中文內容 | -禁食的場合
撒下 1:12
詩 35:13 但 6:18
撒下 12:16
斯 4:16
徒 13:3 14:23
但 9:3
撒上 7:6 尼 9:1,2
申 9:18 尼 9:1
申 9:9,18
太 4:1,2 可 1:12,13 路 4:1,2
太 9:14
路 2:37
太 9:14 可 2:18 路 18:12
徒 10:30
林後 6:5 11:27
撒上 31:13 代上 10:12
撒下 1:12
撒下 3:35
但 10:2,3
出 24:18 34:28 申 9:9,18
王上 19:8
太 4:2
-見 降卑並刻苦己心
-見 謙卑
拉 8:21-23 詩 35:13 69:10 賽 58:3-7 耶 14:12
但 10:3 珥 1:14 2:12,13 亞 7:5 8:19 太 6:16-18 9:14,15
太 17:21 徒 27:9,33,34 林前 7:5
.由於利未人的妾慘遭凌辱, 其他支派與便雅憫支派起衝突時
士 20:26
撒上 7:6
撒下 1:12
撒下 12:16-22
詩 35:13
詩 69:10
詩 109:4,24
.亞哈, 當以利亞預言他和他一家必滅亡時
王上 21:27 20:29
.約沙法, 迦南人和亞蘭人聯軍入侵時
代下 20:3
.以斯拉, 因為猶太人與拜偶像的外邦女子通婚
拉 10:6
.尼希米, 因為耶路撒冷和聖殿荒涼
尼 1:4
.猶太人, 當耶利米發不利於猶大和耶路撒冷的預言時
耶 36:9
.在巴比倫, 禱告祈求上帝拯救引導
拉 8:21,23
.大利烏, 將但以理下到獅子坑以後
但 6:18
.因為百姓被擄, 禁食禱告祈求他們得救
但 9:3
但 10:1-3
.尼尼微人, 當約拿向他們傳道時
拿 3:5-10
.保羅, 信主時
徒 9:9
.門徒, 巴拿巴和掃羅按立聖職時
徒 13:2,3
徒 14:23 |
內容 | -Observed on occasions of public calamities
2Sa 1:12
Ps 35:13 Da 6:18
-Private afflictions
2Sa 12:16
-Approaching danger
Es 4:16
-Ordination of ministers
Ac 13:3 14:23
-Accompanied by prayer
Da 9:3
-Confession of sin
1Sa 7:6 Ne 9:1,2
De 9:18 Ne 9:1
-During forty days
De 9:9,18
Mt 4:1,2 Mr 1:12,13 Lu 4:1,2
.By John's disciples
Mt 9:14
.By Anna
Lu 2:37
.By Pharisees
Mt 9:14 Mr 2:18 Lu 18:12
.By Cornelius
Ac 10:30
.By Paul
2Co 6:5 11:27
-In times of bereavement
.Of the people of Jabesh-gilead, for Saul and his sons
1Sa 31:13 1Ch 10:12
.Of David, at the time of Saul's death
2Sa 1:12
.Of Abner's death
2Sa 3:35
.For three weeks, by Daniel
Da 10:2,3
.For forty days, by Moses
Ex 24:18 34:28 De 9:9,18
1Ki 19:8
Mt 4:2
Ezr 8:21-23 Ps 35:13 69:10 Isa 58:3-7 Jer 14:12 Da
10:3 Joe 1:14 2:12,13 Zec 7:5 8:19 Mt 6:16-18 9:14,15 17:21 Ac 27:9,33,34 1Co 7:5
.Of the Israelites
.In the conflict between the other tribes with the tribe of
Benjamin, on account of the wrong suffered by a Levite's
Jud 20:26
.When they went to Mizpeh for the ark of the covenant
1Sa 7:6
.Of David
.Upon the death of Saul
2Sa 1:12
.During the sickness of the child born to him by Bath-sheba
2Sa 12:16-22
.While interceding in prayer for his friends
Ps 35:13
.In his zeal for Zion
Ps 69:10
.In prayer for himself and his adversaries
Ps 109:4,24
.Of Ahab, when Elijah prophesied the destruction of himself
and his house
1Ki 21:27 20:29
.Of Jehoshaphat, at the time of the invasion of the
confederated armies of the Canaanites and Syrians
2Ch 20:3
.Of Ezra, on account of the idolatrous marriages of the Jews
Ezr 10:6
.Of Nehemiah, on account of the desolation of Jerusalem and
the temple
Ne 1:4
.Of the Jews, when Jeremiah prophesied against Judea and
Jer 36:9
.In Babylon, with prayer for divine deliverance and guidance
Ezr 8:21,23
.Of Darius, when he put Daniel in the lions' den
Da 6:18
.Of Daniel
.On account of the captivity of the people, with prayer for
their deliverance
Da 9:3
.At the time of his vision
Da 10:1-3
.Ninevites, when Jonah preached to them
Jon 3:5-10
.By Paul, at the time of his conversion
Ac 9:9
.Of the disciples, at the time of the consecration of
Barnabas and Saul
Ac 13:2,3
.Of the consecration of the elders
Ac 14:23