中文內容 | - 真寡婦的品德
路 2:37 提前 5:5,10
- 上帝
. 必垂聽寡婦的哀求
出 22:23
. 為寡婦伸冤
申 10:18 詩 68:5
. 扶持寡婦
詩 146:9
. 立定寡婦的地界
箴 15:25
. 必見證欺壓寡婦之人的不是
瑪 3:5
- 受勸勉要信靠上帝
耶 49:11
- 不可
. 苦待寡婦
出 22:22
. 欺壓寡婦
耶 7:6 亞 7:10
. 向寡婦施暴
耶 22:3
. 拿寡婦的衣裳作當頭
申 24:17
- 應當
. 為寡婦辨屈
賽 1:17
. 敬重那真守寡的
提前 5:3
. 寡婦的朋友應救濟她們
提前 5:4,16
. 教會應救濟寡婦
徒 6:1 提前 5:9
. 探望受苦的寡婦
雅 1:27
. 讓寡婦同享我們的幸福
申 14:29 16:11,14 24:19-21
- 寡婦雖窮, 卻可能是慷慨的
可 12:42,43
- 年輕的寡婦可能遭受試探
提前 5:11-14
- 聖徒
. 使寡婦寬心
徒 9:39
. 使寡婦歡樂
伯 29:13
. 不叫寡婦失望
伯 31:16
- 惡人
. 不善待寡婦
伯 24:21
. 打發寡婦空手回去
伯 22:9
. 強取寡婦的當頭
伯 24:3
. 駁回寡婦的訟案
賽 1:23
. 虧負寡婦
結 22:7
. 以寡婦當作擄物
賽 10:2 太 23:14
. 殺害寡婦
詩 94:6
- 向寡婦屈枉正直的必受咒詛
申 27:19
- 欺壓寡婦的有禍了
賽 10:1,2
- 救濟寡婦的有福了
申 14:29
- 象徵受苦的錫安
哀 5:3
- 向先夫所負的義務盡都免除
羅 7:3
- 丈夫過世後要戴孝
創 38:14,19 撒下 14:2,5
- 羞辱跟守寡有關
賽 54:4
- 上帝預示寡婦會加增, 做為百姓的懲罰
出 22:24 耶 15:8 18:21
- 關於寡婦的律法
. 不得欺壓她們
出 22:22 申 27:19
. 債權人不得強取寡婦的衣裳作當頭
申 24:17
. 一定要還願
民 30:9
. 不得嫁給祭司
利 21:14
. 可以撿拾田間園中餘剩的莊稼
申 24:19
. 可以吃以色列人每逢三年奉獻的十分之一土產
申 14:28,29 26:12,13
. 得與大眾一同歡樂
申 16:11,14
. 寡婦若是祭司的女兒, 且沒有孩子, 得有分於聖物
利 22:13
. 寡婦若沒有孩子, 就要與先夫的至親結婚
申 25:5,6 得 3:10-13 4:4,5 太 22:24-26
- 可以改嫁
羅 7:3
- 君王與寡婦結婚視為通敵
王上 2:21-24
- 寡婦不為某人舉哀算是一大禍事
伯 27:15 詩 78:64
- 往往格外受上帝保護
申 10:18 詩 68:5
- 每每遭欺壓逼迫
伯 24:3 結 22:7
- 格外受教會關照
徒 6:1 提前 5:9
- 常常奉獻全人服事上帝
路 2:37 提前 5:10
- 寡婦極慷慨的例子
王上 17:9-15 可 12:42,43
- 用來說明
. 淒涼孤寂
賽 47:8,9
. 被擄的錫安
哀 1:1 |
內容 | - Character of true
Lu 2:37 1Ti 5:5,10
. Surely hears the cry of
Ex 22:23
. Judges for
De 10:18 Ps 68:5
. Relieves
Ps 146:9
. Establishes the border of
Pr 15:25
. Will witness against oppressors of
Mal 3:5
- Exhorted to trust in God
Jer 49:11
. Afflicted
Ex 22:22
. Oppressed
Jer 7:6 Zec 7:10
. Treated with violence
Jer 22:3
. Deprived of raiment in pledge
De 24:17
. Pleaded for
Isa 1:17
. Honoured, if widows indeed
1Ti 5:3
. Relieved by their friends
1Ti 5:4,16
. Relieved by the Church
Ac 6:1 1Ti 5:9
. Visited in affliction
Jas 1:27
. Allowed to share in our blessings
De 14:29 16:11,14 24:19-21
- Though poor, may be liberal
Mr 12:42,43
- When young, exposed to may temptations
1Ti 5:11-14
. Relieve
Ac 9:39
. Cause joy to
Job 29:13
. Disappoint not
Job 31:16
. Do no good to
Job 24:21
. Send, away empty
Job 22:9
. Take pledges from
Job 24:3
. Reject the cause of
Isa 1:23
. Vex
Eze 22:7
. Make a prey of
Isa 10:2 Mt 23:14
. Slay
Ps 94:6
- Curse for perverting judgment of
De 27:19
- Woe to those who oppress
Isa 10:1,2
- Blessings on those who relieve
De 14:29
- A type of Zion in affliction
La 5:3
- Were released from all obligation to former husbands
Ro 7:3
- Were clothed in mourning after the decease of husbands
Ge 38:14,19 2Sa 14:2,5
- Reproach connected with
Isa 54:4
- Increase of, threatened as a punishment
Ex 22:24 Jer 15:8 18:21
. Not to be oppressed
Ex 22:22 De 27:19
. Raiment of, not to be taken in pledge by creditors
De 24:17
. Bound to perform their vows
Nu 30:9
. Not to intermarry with priests
Le 21:14
. To be allowed to glean in fields and vineyards
De 24:19
. To have a share of the triennial tithe
De 14:28,29 26:12,13
. To share in public rejoicings
De 16:11,14
. When daughters of priests and childless to partake of the
holy things
Le 22:13
. When left childless, to be married by their husband's
nearest of kin
De 25:5,6 Ru 3:10-13 4:4,5 Mt 22:24-26
- Allowed to marry again
Ro 7:3
- Intermarrying with, of kings considered treason
1Ki 2:21-24
- Not to be deplored by, considered a great calamity
Job 27:15 Ps 78:64
- Were under the special protection of God
De 10:18 Ps 68:5
- Were frequently oppressed and persecuted
Job 24:3 Eze 22:7
- Specially taken care of by the Church
Ac 6:1 1Ti 5:9
- Often devoted themselves entirely to God's service
Lu 2:37 1Ti 5:10
- Instances of great liberality in
1Ki 17:9-15 Mr 12:42,43
. A desolate condition
Isa 47:8,9
. Zion in captivity
La 1:1