中文內容 | -例子
王上 21:13 21:1-16
.耶利米被控所發的預言犯了叛逆罪, 不過無罪釋放
耶 26:1-24
耶 37:13-15
.三個希伯來俘虜, 被控蔑視王命
但 3:12 3:1-28
.但以理, 被控蔑視王命
但 6:13 6:1-24
.耶穌, 被控兩項罪名
.第一, 褻瀆
太 26:61 可 14:58 太 26:63-65 可 14:61-64
路 22:67-71 約 19:7
.第二, 謀反
太 27:11,37 可 15:2,26 路 23:2,3,38 約 18:30,33
約 19:12,19-22
徒 6:11,13
徒 17:7 18:13 24:5 25:18,19,26,27
徒 16:20,21
徒 18:14-16
.Naboth on the charge of blasphemy
1Ki 21:13 21:1-16
.Jeremiah of treasonable prophecy, but of which he was
Jer 26:1-24
.A second indictment
Jer 37:13-15
.Three Hebrew captives on the charge of defiance against
Da 3:12 3:1-28
.Daniel, on the charge of defiance against authority
Da 6:13 6:1-24
.Jesus, under two charges
.First, of blasphemy
Mt 26:61 Mr 14:58 Mt 26:63-65 Mr 14:61-64 Lu
22:67-71 Joh 19:7
.The second, of treason
Mt 27:11,37 Mr 15:2,26 Lu 23:2,3,38 Joh 18:30,33 19:12,19-22
.Stephen for blasphemy
Ac 6:11,13
Ac 17:7 18:13 24:5 25:18,19,26,27
.Paul and Silas
Ac 16:20,21
.Indictment quashed
Ac 18:14-16