12:37
- Who die in the Lord
Re 14:13
- Who have part in the first resurrection
Re 20:6
- Who favour saints
Ge 12:3 Ru 2:10
- The undefiled
Ps 119:1
- The pure in heart
Mt 5:8
- The just
Ps 106:3 10:6
- The children of the just
Pr 20:7
- The righteous
Ps 5:12
- The generation of the upright
Ps 112:2
- The faithful
Pr 28:20
- The poor in spirit
Mt 5:3
- The meek
Mt 5:5
- The merciful
Mt 5:7
- The bountiful
De 15:10 Ps 41:1 Pr 22:9 Lu 14:13,14
- The peace-makers
Mt 5:9
- Holy mourners
Mt 5:4 Lu 6:21
- Saints at the judgment day
Mt 25:34
- Who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God
Lu 14:15 Re 19:9