中文內容 | - 是單單聽從祂的緣由
申 4:39,40
- 是敬愛祂的緣由
申 6:4,5 可 12:29,30
- 誰斷言上帝是獨一真神
. 上帝自己
賽 44:6,8 45:18,21
. 基督
可 12:29 約 17:3
. 摩西
申 4:39 6:4
. 使徒
林前 8:4,6 弗 4:6 提前 2:5
- 與基督和聖靈的神性不衝突
約 10:30 約一 5:7 約 14:9-11
- 展現在
. 祂的偉大和奇妙作為
撒下 7:22 詩 86:10
. 祂的創造和照管
賽 44:24 45:5-8
. 唯有祂能預知人事
賽 46:9-11
. 祂行使主權不受羈束
申 32:39
. 祂是天上地上唯一當受敬拜的對象
尼 9:6 太 4:10
. 唯獨祂是良善的
太 19:17
. 祂是唯一的救主
賽 45:21,22
. 赦罪單單源於祂
彌 7:18 可 2:7
. 祂揀選並看顧祂的百姓, 其關愛無可比擬
申 4:32-35
- 要得永生, 必須先認知上帝是獨一真神
約 17:3
- 所有聖徒敬拜上帝時, 認定祂是獨一真神
撒下 7:22 王下 19:15 代上 17:20
- 萬民都應知道並認定上帝是獨一真神
申 4:35 詩 83:18
- 人可能認定上帝是獨一真神, 卻沒有能救他除罪的信心
雅 2:19,20 |
內容 | - A ground for obeying him exclusively
De 4:39,40
- A ground for loving him supremely
De 6:4,5 Mr 12:29,30
. God himself
Isa 44:6,8 45:18,21
. Christ
Mr 12:29 Joh 17:3
. Moses
De 4:39 6:4
. Apostles
1Co 8:4,6 Eph 4:6 1Ti 2:5
- Consistent with the deity of Christ and of the Holy Spirit
Joh 10:30 1Jo 5:7 Joh 14:9-11
. His greatness and wonderful works
2Sa 7:22 Ps 86:10
. His works of creation and providence
Isa 44:24 45:5-8
. His being alone possessed of fore-knowledge
Isa 46:9-11
. His exercise of uncontrolled sovereignty
De 32:39
. His being the sole object of worship in heaven and earth
Ne 9:6 Mt 4:10
. His being alone good
Mt 19:17
. His being the only Saviour
Isa 45:21,22
. His being the only source of pardon
Mic 7:18 Mr 2:7
. His unparalleled election and care of his people
De 4:32-35
- The knowledge of, necessary to eternal life
Joh 17:3
- All saints acknowledge, in worshipping him
2Sa 7:22 2Ki 19:15 1Ch 17:20
- All should know and acknowledge
De 4:35 Ps 83:18
- May be acknowledged without saving faith
Jas 2:19,20