中文內容 | -斥責不順服上帝的人
民 14:11,12,22-24 32:8-13 申 18:19 28:15-68
利 26:14-46
.見 天災
.又見 罪, 罪的懲罰
.亞當和夏娃, 吃禁果
創 3:6-11
.羅得, 不肯照天使的吩咐上山
創 19:19,20
.羅得之妻, 回頭看所多瑪
創 19:26
出 4:13,14
民 20:11,23,24
.亞倫, 摩西擊打磐石時
民 20:23,24
.法老, 不肯讓以色列百姓走
出 5:2 7:13,22,23 8:15,19,32 9:12,34 10:20,27 11:10
出 14:8
.以色列百姓, 大量採集嗎哪
出 16:19,20
申 1:26 民 14:1-10 書 5:6 詩 106:24,25
.拿答和亞比戶, 獻凡香
利 10:1,2
.巴蘭, 跟巴勒的使者走
民 22:22
.亞干, 藏匿金子和巴比倫衣服
書 7:15-26
撒上 13:13
撒上 15 28:18
.大衛, 行淫, 又謀害烏利亞
撒下 12:9
.所羅門, 建築拜偶像的邱壇
王上 11:7-10
.猶大先知, 未遵守速速將信息捎給耶羅波安的吩咐
王上 13
.以色列人, 不肯打先知
王上 20:35,36
.亞哈, 容許亞述王逃出他的手心
王上 20:42
.祭司, 不按職守供職
代上 15:13
耶 43:7
.猶大百姓, 去住在埃及, 與神的吩咐唱反調
耶 44:12-14
.約拿, 不肯向尼尼微人傳講信息
拿 1
太 9:30,31
可 1:45
.保羅, 儘管再三受警告, 仍堅持上耶路撒冷
徒 21:4,10-14
.見 兒女/小孩子 , 兒女要遵守的誡命
.見 誡命 |
Nu 14:11,12,22-24 32:8-13 De 18:19 28:15-68 Le
.Of the Egyptians by plagues
.Of Adam and Eve, eating the forbidden fruit
Ge 3:6-11
.Of Lot, in refusing to go to the mountain, as commanded by
the angels
Ge 19:19,20
.Of Lot's wife, in looking back upon Sodom
Ge 19:26
.Of Moses
.In making excuses when commissioned to deliver lsrael
Ex 4:13,14
.When he struck the rock
Nu 20:11,23,24
.Of Aaron, at the hitting of the rock by Moses
Nu 20:23,24
.Of Pharaoh, in refusing to let the people of Israel go
Ex 5:2 7:13,22,23 8:15,19,32 9:12,34 10:20,27 11:10 14:8
.Of the people of Israel, in gathering excessive quantities
of manna
Ex 16:19,20
.In refusing to enter the promised land
De 1:26 Nu 14:1-10 Jos 5:6 Ps 106:24,25
.Of Nadab and Abihu, in offering strange fire
Le 10:1,2
.Of Balaam, in accompanying the messengers from Balak
Nu 22:22
.Of Achan, in hiding the wedge of gold and the Babylonian
Jos 7:15-26
.Of Saul
.In offering a sacrifice
1Sa 13:13
.In sparing Agag and the spoils of the Amalekites
1Sa 15 28:18
.Of David, in his adultery, and in arranging for the death of
2Sa 12:9
.Of Solomon, in building places for idolatrous worship
1Ki 11:7-10
.Of the prophet of Judah, in not keeping the commandment to
deliver his message to Jeroboam without delay
1Ki 13
.Of a man of Israel, who refused to strike the prophet
1Ki 20:35,36
.Of Ahab, in suffering the king of Assyria to escape out of
his hands
1Ki 20:42
.Of priests, in not performing their functions after the due
1Ch 15:13
.Of the people of Judah
Jer 43:7
.Of the people of Judah, in going to live in Egypt contrary
to divine command
Jer 44:12-14
.Of Jonah, in refusing to deliver the message to the
Jon 1
.Of the blind men Jesus healed, and ordered them not to
proclaim their healing
Mt 9:30,31
.Of the leper whom Jesus healed, and ordered him not to
proclaim the fact
Mr 1:45
.Of Paul, in going to Jerusalem contrary to repeated warnings
Ac 21:4,10-14