內容 | - The Lord is with
1Sa 3:19
- Know the Scriptures
2Ti 3:15
- Observe the law of God
Pr 28:7
- Their obedience to parents is well pleasing to God
Col 3:20
- Partake of the promises of God
Ac 2:39
- Shall be blessed
Pr 3:1-4 Eph 6:2,3
- Show love to parents
Ge 46:29
- Obey parents
Ge 28:7 47:30
- Attend to parental teaching
Pr 13:1
- Take care of parents
Ge 45:9,11 47:12
- Make their parents' hearts glad
Pr 10:1 29:17
- Honour the aged
Job 32:6,7
- Adduced as a motive for submission to God
Heb 12:9
- Spirit of, a requisite for the kingdom of heaven
Mt 18:3
- Illustrative of a teachable spirit
Mt 18:4
- Exemplified
. Isaac
Ge 22:6-10
. Joseph
Ge 45:9 46:29
. Jephthah's daughter
Jud 11:34,36
. Samson
Jud 13:24
. Samuel
1Sa 3:19
. Obadiah
1Ki 18:12
. Josiah
2Ch 34:3
. Esther
Es 2:20
. Job
Job 29:4
. David
1Sa 17:20 Ps 71:5
. Daniel
Da 1:6
. John the Baptist
Lu 1:80
. Children in the Temple
Mt 21:15,16
. Timothy
2Ti 3:15