中文內容 | -(在欽定本中, 這個字出現在舊約聖經的地方列舉如下,
是從希伯來文「陰間」翻譯來的, 意思是看不見的狀態)
-舊約聖經的欽定本修訂本, 這個字只出現在
賽 5:14 14:9,15 28:15,18 57:9 結 31:16,17 32:21,27
摩 9:2 拿 2:2 哈 2:5
申 32:22 詩 86:13
詩 55:15
撒下 22:6 伯 11:8 26:6 詩 9:17 16:10 18:5 116:3
詩 139:8 箴 5:5 7:27 9:18 15:11,24 23:14 27:20
創 37:35 42:38 44:29,31 撒上 2:6 王上 2:6,9 伯 7:9
伯 14:13 17:13 21:13 24:19 詩 6:5 30:3 31:17 49:14,15
詩 88:3 89:48 141:7 箴 1:12 30:16 傳 9:10 歌 8:6
何 13:14
-希臘字 "gehenna", 在修訂本下列經節譯作「地獄」
太 5:22,29,30 10:28 18:9 23:15,33 可 9:43,45,47
路 12:5 雅 3:6
-修訂本在下列經節採用希臘版本的「地獄(冥府)」一字, 意思是
太 11:23 16:18 路 10:15 16:23 徒 2:27,31 啟 1:18 6:8
啟 20:13,14
詩 9:17 箴 5:5 9:13,15-18 15:24 23:13,14 賽 30:33
賽 33:14 太 3:12 5:29,30 7:13,14 8:11,12 10:28
太 13:30,38-42,49,50 16:18 18:8,9,34,35 22:13
太 25:28-30,41,46 可 9:43-48 路 3:17 16:23-26,28
徒 1:25 帖後 1:9 彼後 2:4 猶 1:6-23 啟 2:11 9:1,2
啟 11:7 14:10,11 19:20 20:10,15 21:8
.見 惡人, 惡人的懲罰 |
內容 | -(In the A. V. this word occurs in O. T. Scriptures, cited
below, and is the translation of the Hebrew word "sheol,"
which signifies the unseen state)
-In the R. V. of O. T. it appears only in
Isa 5:14 14:9,15 28:15,18 57:9 Eze 31:16,17 32:21,27 Am 9:2 Jon 2:2 Hab 2:5
-In the R. V., "sheol" is translated "lowest pit"
De 32:22 Ps 86:13
-And it is translated "pit" in
Ps 55:15
-In the R. V. the word "Sheol" itself occurs in the following
2Sa 22:6 Job 11:8 26:6 Ps 9:17 16:10 18:5 116:3 139:8 Pr 5:5 7:27 9:18 15:11,24 23:14 27:20
-"Sheol" is translated "grave" in A. V. in
Ge 37:35 42:38 44:29,31 1Sa 2:6 1Ki 2:6 9 Job 7:9 14:13 17:13 21:13 24:19 Ps 6:5 30:3 31:17 49:14,15 88:3 89:48 141:7 Pr 1:12 30:16 Ec 9:10 So 8:6 Ho
-In the R. V. the Greek word "gehenna" is translated "hell" in
the following scriptures
Mt 5:22,29,30 10:28 18:9 23:15,33 Mr 9:43,45,47 Lu
12:5 Jas 3:6
-The R. V. has introduced "Hades," the word found in the Greek
text, which signifies the unseen world, in the following
Mt 11:23 16:18 Lu 10:15 16:23 Ac 2:27,31 Re 1:18 6:8 20:13,14
Ps 9:17 Pr 5:5 9:13,15-18 15:24 23:13,14 Isa 30:33 33:14 Mt 3:12 5:29,30 7:13,14 8:11,12 10:28 13:30,38-42,49,50 16:18 18:8,9,34,35 22:13 25:28-30,41,46 Mr 9:43-48 Lu 3:17 16:23-26,28 Ac 1:25 2Th 1:9 2Pe 2:4 Jude 1:6-23 Re 2:11 9:1,2 11:7 14:10,11 19:20 20:10,15 21:8