中文內容 | -須全心用在神身上
申 6:5 可 12:30
詩 19:8-10 119:20,97,103,167
代上 29:3 詩 26:8 27:4 84:1,2
詩 16:3 羅 12:10 林後 7:13-16 帖前 2:8
西 3:1,2
詩 69:9 119:139 加 4:18
太 10:37 路 14:26
路 24:32
詩 91:14
詩 106:12,13 太 24:12 加 4:15 啟 2:4
-聖徒, 全心在神
詩 42:1 73:25 119:10
-於惡者, 並不真誠對神
賽 58:1,2 結 33:31,32 路 8:13
羅 8:13 13:14 林前 9:27 西 3:5 帖前 4:5
羅 6:6 加 5:24
加 1:10 4:17 提後 3:6 彼後 2:3,18 啟 2:14,20
-於惡者, 是不真與扭曲
羅 1:31 提後 3:3 彼後 2:10
內容 | -Should be supremely set upon God
De 6:5 Mr 12:30
-Should be set upon the commandments of God
Ps 19:8-10 119:20,97,103,167
-Should be set upon the house and worship of God
1Ch 29:3 Ps 26:8 27:4 84:1,2
-Should be set upon the people of God
Ps 16:3 Ro 12:10 2Co 7:13-16 1Th 2:8
-Should be set upon heavenly things
Col 3:1,2
-Should be zealously engaged for God
Ps 69:9 119:139 Ga 4:18
-Christ claims the first place in
Mt 10:37 Lu 14:26
-Enkindled by communion with Christ
Lu 24:32
-Blessedness of making God the object of
Ps 91:14
-Should not grow cold
Ps 106:12,13 Mt 24:12 Ga 4:15 Re 2:4
-Of saints, supremely set on God
Ps 42:1 73:25 119:10
-Of the wicked, not sincerely set on God
Isa 58:1,2 Eze 33:31,32 Lu 8:13
-Carnal, should be mortified
Ro 8:13 13:14 1Co 9:27 Col 3:5 1Th 4:5
-Carnal affections crucified in saints
Ro 6:6 Ga 5:24
-False teachers seek to captivate
Ga 1:10 4:17 2Ti 3:6 2Pe 2:3,18 Re 2:14,20
-Of the wicked, are unnatural and perverted
Ro 1:31 2Ti 3:3 2Pe 2:10