主題Vine, The (葡萄樹 )
 - 常常是野生野長的
      王下 4:39  何 9:10 

 - 栽種在
   . 自挪亞時期就種在葡萄園
        創 9:20 

   . 山腰上
        耶 31:5 

   . 山谷中
        歌 6:11 

   . 屋子的牆邊
        詩 128:3 

 - 要讓葡萄樹結更多果子, 就得加以修剪整理
      利 25:3  代下 26:10  賽 18:5 

 - 迦南盛產葡萄樹
      申 6:11  8:8 

 - 以產葡萄樹聞名的地方
   . 以實各
        民 13:23,24 

   . 西比瑪
        賽 16:8,9 

   . 利巴嫩
        何 14:7 

   . 埃及
        詩 78:47  80:8 

 - 矮小蔓延的葡萄樹特別受珍視
      結 17:6 

 - 所多瑪的葡萄樹是不甜的, 不宜食用
      申 32:32 

 - 往往變質
      賽 5:2  耶 2:21 

 - 每每受冰雹嚴霜之害而毀損
      詩 78:47  105:32,33 

 - 狐狸會毀壞葡萄樹
      歌 2:15 

 - 野豬會毀壞葡萄樹
      詩 80:13 

 - 葡萄樹的果子
   . 稱為葡萄
        創 40:10 

   . 不熟的葡萄特別酸
        耶 31:30 

   . 現摘現吃
        申 23:24 

   . 曬乾後再吃
        撒上 25:18  30:12 

   . 在市場上販售
        尼 13:15 

   . 做成葡萄酒
        申 32:14  太 26:29 

 - 葡萄樹的枝幹只能拿來作柴燒
      結 15:2-5 

 - 牛犢吃葡萄樹的葉子和嫩芽維生
      創 49:11 

 - 一年可能收成兩次
      民 13:20 

 - 空氣因葡萄樹的芬芳花朵而變得馨香
      歌 2:13  何 14:7 

 - 百姓聽命時, 上帝就讓葡萄樹多結果子
      珥 2:22  亞 8:12 

 - 每每結不出果子, 作為百姓的懲罰
      耶 8:13  何 2:12  珥 1:7,12  該 2:19 

 - 有時葡萄未熟而落
      伯 15:33  瑪 3:11 

 - 拿細耳人不得吃葡萄樹的任何產物
      民 6:3,4 

 - 用來說明
   . 基督
        約 15:1,2 

   . 以色列
        詩 80:8  賽 5:2,7 

   . (多結果子的枝子,) 聖徒
        約 15:5 

   . (不結果子的枝子,) 聲稱是信徒卻無信仰實質的人
        約 15:2,6 

   . (迅速成長,) 聖徒德行長進
        何 14:7 

   . (結實纍纍,) 教會的美德
        歌 7:8 

   . (修剪葡萄,) 上帝用苦難煉淨祂的百姓
        約 15:2 

   . (枝幹沒有價值,) 無用的惡人
        結 15:6,7 

   . (不結果子的葡萄樹,) 惡人
        何 10:1 

   . (住在自己的葡萄樹下) 平安昌盛
        王上 4:25  彌 4:4  亞 3:10 

 - 提及先祖吃未熟葡萄的諺語
      耶 31:29,30  結 18:2 
 - Often found wild
      2Ki 4:39  Ho 9:10 

   . In vineyards from the time of Noah
        Ge 9:20 

   . On the sides of hills
        Jer 31:5 

   . In the valleys
        So 6:11 

   . By the walls of houses
        Ps 128:3 

 - Required to be dressed and pruned to increase its
      Le 25:3  2Ch 26:10  Isa 18:5 

 - Canaan abounded in
      De 6:11  8:8 

   . Eshcol
        Nu 13:23,24 

   . Sibmah
        Isa 16:8,9 

   . Lebanon
        Ho 14:7 

   . Egypt
        Ps 78:47  80:8 

 - The dwarf and spreading vine particularly esteemed
      Eze 17:6 

 - Of Sodom bad and unfit for use
      De 32:32 

 - Often degenerated
      Isa 5:2  Jer 2:21 

 - Frequently injured by hail and frost
      Ps 78:47  105:32,33 

 - Foxes destructive to
      So 2:15 

 - The wild boar destructive to
      Ps 80:13 

   . Called grapes
        Ge 40:10 

   . Peculiarly sour when unripe
        Jer 31:30 

   . Eaten fresh from the tree
        De 23:24 

   . Eaten dried
        1Sa 25:18  30:12 

   . Sold in the markets
        Ne 13:15 

   . Made into wine
        De 32:14  Mt 26:29 

 - The wood of, fit only for burning
      Eze 15:2-5 

 - Young cattle fed on its leaves and tender shoots
      Ge 49:11 

 - Probably produced two crops of fruit in the year
      Nu 13:20 

 - Perfumed the air with the fragrance of its flowers
      So 2:13  Ho 14:7 

 - God made, fruitful for his people when obedient
      Joe 2:22  Zec 8:12 

 - Frequently made unfruitful as a punishment
      Jer 8:13  Ho 2:12  Joe 1:7,12  Hag 2:19 

 - Sometimes cast its fruit before it came to perfection
      Job 15:33  Mal 3:11 

 - Nazarites prohibited eating any part of
      Nu 6:3,4 

   . Of Christ
        Joh 15:1,2 

   . Of Israel
        Ps 80:8  Isa 5:2,7 

   . (Its fruitful branches,) of saints
        Joh 15:5 

   . (Of unfruitful branches,) of mere professors
        Joh 15:2,6 

   . (Its quick growth,) of the growth of saints in grace
        Ho 14:7 

   . (Its rich clusters,) of the graces of the church
        So 7:8 

   . (Pruning of,) of God's purifying his people by afflictions
        Joh 15:2 

   . (Worthlessness of its wood,) of the unprofitableness, of
     the wicked
        Eze 15:6,7 

   . (Unfruitful,) of the wicked
        Ho 10:1 

   . (Sitting under one's own) of peace and prosperity
        1Ki 4:25  Mic 4:4  Zec 3:10 

 - Proverbial allusion to fathers eating the unripe fruit of
      Jer 31:29,30  Eze 18:2 
