中文內容 | - 用來蓋住頭部的遮蔽物, 通常婦女用來蒙頭
創 38:14
- 蒙在頭上
. 象徵端莊
創 24:65
. 象徵順服
林前 11:3,6,7,10
. 以隱藏身分
創 38:14
- 除去人家的帕子算是粗魯無禮的
歌 5:7
- 上帝預示要除去不敬虔婦人的帕子, 以懲罰她們
賽 3:23
- 摩西蒙上帕子, 以遮掩臉上的榮光
出 34:33 林後 3:13
- 用來說明
. 外邦國家靈性盲目
賽 25:7
. 猶太人國家靈性盲目
林後 3:14-16 |
內容 | - A covering for the head usually worn by women
Ge 38:14
. As a token of modesty
Ge 24:65
. As a token of subjection
1Co 11:3,6,7,10
. For concealment
Ge 38:14
- The removing of, considered rude and insolent
So 5:7
- Removing of, threatened as a punishment to ungodly women
Isa 3:23
- Moses put one on to conceal the glory of his face
Ex 34:33 2Co 3:13
. Of the spiritual blindness of the Gentile nations
Isa 25:7
. Of the spiritual blindness of the Jewish nation
2Co 3:14-16