中文內容 | -1. 大祭司. 名為亞希米勒, 見
撒下 8:17 代上 24:3,6,31
代上 18:16
撒上 22:20
.因為掃羅殺了挪伯城的祭司, 就逃往大衛那裡, 以躲避掃羅報復
撒上 22:20-23 22:6-19
撒上 22:9-12 30:7-12
.大衛年間, 與撒督同為大祭司
撒下 15:35 20:25 王上 4:4 代上 15:11
撒下 8:17 代上 18:16
.押沙龍背叛時, 仍忠於大衛; 帶著約櫃離開耶路撒冷, 但受大衛
命令, 把約櫃帶回來
撒下 15:24-29
.差自己的兒子從耶路撒冷前往大衛那裡, 把亞希多弗的計謀密告
大衛, 幫助了大衛
撒下 15:35,36 17:15-22 王上 2:26
王上 1:7
王上 2:26,27 撒上 2:31-35
-2. 亞比亞他
.見 亞希米勒 |
內容 | -1. High priest. Called AHIMELECH in
2Sa 8:17 1Ch 24:3,6,31
1Ch 18:16
.Son of Ahimelech
1Sa 22:20
.Escapes to David from the vengeance of Saul, who slew the
priests in the City of Nob
1Sa 22:20-23 22:6-19
.Consults the ephod for David
1Sa 22:9-12 30:9-12
.Associate high priest with Zadok in the reign of David
2Sa 15:35 20:25 1Ki 4:4 1Ch 15:11
.But called AHIMELECH and father of Abiathar
2Sa 8:17 1Ch 18:16
.Loyal to David when Absalom rebelled; leaves Jerusalem with
the ark of the covenant, but is directed by David to return
with the ark
2Sa 15:24-29
.Helps David by sending his son from Jerusalem to David with
secret information concerning the counsel of Ahithophel
2Sa 15:35,36 17:15-22 1Ki 2:26
.Supports Adonijah's pretensions to the throne
1Ki 1:7
.Thrust out of office by Solomon
1Ki 2:26,27 1Sa 2:31-35