中文內容 | - 最早提到酒的經文
創 9:20,21
- 釀酒的原料
. 葡萄汁
創 49:11
. 石榴汁
歌 8:2
- 提到最初釀酒的方式
創 40:11
- 通常人釀酒的方式是在酒醡中採葡萄
尼 13:15 賽 63:2,3
- 提及酒的精製
賽 25:6
- 愈陳愈香
路 5:39
- 以產酒聞名的地方
. 迦南 (一般說來)
申 33:28
. 猶大的領地
創 49:8,11,12
. 利巴嫩
何 14:7
. 黑本
結 27:18
. 亞述
王下 18:32 賽 36:17
. 摩押
賽 16:8-10 耶 48:32,33
- 酒有許多種
尼 5:18
- 甜酒因為風味特別和濃烈而受珍視
賽 49:26 摩 9:13 彌 6:15
- 紅酒最受珍視
箴 23:31 賽 27:2
- 往往加了香料, 以增加其濃度
箴 9:2,5 23:30 歌 8:2
- 用途
. 是遠古的飲料
創 9:21 27:25
. 所有節期、每逢宴客時會喝酒
斯 1:7 5:6 賽 5:12 但 5:1-4 約 2:3
. 敬拜上帝時, 用來當奠祭
出 29:40 民 15:4-10
. 拜偶像時, 用來當奠祭
申 32:37,38
. 當作藥品
路 10:34 提前 5:23
- 初釀的新酒要獻給上帝
申 18:4 代下 31:5
- 新酒、五穀、油代表一切屬世的福氣
創 27:28,37 詩 4:7 何 2:8 珥 2:19
- 猶太人聽命時, 上帝就賜下充足的酒
何 2:22 珥 2:19,24 亞 9:17
- 猶太人經常無酒可喝, 這是他們的懲罰
賽 24:7,11 何 2:9 珥 1:10 該 1:11 2:16
- 猶太人每每喝酒過量
賽 5:11 珥 3:3 摩 6:6
- 欠酒的時候, 百姓會把酒跟水攙在一起
賽 1:22
- 有時, 百姓會用酒摻雜牛奶, 做為飲料
歌 5:1
- 特點
. 使上帝和人喜樂
士 9:13 亞 9:17
. 使心歡悅
詩 104:15
. 加添力量
撒下 16:2 歌 2:5
. 使人暢快
斯 1:10 傳 10:19
- 習俗是把酒送給旅人
創 14:18 撒上 25:18
- 習俗是把攙了藥的酒給痛苦受難的人喝
箴 31:6 可 15:23
- 祭司在帳幕供職的時候不得喝酒
利 10:9
- 拿細耳人離俗歸主期間不得喝酒
民 6:3
- 利甲人從來不喝酒
耶 35:5,6
- 喝酒過量
. 為上帝所禁止
弗 5:18
. 使脾氣火爆
箴 20:1
. 有損健康
撒上 25:37 何 4:11
. 削弱判斷力和記憶力
箴 31:4,5 賽 28:7
. 使熱情火上加油
賽 5:11
. 終致憂愁、爭鬥
箴 23:29,30
. 終致懊悔
箴 23:31,32
- 是大規模買賣的商品
結 27:18
- 貯存在地窖裡
代上 27:27
- 裝在皮袋裡
撒上 25:18 哈 2:15
- 舊皮袋裝新酒的後果
可 2:22
- 應當愛基督甚於酒
歌 1:2,4
- 水變為酒的神蹟
約 2:9
- 用來說明
. 基督的寶血
太 26:27-29
. 福音的賜福
箴 9:2,5 賽 25:6 55:1
. 上帝的忿怒和審判
詩 60:3 75:8 耶 13:12-14 25:15-18
. 離器真道是可憎的
啟 17:2 18:3
. 暴力、劫掠
箴 4:17 |
內容 | - First mention of
Ge 9:20,21
. The juice of the grape
Ge 49:11
. The juice of the pomegranate
So 8:2
- First mode of making, notice
Ge 40:11
- Generally made by treading the grapes in a press
Ne 13:15 Isa 63:2,3
- Refining of, alluded to
Isa 25:6
- Improved by age
Lu 5:39
. Canaan in general
De 33:28
. Possessions of Judah
Ge 49:8,11,12
. Lebanon
Ho 14:7
. Helbon
Eze 27:18
. Assyria
2Ki 18:32 Isa 36:17
. Moab
Isa 16:8-10 Jer 48:32,33
- Many kinds of
Ne 5:18
- Sweet, esteemed for flavour and strength
Isa 49:26 Am 9:13 Mic 6:15
- Red, most esteemed
Pr 23:31 Isa 27:2
- Often spiced to increase its strength, &c
Pr 9:2,5 23:30 So 8:2
. As a beverage from the earliest age
Ge 9:21 27:25
. At all feasts and entertainments
Es 1:7 5:6 Isa 5:12 Da 5:1-4 Joh 2:3
. For drink offerings in the worship of God
Ex 29:40 Nu 15:4-10
. For drink offerings in idolatrous worship
De 32:37,38
. As a medicine
Lu 10:34 1Ti 5:23
- First fruits of, to be offered to God
De 18:4 2Ch 31:5
- With corn and oil, denoted all temporal blessings
Ge 27:28,37 Ps 4:7 Ho 2:8 Joe 2:19
- Given in abundance to the Jews when obedient
Ho 2:22 Joe 2:19,24 Zec 9:17
- The Jews frequently deprived of, as a punishment
Isa 24:7,11 Ho 2:9 Joe 1:10 Hag 1:11 2:16
- The Jews frequently drank, to excess
Isa 5:11 Joe 3:3 Am 6:6
- In times of scarcity, was mixed with water
Isa 1:22
- Sometimes mixed with milk as a beverage
So 5:1
. Cheering God and man
Jud 9:13 Zec 9:17
. Gladdening the heart
Ps 104:15
. Strengthening
2Sa 16:2 So 2:5
. Making mirthful
Es 1:10 Ec 10:19
- Custom of presenting to travellers
Ge 14:18 1Sa 25:18
- Custom of giving to persons in pain or suffering, mixed with
Pr 31:6 Mr 15:23
- Forbidden to the priests while engaged in the tabernacle
Le 10:9
- Forbidden to Nazarites during their separation
Nu 6:3
- The Rechabites never drank
Jer 35:5,6
. Forbidden
Eph 5:18
. Infuriates the temper
Pr 20:1
. Impairs the health
1Sa 25:37 Ho 4:11
. Impairs the judgment and memory
Pr 31:4,5 Isa 28:7
. Inflames the passions
Isa 5:11
. Leads to sorrow and contention
Pr 23:29,30
. Leads to remorse
Pr 23:31,32
- An article of extensive commerce
Eze 27:18
- Was stored in cellars
1Ch 27:27
- Was kept in bottles
1Sa 25:18 Hab 2:15
- Consequence of putting (when new), into old bottles
Mt 2:22
- The love of Christ to be preferred to
So 1:2,4
- Water miraculously turned into
Joh 2:9
. Of the blood of Christ
Mt 26:27-29
. Of the blessing of the gospel
Pr 9:2,5 Isa 25:6 55:1
. Of the wrath and judgments of God
Ps 60:3 75:8 Jer 13:12-14 25:15-18
. Of the abominations of the apostasy
Re 17:2 18:3
. Of violence and rapine
Pr 4:17