中文內容 | -1. 賦予雅各的名字
創 32:24-32 王下 17:34 何 12:3,4
-2. 在先知書上, 是彌賽亞的名字
賽 49:3
-3. 賦予雅各後裔的名字, 是一個國家
.又稱為以色列人, 即希伯來人
創 43:32 出 1:15 9:7 10:3 21:2 利 23:42 書 13:6
撒上 4:6 13:3,19 14:11,21 腓 3:5
-(在名單中, 通常見不到雅各的兒子利未和約瑟這兩人的名字)
.利未的後裔分別為聖, 專事宗教儀式, 雅各代替約瑟收養了
創 48:5 書 14:4
.以法蓮和瑪拿西於是出現在支派名冊上, 代替利未和約瑟;
啟 21:12
創 15:5,13 25:23 26:4 27:28,29,40 48:19
創 49 申 33
創 13:16 15:5 22:17 26:4 28:14
創 15:13,14 徒 7:6,7
.分為不同家族, 各有其族長
民 25:14
民 26 36:1 書 7:14
代上 4 代上 5 代上 6 代上 7 代上 8
創 46:8-27 出 1:5 申 10:22 徒 7:14
出 12:37,38 創 47:27 出 1:7-20 詩 105:24
徒 7:17
.出埃及時, 可從軍的人數
出 12:37
民 1:1-50
民 26
撒下 24:1-9 代上 21:5,6 27:23,24
拉 2:64 尼 7:66,67
啟 7:1-8
創 46:28-34 47:4-10,27,28
出 12:40,41 創 15:13 徒 7:6 加 3:17
出 1 出 2 出 5 徒 7:18-21
出 2:23-25
出 3:2-22 4:1-17
.見 埃及
出 8:22,23 9:4-6,26 10:23 11:7 12:13
.埃及頭生的遭擊殺時, 以色列小孩倖免於難
出 12:13,23
出 12:1-28
出 11:2,3 12:35,36 詩 105:37
出 12:31-39
出 12:37-39
出 12:42
出 12:42 13:3-16
出 13:18,21,22
申 8:3,4 29:5,6 34:7 尼 9:21 詩 105:37
.見 嗎哪
.見 雲, 雲柱
出 13:20
出 14:2 民 33:5-7
出 14:5-31
出 14:19-22 申 11:4
詩 78 詩 105 詩 106 詩 136
民 2
出 15:23 民 33:8
出 15:23-25
出 15:25
出 15:27 民 33:9
.欲知旅程路線, 請見
民 33
出 16:2,3
出 16:4-36
出 17:2-7
出 17:5-7
出 17:13 申 25:17,18
出 19:1 民 33:15
.因為摩西的岳父葉忒羅的建議, 他們成立了管理系統
出 18:25 申 1:9-17
.上帝給他們的信息是, 要他們順服祂的誡命, 祂就要
酬報他們, 叫他們成為祂的聖潔國民, 他們的回應是
出 19:3-8
出 19:10-15
出 20 出 21 出 22 出 23 24:1-4
利 25 利 26 利 27
.百姓領受律法, 並立約承諾信守
出 24:3,7
出 32 申 9:17-21
出 32:9-14
.摩西義憤填膺; 摔碎石版; 進了營房; 吩咐利未人行刑;
出 32:19-35
出 32:35
出 33:3 34:9 申 9:12-29
出 33:1-3
.上帝拒絕引領他們, 他們就哀傷
出 33:4-10
出 34
.帳幕和其配備的樣式, 並要奉行敬拜形式
出 25 出 26 出 27 出 28 出 29 出 30 出 31
.為了創立帳幕, 把禮物分別為聖
出 35 36:1-7
民 7
.架設帳幕; 製造其中的配備, 包括祭司的衣著; 使配備成聖
出 36:8-38
出 37 出 38 出 39 出 40
.按著律法, 以色列第一次獻祭
利 8:14-36 9:8-24
民 9:1-5
民 10:11-36
.欲知旅程路線, 請見
民 33
民 2
民 12:16
民 13 32:8 申 1:22,25 書 14:7
.多數探子報憂, 少數探子報喜
民 13:26-33 14:6-10
民 14:1-5
.因為他們不信而抱怨, 上帝的審判臨到他們
民 14:13-39
.百姓的反應, 定意要進迦南地; 敗在亞瑪力人手下
民 14:40-45 申 1:41-45
申 1:46
.回到曠野, 滯留了三十八年, 除了約書亞和迦勒以外,
民 14:20-39
民 16:1-40 申 11:6
.百姓向摩西和亞倫抱怨, 因而遭受瘟疫, 死了 14700 人,
民 16:41-50
.在米利巴抱怨沒水喝; 擊打磐石
民 20:1-13
民 20:14-21
民 20:22,29 33:38,39 申 10:6
民 21:1-3
民 21:4-9
民 21:21-32 申 2:24-35
民 21:33-35 申 3:1-17
.抵達摩押平原, 來到約但河淺灘
民 22:1 33:48,49
民 25:1-5
.結果遭受瘟疫的懲罰, 死了 24000 人
民 25:6-15 26:1
民 26
民 27:1-11 書 17:3-6
民 31
申 2:25
申 29
.摩西辭世, 百姓哀悼
申 34
民 27:18-23 申 31:23
.見 約書亞
.所有在西乃山上被數點的百姓死在曠野中, 迦勒
民 26:63,65 申 2:14-16
書 23:8 士 2:7-10 耶 2:2,3
民 34:17-29
.離開什亭, 來到約但河
書 3:1
書 4
.行割禮, 慶祝逾越節
書 5
書 6
書 7 8:1-35
書 9
書 10
書 21:43-45 士 1:1-36
書 15 書 16 書 17 書 18 書 19 書 20 書 21
.兩個半支派從約但河西回家; 豎立紀念碑, 表明各支派聯合;
紀念碑的意義遭誤會, 惹來非議; 圓滿解決
書 22
書 23
.重新立約, 約書亞辭世
書 24 士 2:8,9
.約書亞有生之年, 以色列忠於上帝
書 24:31 士 2:7
.士師掌管公眾事務, 有四百五十年之久
士 2:16-19 徒 13:20
士 1:27-36 3:1-7
士 2:1-5
.百姓故態復萌, 拜起偶像
士 2:10-23
.因為拜偶像, 被交在米所波大米王手中八年, 他們也悔改,
士 3:8-11
.再度拜偶像, 為摩押王服苦十八年, 悔改, 由以笏加以解救,
士 3:12-30
.珊迦抵拒非利士人來襲, 救了以色列
士 3:31
.百姓再度行惡, 受亞蘭王奴役二十年
士 4:1-3
.由女先知底波拉解救, 她作了士師
士 4 士 5
.受米甸人奴役七年; 由基甸解救
士 6 士 7 8:1-28
.見 基甸
士 8:33,34
士 9
士 10:1,2
士 10:3,4
.百姓背道, 上帝把他們交在非利士人手中十八年, 以管教他們;
他們悔改, 回轉歸向上帝; 耶弗他救了他們
士 10:6-18
士 11
.以法蓮人與其他支派為爭戰; 被耶弗他打敗
士 12:1-7
士 12:8-10
士 12:11,12
士 12:13-15
.百姓再度背道, 受非利士人懲治四十年
士 13:1
士 15:20
士 13 士 14 士 15 士 16
.伯利恆人發生娶妾的醜聞, 導致便雅憫人跟其他支派爭戰
士 19 士 20 士 21
撒上 4:18
撒上 1 撒上 2 撒上 3 撒上 4
撒上 4:1,2,10,11
撒上 8:5-20 何 13:10
-分裂為兩個王國之前, 以色列由君王統治
撒上 10 11:12-15 12:13
.亞捫人侵犯以色列, 鎩羽而歸
撒上 11
撒上 14
撒上 15
撒上 16:11-13
撒上 17
.非利士人打敗以色列, 掃羅和他的兒子見殺
撒上 31
.見 掃羅
撒上 30 撒下 1:1
撒下 2:4,11
撒下 2:8-10
撒下 2:12-32 3:1
撒下 5:1-5
撒下 8
撒下 15:18
.見 大衛
王上 1:32-40
王上 6
王上 7
王上 11:41-43
.見 所羅門
撒下 2 代上 12:23-40 13:1-14
.押沙龍叛變時, 十個支派態度冷漠, 猶大支派則熱烈支持大衛
撒下 19:41-43
撒下 20
.大衛年間, 猶大和以色列兩個派系逐漸壁壘分明
撒下 21:2
亞 11:14
.所羅門的兒子暨王位繼承人羅波安在位期間, 反叛變成事實
王上 12:4
-4. 叛離大衛家的十個支派的名稱
何 12:2
-(以色列王的名單, 並他們在位年數. 欲知他們在位期間的事蹟,
-1. 耶羅波安, 二十二年
-2. 拿答, 兩年左右
-3. 巴沙, 二十四年
-4. 以拉, 兩年
-5. 心利, 七天
-6. 暗利, 十二年
-7. 亞哈, 二十二年
-8. 亞哈謝, 兩年
-9. 約蘭十二年
-10. 耶戶, 二十八年
-11. 約哈斯, 十七年
-12. 約阿施, 十六年
-13. 耶羅波安二世, 四十一年
-14. 撒迦利雅, 半年
-15. 沙龍, 一個月
-16. 米拿現, 十年
-17. 比加轄, 兩年
-18. 比加, 二十年
-19. 何細亞, 九年
.羅波安和耶羅波安在位期間, 兩國戰亂頻仍
王上 14:30
王上 15:7
王上 15:16,32
王上 18:1-6
.亞蘭王便哈達侵犯以色列 (又稱為撒馬利亞), 不過鎩羽而歸
王上 20
王下 1:1
王下 3:1-27
.亞蘭軍隊侵犯以色列, 不過因為先知以利沙的機智而撤軍
王下 6:8-23
王下 6:24-33
王下 7
.撒馬利亞城淪陷, 百姓被擄至亞述
王下 17
王下 17:24
.壯健人士被擄以後, 餘民與猶大國緊密聯繫
代下 30:18-26 34:6 35:18 |
內容 | -1. A name given to Jacob
Ge 32:24-32 2Ki 17:34 Ho 12:3,4
-2. A name of the Messiah in prophecy
Isa 49:3
-3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation
.Also called ISRAELITES, and HEBREWS
Ge 43:32 Ex 1:15 9:7 10:3 21:2 Le 23:42 Jos 13:6
1Sa 4:6 13:3,19 14:11,21 Php 3:5
-(TRIBES OF ISRAEL were named after the sons of Jacob)
-(Usually, in lists, the names of Levi and Joseph, two sons of
Jacob, do not appear)
.The descendants of Levi were consecrated to the rites of
religion, and the two sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh,
were adopted by Jacob in Joseph's place
Ge 48:5 Jos 14:4
.And their names appear in the catalogues of tribes instead
of those of Levi and Joseph, as follows, ASHER, BENJAMIN,
.Names of, seen in John's vision, on the gates of the New
Re 21:12
.Prophecies concerning
Ge 15:5,13 25:23 26:4 27:28,29,40 48:19 49 De 33
.Prophecies about the multitude of
Ge 13:16 15:5 22:17 26:4 28:14
.Prophecies of their captivity in Eqypt
Ge 15:13,14 Ac 7:6,7
.Divided into families, each of which had a chief
Nu 25:14 26 36:1 Jos 7:14 1Ch 4 5 6 7 8
.Number of, who went into Egypt
Ge 46:8-27 Ex 1:5 De 10:22 Ac 7:14
.Number of, at the time of the exodus
Ex 12:37,38 Ge 47:27 Ex 1:7-20 Ps 105:24 Ac
.Number of, fit for military service when they left Egypt
Ex 12:37
.Number of, at Sinai, by tribes
Nu 1:1-50
.Number of, after the plague
Nu 26
.Number of, when David counted (conducted a census)
2Sa 24:1-9 1Ch 21:5,6 27:23,24
.Number of, after the captivity
Ezr 2:64 Ne 7:66,67
.Number of, in John's apocalyptic vision
Re 7:1-8
.Lived in Goshen
Ge 46:28-34 47:4-10,27,28
.Lived in Egypt for four-hundred and thirty years
Ex 12:40,41 Ge 15:13 Ac 7:6 Ga 3:17
.Were enslaved and oppressed by the Egyptians
Ex 1 2 5 Ac 7:18-21
.Their groaning heard by God
Ex 2:23-25
.Moses commissioned as the deliverer
Ex 3:2-22 4:1-17
.The land of Egypt was plagued on their account
.Exempt from the plagues
Ex 8:22,23 9:4-6,26 10:23 11:7 12:13
.Children were spared when the firstborn of the Egyptians
were killed
Ex 12:13,23
.Instituted the Passover
Ex 12:1-28
.Borrowed jewels from the Egyptians
Ex 11:2,3 12:35,36 Ps 105:37
.Urged by the Egyptians to depart
Ex 12:31-39
.Journey from Rameses to Succoth
Ex 12:37-39
.Made the journey by night
Ex 12:42
.The day of their deliverance to be a memorial
Ex 12:42 13:3-16
.Led by God
Ex 13:18,21,22
.Providentially cared for
De 8:3,4 29:5,6 34:7 Ne 9:21 Ps 105:37
.Journey from Succoth to Etham
Ex 13:20
.Journey to Pi-hahiroth
Ex 14:2 Nu 33:5-7
.Pursued by the Egyptians
Ex 14:5-31
.Pass through the Red Sea
Ex 14:19-22 De 11:4 Ps 78 105 106 136
.The order of the march
Nu 2
.Journey to Marah
Ex 15:23 Nu 33:8
.Complained on account of the bitter water
Ex 15:23-25
.Water of, sweetened
Ex 15:25
.Journey to Elim
Ex 15:27 Nu 33:9
.For the itinerary, see
Nu 33
.Complained for food
Ex 16:2,3
.Provided with manna and quail
Ex 16:4-36
.Complained for lack of water at Rephidim
Ex 17:2-7
.Water miraculously supplied from the rock at Meribah
Ex 17:5-7
.Defeat the Amalekites
Ex 17:13 De 25:17,18
.Arrive at Sinai
Ex 19:1 Nu 33:15
.At the suggestion of Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, they
organize a system of government
Ex 18:25 De 1:9-17
.The message of God to them, requiring that they must be
obedient to his commandments, and as a reward they would be
a holy nation to him, and their reply
Ex 19:3-8
.Sanctify themselves for receiving the law
Ex 19:10-15
.The law delivered to
Ex 20 21 22 23 24:1-4 Le 25 26 27
.The people receive it and covenant obedience to it
Ex 24:3,7
.Idolatry of
Ex 32 De 9:17-21
.The anger of the Lord in consequence
Ex 32:9-14
.Moses' indignation; breaks the tables of stone; enters the
camp; commands the Levites; three thousand die
Ex 32:19-35
.Punished by a plague
Ex 32:35
.Obduracy of
Ex 33:3 34:9 De 9:12-29
.God withdraws his presence
Ex 33:1-3
.The mourning of, when God refused to lead them
Ex 33:4-10
.Tables renewed
Ex 34
.Pattern for the tabernacle and the appurtenances, and forms
of worship to be observed
Ex 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
.Gifts consecrated for the creation of the tabernacle
Ex 35 36:1-7 Nu 7
.The erection of the tabernacle; the manufacture of the
appurtenances including the garments of the priests; and
their sanctification
Ex 36:8-38 37 38 39 40
.First sacrifice offered by, under the law
Le 8:14-36 9:8-24
.Second Passover observed
Nu 9:1-5
.March out of the wilderness
Nu 10:11-36
.For the itinerary, see
Nu 33
.The order of camping sites and the march
Nu 2
.Arrive at the border of Canaan
Nu 12:16
.Send twelve spies to view the land
Nu 13 32:8 De 1:22,25 Jos 14:7
.Return with a majority report and a minority report
Nu 13:26-33 14:6-10
.Complaining over the report
Nu 14:1-5
.The judgment of God upon them in consequence of their
unbelief and complaining
Nu 14:13-39
.Reaction, and their purpose to enter the land; are defeated
by the Amalekites
Nu 14:40-45 De 1:41-45
.Abide at Kadesh
De 1:46
.Return to the wilderness, where they remain for thirty eight
years, and all die except Joshua and Caleb
Nu 14:20-39
.Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram
Nu 16:1-40 De 11:6
.Complain against Moses and Aaron, are plagued,
fourteen-thousand and seven-hundred people die, plague
Nu 16:41-50
.Complain for lack of water in Meribah; the rock is struck
Nu 20:1-13
.Are refused passage through the country of Edom
Nu 20:14-21
.The death of Aaron
Nu 20:22,29 33:38,39 De 10:6
.Defeat the Canaanites
Nu 21:1-3
.Are scourged with fiery (poisonous) serpents
Nu 21:4-9
.Defeat the Amorites
Nu 21:21-32 De 2:24-35
.Defeat the king of Baasha
Nu 21:33-35 De 3:1-17
.Arrive in the plains of Moab, at the fords of the Jordan
Nu 22:1 33:48,49
.Commit idolatry with the people of Moab
Nu 25:1-5
.Punished by a plague in consequence, twenty-four thousand
people die
Nu 25:6-15 26:1
.The people numbered for the allotment of the land
Nu 26
.The daughters of Zelophehad sue for an inheritance
Nu 27:1-11 Jos 17:3-6
.Conquest of the Midianites
Nu 31
.Nations dread
De 2:25
.Renew the covenant
De 29
.Moses dies, and the people mourn
De 34
.Joshua appointed the leader
Nu 27:18-23 De 31:23
.All who were numbered at Mount Sinai perished in the
wilderness except Caleb and Joshua
Nu 26:63,65 De 2:14-16
.Piety of those who entered Canaan
Jos 23:8 Jud 2:7-10 Jer 2:2,3
.Men chosen to allot the lands of Canaan among the tribes and
Nu 34:17-29
.Remove from Shittim to the Jordan River
Jos 3:1
.Cross the Jordan River
Jos 4
.Circumcision observed and the Passover celebrated
Jos 5
.Jericho captured
Jos 6
.Ai captured
Jos 7 8
.Make a treaty with the Gibeonites
Jos 9
.Defeat the five Amoritish kings
Jos 10
.Conquest of the land
Jos 21:43-45 Jud 1
.The land allotted
Jos 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
.Two and one-half tribes return from the west side of the
Jordan River; erect a memorial to signify the unity of the
tribes; the memorial misunderstood; the controversy which
followed; its amicable resolution
Jos 22
.Joshua's exhortation immediately before his death
Jos 23
.Covenant renewed, death of Joshua
Jos 24 Jud 2:8,9
.Religious fidelity during the life of Joshua
Jos 24:31 Jud 2:7
.Public affairs administered four-hundred and fifty years by
the judges
Jud 2:16-19 Ac 13:20
.The original inhabitants not fully expelled
Jud 1:27-36 3:1-7
.Reproved by an angel for not casting out the original
Jud 2:1-5
.People turn to idolatry
Jud 2:10-23
.Delivered for their idolatry to the king of Mesopotamia
during eight years, their repentance and deliverance
Jud 3:8-11
.Renew their idolatry, and are put under tribute to the king
of Moab during eighteen years, repent and are delivered by
Ehud, eighty years of peace follow
Jud 3:12-30
.Shamgar resists a foray of the Philistines and delivers
Jud 3:31
.People again do evil and are put under bonds to the king of
Syria for twenty years
Jud 4:1-3
.Delivered by Deborah, a prophetess, and judged
Jud 4 5
.Seven years of bondage to the Midianites; delivered by
Jud 6 7 8:1-28
.Return to idolatry
Jud 8:33,34
.Abimelech foments an inter-tribal war
Jud 9
.Led by Tola for twenty-three years
Jud 10:1,2
.Led by Jair for twenty-two years
Jud 10:3,4
.The people backslide, and are given over to the Philistines
for chastisement for eighteen years; they repent and turn to
the Lord; they are delivered by Jephthah
Jud 10:6-18 11
.The Ephraimites go to war against other tribes; they are
defeated by Jephthah
Jud 12:1-7
.Led by Ibzan for seven years
Jud 12:8-10
.Led by Elon for ten years
Jud 12:11,12
.Led by Abdon for eight years
Jud 12:13-15
.The people backslide again are chastened by the Philistines
for forty years
Jud 13:1
.Led by Samson for twenty years
Jud 15:20 13 14 15 16
.Scandal of the Bethlehemite's concubine, and the consequent
war between the Benjamites and the other tribes
Jud 19 20 21
.Led by Eli for forty years
1Sa 4:18 1 2 3 4
.Struck down by the Philistines at Eben-ezer
1Sa 4:1,2,10,11
.They demand a king
1Sa 8:5-20 Ho 13:10
.Saul anointed as king
1Sa 10 11:12-15 12:13
.Ammonites invade Israel, are defeated
1Sa 11
.Philistines struck down
1Sa 14
.Amalekites defeated
1Sa 15
.David anointed as king
1Sa 16:11-13
.Goliath killed
1Sa 17
.Israel defeated by the Philistines, and Saul and his sons
are killed
1Sa 31
.David defeats the Amalekites
1Sa 30 2Sa 1:1
.David made king
2Sa 2:4,11
.Ish-bosheth made king
2Sa 2:8-10
.The conflict between the two political factions
2Sa 2:12-32 3:1
.David made king over all Israel
2Sa 5:1-5
.Conquests of David
2Sa 8
.Absalom's rebellion
2Sa 15:18
.Solomon anointed as king
1Ki 1:32-40
.The Temple built
1Ki 6
.Solomon's palace built
1Ki 7
.Solomon's death
1Ki 11:41-43
-(Foreshadowing circumstances indicating the separation)
.Disagreement after Saul's death
2Sa 2 1Ch 12:23-40 13
.Lukewarmness of the ten tribes, and zeal of Judah for David
in Absolom's rebellion
2Sa 19:41-43
.The rebellion of Sheba
2Sa 20
.The two factions are distinguished as Israel and Judah
during David's reign
2Sa 21:2
Zec 11:14
.Revolt consummated under Rehoboam, son and successor of
1Ki 12:4
-4. The name of the ten tribes that revolted from the house
(kingdom) of David
.Also called JACOB
Ho 12:2
-(The list of the kings of Israel, and the period of time in
which they reigned. For the facts of their reigns see under
each name)
-1. Jeroboam, twenty-two years
-2. Nadab, about two years
-3. Baasha, twenty-four years
-4. Elah, two years
-5. Zimri, seven days
-6. Omri, twelve years
-7. Ahab, twenty-two years
-8. Ahaziah, two years
-9. Jehoram, twelve years
-10. Jehu, twenty-eight years
-11. Jehoahaz, seventeen years
-12. Jehoash, sixteen years
-13. Jeroboam II, forty-one years
-14. Zachariah, six months
-15. Shallum, one month
-16. Menahem, ten years
-17. Pekahiah, two years
-18. Pekah, twenty years
-19. Hoshea, nine years
-(The ten tribes were carried away captive to Assyria)
.War continued between the two kingdoms all the days of
Rehoboam and Jeroboam
1Ki 14:30
.War continued between Jeroboam and Abijam
1Ki 15:7
.War continued between Baasha and Asa
1Ki 15:16,32
.Famine prevails during the reign of Ahab
1Ki 18:1-6
.Israel, also called SAMARIA, invaded by, but defeats,
Ben-hadad, king of Syria
1Ki 20
.Moab rebels
2Ki 1:1 3
.Army of Syria invades Israel, but peacefully withdraws
through the tact of the prophet Elisha
2Ki 6:8-23
.The city of Samaria besieged
2Ki 6:24-33 7
.The city of Samaria captured, and the people carried to
2Ki 17
.The land repopulated
2Ki 17:24
.The remnant that remained after the able-bodied persons were
carried into captivity affiliated with the kingdom of Judah
2Ch 30:18-26 34:6 35:18