中文內容 | -一般經文
利 26:36,37 申 20:8 32:30 書 7:5 23:10 士 7:3
伯 15:24 18:11 箴 28:1 29:25 賽 51:12,13 加 6:12
提後 4:16
-見 勇氣
.亞當, 想把罪責推到夏娃身上
創 3:12
.亞伯拉罕, 稱妻子為妹妹
創 12:11-19 20:2-12
.以撒, 稱妻子為妹妹
創 26:7-9
.雅各, 逃離拉班
創 31:31
.亞倫, 以色列人要求神像, 就屈從他們
出 32:22-24
民 13:28,31-33
民 14:1-5 申 1:26-28
書 7:5
撒上 17:24
撒上 13:5-7
士 7:3
詩 78:9
書 17:14-18
書 10:16
書 2:11 5:1
.撒母耳, 不敢聽從上帝膏立君王代替掃羅
撒上 16:2
.大衛, 逃避押沙龍
撒下 15:13-17
.尼哥底母, 夜裡來找耶穌
約 3:1,2
.亞利馬太人約瑟, 不敢公開門徒身分
約 19:38
約 9:22
約 12:42,43
太 8:26 可 4:38 路 8:25
太 14:25 可 6:50 約 6:19
太 26:56
.彼得, 不認主
太 26:69-74 可 14:66-72 路 22:54-60
約 18:16,17,25,27
.彼拉多, 唯恐引發眾怒, 就宣判耶穌有罪
約 19:12-16
太 28:4
徒 16:27
加 2:11-14 |
內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Le 26:36,37 De 20:8 32:30 Jos 7:5 23:10 Jud 7:3 Job
15:24 18:11 Pr 28:1 29:25 Isa 51:12,13 Ga 6:12 2Ti
.Adam, in attempting to shift responsibility for his sin upon
Ge 3:12
.Abraham, in calling his wife his sister
Ge 12:11-19 20:2-12
.Isaac, in calling his wife his sister
Ge 26:7-9
.Jacob, in flying from Laban
Ge 31:31
.Aaron, in yielding to the Israelites, when they demanded an
Ex 32:22-24
.The ten spies
Nu 13:28,31-33
.The Israelites
.In fearing to attempt the conquest of Canaan
Nu 14:1-5 De 1:26-28
.In the battle with the people of Ai
Jos 7:5
.To meet Goliath
1Sa 17:24
.To fight with the Philistines
1Sa 13:6,7
.20,000 Of Gideon's army
Jud 7:3
Ps 78:9
.Ephraimites and Manassehites
Jos 17:14-18
.Amoritish kings
Jos 10:16
Jos 2:11 5:1
.Samuel, fearing to obey God's command to anoint a king in
Saul's place
1Sa 16:2
.David, in fleeing from Absalom
2Sa 15:13-17
.Nicodemus, in coming to Jesus by night
Joh 3:1,2
.Joseph of Arimathaea, secretly a disciple
Joh 19:38
.Parents of the blind man, who was restored to sight
Joh 9:22
.Early converts among the rulers
Joh 12:42,43
.The disciples
.During the storm at sea
Mt 8:26 Mr 4:38 Lu 8:25
.When they saw Jesus walking on the sea
Mt 14:25 Mr 6:50 Joh 6:19
.When Jesus was apprehended
Mt 26:56
.Peter, in denying the Lord
Mt 26:69-74 Mr 14:66-72 Lu 22:54-60 Joh
.Pilate, in condemning Jesus, through fear of the people
Joh 19:12-16
.Guards of the sepulcher of Jesus
Mt 28:4
.The Philippian jailer
Ac 16:27
.Peter and other Christians, at Antioch (of Syria)
Ga 2:11-14