中文內容 | -例子
.撒但, 試探夏娃
創 3:1-5
.雅各, 收買以掃的長子名分
創 25:31-33
.雅各, 巧奪以撒的祝福
創 27:6-29
.雅各, 管理拉班的羊群
創 30:31-43
.基遍人, 騙約書亞和雅各和他們簽下協定
書 9:3-15
.參巴拉, 想騙尼希米赴鴻門宴
尼 6
.猶太人, 千方百計要陷害夫子
太 22:15-17,24-28 可 12:13 14:18-23 路 20:19-26
.猶太人, 千方百計要殺耶穌
太 26:4 可 14:1
.Satan, in the temptation of Eve
Ge 3:1-5
.Jacob, in purchase of Esau's birthright
Ge 25:31-33
.Obtaining Isaac's blessing
Ge 27:6-29
.In management of Laban's flocks and herds
Ge 30:31-43
.Gibeonites, in deceiving Joshua and the Israelites into a
Jos 9:3-15
.Sanballat, in trying to deceive Nehemiah into a conference
Ne 6
.Jews, in seeking to entangle the Master
Mt 22:15-17,24-28 Mr 12:13 14:18-23 Lu 20:19-26
.In seeking to kill Jesus
Mt 26:4 Mr 14:1