中文內容 | -人為人說項
撒上 2:25
創 37:21,22
創 37:26,27
創 41:9-13 40:14
撒上 19:1-7
撒上 25:23-35
撒下 14:1-24
王上 1:15-31
王上 2:13-25
耶 38:7-13
王下 4:13
王下 5:6-8
門 1:10-21
創 20:7 出 28:12,29,30,38 32:9-14 民 6:23-26 14:11-21
民 16:46-50 申 5:5 7:9 9:18,20,25-29 撒上 7:5-8 12:23
撒上 15:24-26,30 伯 1:5 9:32,33 16:21 42:8-10 詩 122:6
賽 62:6,7 65:8 耶 5:1 7:16 11:14 14:11 15:1 29:7
結 22:30 太 8:5-13 可 6:55,56 弗 6:18 提前 2:1,2
來 13:18 雅 5:14-20 彼前 2:5,9 約一 5:16
創 48:15-20 出 32:31,32 34:9 民 10:35,36 27:16,17
書 7:7-26 士 5:31 得 2:12 撒上 1:17 12:23 撒下 24:17
王上 8:29,38,39,44,45 代上 29:18,19 代下 6:40,41 30:18,19
詩 7:9 12:1 20:1-4 25:22 28:9 36:10 51:18
詩 80:1,2,14,15,17,19 122:7,8 125:4 132:8-10 134:3 141:5
賽 62:1 63:17-19 64:8-12 耶 18:20 結 9:8 11:13
但 9:3-19 珥 2:17 彌 7:14 太 5:44 6:10 徒 7:60 8:15
羅 1:9 10:1 林前 1:3 林後 9:10,14 13:7 加 1:3 6:16
弗 1:15-19 3:14-19 腓 1:3-5,9,10 西 1:3,4,9 2:1,2 4:12
帖前 1:2 3:10,12,13 5:23 帖後 1:11 2:16,17 3:5,16
提後 1:3,18 2:7 4:16 門 1:4-6 來 13:20,21 彼前 5:10
.見 禱告, 代禱
創 18:23-32
創 20:17,18
創 24:12
創 49
出 8:12,13,30,31 9:33 10:18,19
民 16:20-22 21:7 申 33:6-17 詩 106:23
民 12:13-15
.大衛, 為以色列
撒下 24:17
.所羅門, 為以色列
王上 8:29-53
.以斯拉, 為以色列
拉 9:5-15
.尼希米, 為猶大和耶路撒冷
尼 1:4-9
.亞薩, 為會眾
詩 80 詩 83
.可拉, 為會眾
詩 85:1-7
.耶利米, 為以色列
耶 14:7-22
.阿摩司, 為以色列
摩 7:2-6
.敘利腓尼基族婦人, 為女兒
太 15:22 可 7:26
.門徒, 為彼得的岳母
路 4:38,39
.父母, 為患癲癇症的兒子
太 17:15 可 9:17-27
.其他人, 為受苦的人尋求耶穌醫治
太 12:22 15:22,30 17:14-18 可 1:32 2:3 路 5:18-20
約 4:47,49
.保羅, 為上帝的百姓
徒 20:32
提後 1:16,18
徒 14:26 15:40
出 8:8,28 9:28 10:17 12:32
民 21:7
撒上 12:19
王上 13:6
王下 19:1-4
耶 37:3
耶 42:1-6
但 2:17,18
拉 6:10
徒 8:24
羅 15:30-32 林後 1:11 弗 6:19,20 帖前 5:25 帖後 3:1
來 13:18
.摩西, 為法老
出 8:12,15
出 8:30-32
出 9:27-35
出 10:16-20
出 10:21-23
.摩西, 為以色列人代求
出 17:11-14
出 32:11-14,31-34 申 9:18-29 10:10 詩 106:23
.為亞倫, 由於他犯了造金牛犢的罪
申 9:20
出 33:15-17
民 11:1,2
.由於探子報惡信, 百姓抱怨時
民 14:11-20
民 21:4-9
民 12:13
.撒母耳, 祈求不受非利士人欺壓
撒上 7:5-14
.以色列先知, 祈求耶羅波安枯乾的手復原
王上 13:1-6
.以利亞, 使好客的寡婦的兒子復活
王上 17:20-23
.以利沙, 使書念婦人的兒子復活
王下 4:33-36
.以賽亞, 為希西家和百姓祈求脫離西拿基立之手
王下 19
創 18:26,29,30,32 19:22 26:4,5,24 王上 11:12,13,34 15:4
王下 8:19 代下 21:7 詩 103:17,18 賽 37:35 耶 5:1
結 14:14,16,18,20 太 24:22 羅 11:27,28 啟 5:8 8:3,4
.見 兒女/小孩子 , 義人的兒女蒙上帝祝福
.見 耶穌, 耶穌是中保
1Sa 2:25
.Reuben for Joseph
Ge 37:21,22
.Judah for Joseph
Ge 37:26,27
.Pharaoh's chief baker for Joseph
Ge 41:9-13 40:14
.Jonathan for David
1Sa 19:1-7
.Abigail for Nabal
1Sa 25:23-35
.Joab for Absalom
2Sa 14:1-24
.For Solomon
1Ki 1:15-31
.For Adonijah
1Ki 2:13-25
.Ebed-melech for Jeremiah
Jer 38:7-13
.Elisha offers to see the king for the Shunammite woman
2Ki 4:13
.The king of Syria for Naaman
2Ki 5:6-8
.Paul for Onesimus
Phm 1:10-21
Ge 20:7 Ex 28:12,29,30,38 32:9-14 Nu 6:23-26 14:11-21 16:46-50 De 5:5 7:9 9:18,20,25-29 1Sa 7:5-8 12:23 15:24-26,30 Job 1:5 9:32,33 16:21 42:8-10 Ps 122:6 Isa
62:6,7 65:8 Jer 5:1 7:16 11:14 14:11 15:1 29:7 Eze
22:30 Mt 8:5-13 Mr 6:55,56 Eph 6:18 1Ti 2:1,2 Heb
13:18 Jas 5:14-20 1Pe 2:5,9 1Jo 5:16
Ge 48:15-20 Ex 32:31,32 34:9 Nu 10:35,36 27:16,17 Jos
7:7-26 Jud 5:31 Ru 2:12 1Sa 1:17 12:23 2Sa 24:17 1Ki
8:29,38,39,44,45 1Ch 29:18,19 2Ch 6:40,41 30:18,19 Ps
7:9 12:1 20:1-4 25:22 28:9 36:10 51:18 80:1,2,14,15,17,19 122:7,8 125:4 132:8-10 134:3 141:5 Isa 62:1 63:17-19 64:8-12 Jer 18:20 Eze 9:8 11:13 Da
9:3-19 Joe 2:17 Mic 7:14 Mt 5:44 6:10 Ac 7:60 8:15 Ro
1:9 10:1 1Co 1:3 2Co 9:10,14 13:7 Ga 1:3 6:16 Eph
1:15-19 3:14-19 Php 1:3-5,9,10 Col 1:3,4,9 2:1,2 4:12 1Th 1:2 3:10,12,13 5:23 2Th 1:11 2:16,17 3:5,16 2Ti
1:3,18 2:7 4:16 Phm 1:4-6 Heb 13:20,21 1Pe 5:10
.In behalf of Sodom
Ge 18:23-32
.In behalf of Abimelech
Ge 20:17,18
.Abraham's servant, in behalf of his master
Ge 24:12
.Jacob, in behalf of his children
Ge 49
.Moses, in behalf of Pharaoh
Ex 8:12,13,30,31 9:33 10:18,19
.For Israel
Nu 16:20-22 21:7 De 33:6-17 Ps 106:23
.For Miriam
Nu 12:13-15
.David, for Israel
2Sa 24:17
.Solomon, for Israel
1Ki 8:29-53
.Ezra, for Israel
Ezr 9:5-15
.Nehemiah, in behalf of Judah and Jerusalem
Ne 1:4-9
.Asaph, for the congregation
Ps 80 83
.Korah, for the congregation
Ps 85:1-7
.Jeremiah, for Israel
Jer 14:7-22
.Amos, for Israel
Am 7:2-6
.The Syro-Phoenician woman, for her daughter
Mt 15:22
.The disciples, in behalf of Peter's mother-in-law
Lu 4:38,39
.Parents, for their epileptic son
Mt 17:15 Mr 9:17-27
.Others, who sought Jesus in behalf of afflicted people
Mt 12:22 15:22,30 17:14-18 Mr 1:32 2:3 Lu 5:18-20 Joh 4:47,49
.Paul, for God's people
Ac 20:32
2Ti 1:16,18
.For Paul, by the congregations
Ac 14:26 15:40
.Instances of
.By Pharaoh, of Moses
Ex 8:8,28 9:28 10:17 12:32
.And by the Israelites
Nu 21:7
.By Israel, of Samuel
1Sa 12:19
.By Jeroboam, of a prophet
1Ki 13:6
.By Hezekiah, of Isaiah
2Ki 19:1-4
.By Zedekiah, of Jeremiah
Jer 37:3
.And by Johanan
Jer 42:1-6
.By Daniel, of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego
Da 2:17,18
.By Darius, of the Jews
Ezr 6:10
.By Simon Magus, of Peter
Ac 8:24
.By Paul, of the congregations
Ro 15:30-32 2Co 1:11 Eph 6:19,20 1Th 5:25 2Th 3:1 Heb 13:18
.Instances of
.Of Moses, in behalf of Pharaoh
.For the plague of frogs to be abated
Ex 8:12,15
.For the plague of flies
Ex 8:30-32
.For the plague of rain, thunder, and hail
Ex 9:27-35
.For the plague of locusts
Ex 10:16-20
.For the plague of darkness
Ex 10:21-23
.Of Moses, for the Israelites
.During the battle with the Amalekites
Ex 17:11-14
.After the Israelites had made the golden calf
Ex 32:11-14,31-34 De 9:18-29 10:10 Ps 106:23
.In behalf of Aaron, on account of his sin in making the
golden calf
De 9:20
.After the complaining of the people
Ex 33:15-17
.When the fire of the Lord consumed the people
Nu 11:1,2
.When the people complained on account of the report of the
Nu 14:11-20
.That the plague of the fiery serpents would stop
Nu 21:4-9
.That Miriam's leprosy might be healed
Nu 12:13
.Of Samuel, for deliverance from the oppressions of the
1Sa 7:5-14
.The prophet of Israel, for the restoration of Jeroboam's
withered hand
1Ki 13:1-6
.Of Elijah, for raising the son of the hospitable widow from
the dead
1Ki 17:20-23
.Of Elisha, for raising the son of the Shunammite woman from
the dead
2Ki 4:33-36
.Of Isaiah, in behalf of Hezekiah and the people, to be
delivered from Sennacherib
2Ki 19
Ge 18:26,29,30,32 19:22 26:4,5,24 1Ki 11:12,13,34 15:4 2Ki 8:19 2Ch 21:7 Ps 103:17,18 Isa 37:35 Jer 5:1 Eze
14:14,16,18,20 Mt 24:22 Ro 11:27,28 Re 5:8 8:3,4