中文內容 | - 女人一詞的由來和起因
創 2:23
- 起初受造
. 由上帝按著祂的形像而造
創 1:27
. 是用亞當的一根肋骨所造的
創 2:21,22
. 為了男人而造
林前 11:9
. 是為了作男人的配偶
創 2:18,20
. 隸屬於男人
林前 11:3
. 要作男人的榮耀
林前 11:7
- 為撒旦所矇騙
創 3:1-6 林後 11:3 提前 2:14
- 致使男人違逆上帝
創 3:6,11,12
- 女人受咒詛
創 3:16
- 上帝應許藉由女人的後裔賜下救恩
創 3:15 賽 7:14
- 上帝應許忠於祂的敬虔女子必順產
提前 2:15
- 特徵
. 比男人軟弱
彼前 3:7
. 易受驚
賽 19:16 耶 50:37 51:30 鴻 3:13
. 慈愛深情
撒下 1:26
. 憐愛她的子女, 恆常不變
賽 49:15 哀 4:10
- 女人要蓄長髮, 用來蒙頭
林前 11:15
- 描述賢德婦人
箴 31:10-28
- 才德婦人備受尊敬
得 3:11 箴 31:10,30
- 每每
. 喜歡自我放縱
賽 32:9-11
. 詭詐、愛騙人
箴 7:10 傳 7:26
. 愚昧而容易受誘犯錯
提後 3:6
. 提倡迷信和偶像崇拜不遺餘力
耶 7:18 結 13:17,23
. 積極慫恿人犯罪
民 31:15,16 王上 21:25 尼 13:26
- 在異性面前通常用帕子蒙頭
創 24:65
- 通常住在另外的房間或帳棚
創 18:9 24:67 斯 2:9,11
- 順服並敬重丈夫
彼前 3:6 創 18:12
- 顯貴婦女
. 貌美
創 12:11 24:16 歌 1:8 摩 8:13
. 舉止傲慢
賽 3:16
. 喜愛飾品衣裝
賽 3:17-23
. 頭髮編成辮子, 飾以黃金珍珠
賽 3:24 提前 2:9
- 窮人家的女子因日曬而變得黝黑
歌 1:5,6
- 年輕女子
. 稱為少女
出 2:8 路 8:51,52
. 稱為閨女
創 24:55 可 5:39
. 稱為處女
創 24:16 哀 1:4
. 快樂歡愉
士 11:34 21:21 耶 31:13 亞 9:17
. 待外地人親切而殷勤
創 24:17
. 喜愛飾品
耶 2:32
. 必須向年長婦女看齊並效法她們
多 2:4
. 若家中沒有兒子可繼承父母的財產, 就由女兒繼承
民 27:8
. 未經父母同意不得結婚
創 24:3,4 34:6 出 22:17
. 沒嫁出去被視為不幸
士 11:37 詩 78:63 賽 4:1
. 常常被擄
哀 1:18 結 30:17,18
. 誘姦許配了人的女子要受的懲罰
申 22:23-27
. 誘姦未許配人的女子要受的懲罰
出 22:16,17 申 22:28,29
. 戰時往往遭到慘無人道的對待
申 32:25 哀 2:21 5:11
. 顯貴的年輕女子穿著彩衣
撒下 13:18 詩 45:14
- 必須聽從律法
書 8:35
- 會幕的院子分配給她們
出 38:8
- 從大衛的時代起, 可以在聖殿唱歌奏樂
代上 25:5,6 拉 2:65 尼 7:67
- 往往從事
. 家事
創 18:6 箴 31:15
. 農事
得 2:8 歌 1:6
. 照料羊群
創 29:9 出 2:16
. 汲水並挑水
創 24:11,13,15,16 撒上 9:11 約 4:7
. 磨穀物
太 24:41 路 17:35
. 紡織
箴 31:13,14
. 刺繡
箴 31:22
. 慶祝國家戰勝
出 15:20,21 士 11:34 撒上 18:6,7
. 在喪禮上唱哀歌
耶 9:17,20
- 已婚女子所許的願, 若丈夫不許, 就算不得數
民 30:6-8
- 可以用疑恨的水查知紅杏出牆的婦女
民 5:14-28
- 傷害有孕在身的婦女要受懲罰
出 21:22-25
- 猶太人把受婦人轄管視為災難
賽 3:12
- 死在婦人手下算為一大恥辱
士 9:54
- 戰時被視為貴重的戰利品
申 20:14 撒上 30:2
- 戰時往往遭到慘無人道的對待
王下 8:12 哀 5:11 結 9:6 何 13:16
- 用來說明
. (打扮華麗的女子,) 基督教會
詩 45:13 加 4:26 啟 12:1
. (嬌嫩的女子,) 背道的以色列
耶 6:2
. (敬虔的貞潔女子,) 聖徒
歌 1:3 林後 11:2 啟 14:4
. (淫蕩女子,) 離棄真道的羅馬
啟 17:4,18
. (聰明女子,) 聖徒
太 25:1,2,4
. (愚昧女子,) 單單表白信仰卻無信仰實質的人
太 25:1-3
. (安逸無憂的女子,) 世俗的安全感
賽 32:9,11
. (棄婦,) 被擄的以色列民
賽 54:6 |
內容 | - Origin and cause of the name
Ge 2:23
. By God in his own image
Ge 1:27
. From one of Adam's ribs
Ge 2:21,22
. For man
1Co 11:9
. To be an helpmeet for man
Ge 2:18,20
. Subordinate to man
1Co 11:3
. To be the glory of man
1Co 11:7
- Deceived by Satan
Ge 3:1-6 2Co 11:3 1Ti 2:14
- Led man to disobey God
Ge 3:6,11,12
- Curse pronounced on
Ge 3:16
- Salvation promised through the seed of
Ge 3:15 Isa 7:14
- Safety in childbirth promised to the faithful and holy
1Ti 2:15
. Weaker than man
1Pe 3:7
. Timid
Isa 19:16 Jer 50:37 51:30 Na 3:13
. Loving and affectionate
2Sa 1:26
. Tender and constant to her offspring
Isa 49:15 La 4:10
- To wear her hair long as a covering
1Co 11:15
- Good and virtuous, described
Pr 31:10-28
- Virtuous, held in high estimation
Ru 3:11 Pr 31:10,30
. Fond of self-indulgence
Isa 32:9-11
. Subtle and deceitful
Pr 7:10 Ec 7:26
. Silly and easily led into error
2Ti 3:6
. Zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry
Jer 7:18 Eze 13:17,23
. Active in instigating to iniquity
Nu 31:15,16 1Ki 21:25 Ne 13:26
- Generally wore a vail in the presence of the other sex
Ge 24:65
- Generally lived in a separated apartment or tent
Ge 18:9 24:67 Es 2:9,11
- Submissive and respectful to husbands
1Pe 3:6 Ge 18:12
. Fair and graceful
Ge 12:11 24:16 So 1:8 Am 8:13
. Haughty in their deportment
Isa 3:16
. Fond of dress and ornaments
Isa 3:17-23
. Wore their hair plaited and adorned with gold and pearls
Isa 3:24 1Ti 2:9
- Of the poorer classes swarthy from exposure to the sun
So 1:5,6
. Called maids
Ex 2:8 Lu 8:51,52
. Called damsels
Ge 24:55 Mr 5:39
. Called virgins
Ge 24:16 La 1:4
. Gay and merry
Jud 11:34 21:21 Jer 31:13 Zec 9:17
. Kind and courteous to strangers
Ge 24:17
. Fond of ornaments
Jer 2:32
. Required to learn from and imitate their elders
Tit 2:4
. Inherited parents' property when there was no male heir
Nu 27:8
. Could not marry without consent of parents
Ge 24:3,4 34:6 Ex 22:17
. Not to be given in marriage considered a calamity
Jud 11:37 Ps 78:63 Isa 4:1
. Often taken captive
La 1:18 Eze 30:17,18
. Punishment for seducing, when betrothed
De 22:23-27
. Punishment for seducing when not betrothed
Ex 22:16,17 De 22:28,29
. Often treated with great cruelty in war
De 32:25 La 2:21 5:11
. Of distinction, dressed in robes of various colours
2Sa 13:18 Ps 45:14
- Were required to hear and obey the law
Jos 8:35
- Had a court of the tabernacle assigned to them
Ex 38:8 1Sa 2:2
- Allowed to join in the temple-music from the time of David
1Ch 25:5,6 Ezr 2:65 Ne 7:67
. Domestic employments
Ge 18:6 Pr 31:15
. Agriculture
Ru 2:8 So 1:6
. Tending sheep
Ge 29:9 Ex 2:16
. Drawing and carrying water
Ge 24:11,13,15,16 1Sa 9:11 Joh 4:7
. Grinding corn
Mt 24:41 Lu 17:35
. Spinning
Pr 31:13,14
. Embroidery
Pr 31:22
. Celebrating the victories of the nation
Ex 15:20,21 Jud 11:34 1Sa 18:6,7
. Attending funerals as mourners
Jer 9:17,20
- Vows of, when married not binding upon the husband
Nu 30:6-8
- Unfaithfulness of, when married found out by the waters of
Nu 5:14-28
- Punishment for injuring, when with child
Ex 21:22-25
- To be governed by, considered a calamity by the Jews
Isa 3:12
- To be slain by, considered a great disgrace
Jud 9:54
- Considered a valuable booty in war
De 20:14 1Sa 30:2
- Often treated with great cruelty in war
2Ki 8:12 La 5:11 Eze 9:6 Ho 13:16
. (Gloriously arrayed,) of the Church of Christ
Ps 45:13 Ga 4:26 Re 12:1
. (Delicate,) of backsliding Israel
Jer 6:2
. (Chaste and holy,) of saints
So 1:3 2Co 11:2 Re 14:4
. (Lewd,) of the Roman apostasy
Re 17:4,18
. (Wise,) of saints
Mt 25:1,2,4
. (Foolish,) of mere professors
Mt 25:1-3
. (At ease and careless,) of a state of carnal security
Isa 32:9,11
. (Forsaken,) of Israel in her captivity
Isa 54:6