內容 | - Doctrine of proved from Scripture
Mt 3:16,17 28:19 Ro 8:9 1Co 12:3-6 2Co 13:14 Eph
4:4-6 1Pe 1:2 Jude 1:20,21 Re 1:4,5
- Divine titles applied to the three persons in
Ex 20:2 Joh 20:28 Ac 5:3,4
. Eternal
Ro 16:26 Re 22:13 Heb 9:14
. Holy
Re 4:8 15:4 Ac 3:14 1Jo 2:20
. True
Joh 7:28 Re 3:7
. Omnipresent
Jer 23:24 Eph 1:23 Ps 139:7
. Omnipotent
Ge 17:1 Re 1:8 Ro 15:19 Jer 32:17 Heb 1:3 Lu 1:35
. Omniscient
Ac 15:18 Joh 21:17 1Co 2:10,11
. Creator
Ge 1:1 Col 1:16 Job 33:4 Ps 148:5 Joh 1:3 Job
. Sanctifier
Jude 1:1 Heb 2:11 1Pe 1:2
. Author of all spiritual operations
Heb 13:21 Col 1:29 1Co 12:11
. Source of eternal life
Ro 6:23 Joh 10:28 Ga 6:8
. Teacher
Isa 54:13 Lu 21:15 Joh 14:26 Isa 48:17 Ga 1:12 1Jo
. Raising Christ from the dead
1Co 6:14 Joh 2:19 1Pe 3:18
. Inspiring the prophets, &c
Heb 1:1 2Co 13:3 Mr 13:11
. Supplying ministers to the Church
Jer 3:15 Eph 4:11 Ac 20:28 Jer 26:5 Mt 10:5 Ac
- Salvation the work of
2Th 2:13,14 Tit 3:4-6 1Pe 1:2
- Baptism administered in name of
Mt 28:19
- Benediction given in name of
2Co 13:14