內容 | -Sent by Moses to Edom
Nu 20:14
-Sent to the Amorites
Nu 21:21
-Sent by Gibeonites to the Israelites
Jos 9:4
-Israelites to various nations
Jud 11:12-28
-Hiram to David
2Sa 5:11
-And Solomon
1Ki 5:1
-Benhadad to Ahab
1Ki 20:2-6
-Amaziah to Jehoash
2Ki 14:8
-Ahaz to Tiglath
2Ki 16:7
-Hoshea to So
2Ki 17:4
-Sennacherib through Rabshakeh to Hezekiah
2Ki 19:9
-Berodach to Hezekiah
2Ki 20:12 2Ch 32:31
-Zedekiah to Egypt
Eze 17:15
-Other references to
Pr 13:17 Isa 18:2 30:4 33:7 36:11 39:1,2 Lu 14:32
Job 33:23 Ob 1:1 2Co 5:20 Eph 6:20