內容 | -Imposition of hands
Heb 6:2
-In consecration
Ge 48:14 Ex 29:10,15,19 Le 1:4 3:2,8,13 4:15,24,33 16:21
-In ordaining the Levites
Nu 8:10,11
Nu 27:18-23 De 34:9
1Ti 4:14 2Ti 1:6
-In healing
Mr 6:5 7:32 16:18 Lu 4:40 Ac 19:6,11
-In blessing children
Mt 19:13 Mr 10:16
-In solemnizing testimony
Le 24:14
-Lifted up in benediction
Le 9:22 Lu 24:50
-In prayer
-Ceremonial washing of
Mt 15:2 Mr 7:2-5
-Symbolical of righteousness
Job 17:9
-Washing of, a symbol of innocency
De 21:6 Mt 27:24
-Clasping of, in token of contract
Ezr 10:19 Pr 6:1 17:18 La 5:6 Eze 17:18
-Of friendship
2Ki 10:15 Job 17:3
-Right hand lifted up in swearing
Ge 14:22 Ps 106:26 Isa 62:8
-Symbol of power
Isa 23:11 41:10
-Place of honor
Ps 45:9 80:17
Mt 5:30 18:8 Mr 9:43
.Anthropomorphic use of
.The hand of the Lord
.Is not limited
Nu 11:23
.Is mighty
Jos 4:24
.Was heavy
1Sa 5:6
.Was against the Philistines
1Sa 7:13
.Was on Elijah
1Ki 18:46
.Has unlimited power
Isa 59:1
.Was with the early Christians
Ac 11:21
.For extended anthropomorphisms consult a concordance under
the word "hand."