中文內容 | -關於以色列的預言
王上 14:15,16 17:1 20:13-28 王下 7:1,2,17 8:1 賽 7:8
賽 8:4-7 9:8-21 17:3-11 28:1-8 何 1:1-9 2:1-13 何 4
何 8 何 9 何 10 11:5,6 12:7-14 何 13 摩 2:6-16 摩 3
摩 4 摩 5 摩 6 摩 7 摩 8 摩 9
何 2:14-23 11:9-11 13:13,14 14:8
耶 3:18 結 37:16-22
-5. 猶大
.由猶大支派和便雅憫支派組成的國家, 稱為猶大, 國民稱為
猶大人, 由大衛的後裔統治
賽 11:12
.見 猶大人
.在歷史書的列王記上下與歷代志上下這個國家稱為猶大, 但在
先知書中它常被指稱為以色列, 如下列經文所述
賽 8:14 49:7
-1. 羅波安, 十七年
-2. 亞比雅 (亞比央), 三年
-3. 亞撒, 四十一年
-4. 約沙法, 二十五年
-5. 約蘭, 八年
-6. 亞哈謝, 一年
-7. 約阿施, 四十年
-8. 亞瑪謝, 二十九年
-9. 烏西雅 (亞撒利雅), 五十二年
-10. 約坦, 十六年
-11. 亞哈斯, 十六年
-12. 希西家, 二十九年
-13. 瑪拿西, 五十五年
-14. 亞們, 兩年
-15. 約西亞, 三十一年
-16. 約哈斯 (約西亞的兒子), 三個月
-17. 約雅敬 (約西亞的兒子), 十一年
-18. 約雅斤 (耶哥尼雅), 約雅敬的兒子, 三個月
-19. 西底家 (瑪探雅), 約西亞的兒子, 十一個月
.羅波安接續所羅門作王。因為他的苛政, 十個支派背叛
王上 12
王上 14:21-31 代下 10 代下 11 代下 12
王上 14:31
王上 15:1-8 代下 13
王上 15:9-24 代下 14 代下 15 代下 16
.亞撒與亞蘭王便哈達簽訂協約, 並肩與以色列作戰
王上 15:16-24
王上 15:24 代下 17 代下 18 代下 19 代下 20 21:1
王上 22
.見 約沙法
王下 8:16-24 代下 21
王下 8:20-22
.亞哈謝, 又名亞撒利雅
代下 22:6
代下 21:17 25:23
王下 8:24-29 代下 22
王下 9:27-29 代下 22:8,9
王下 11:1-16 代下 22:10-12 23:1-15
王下 11:21 12:1-21 代下 24
王下 12
.亞瑪謝作王, 猶大國遭以色列王佔領;
耶路撒冷淪陷, 聖殿的聖物被擄走
王下 14:1-20 代下 25
.亞撒利雅 (又名烏西雅) 繼位
王下 14:21,22 15:1-7 代下 26
王下 15:7,32-38 代下 27
王下 15:37
王下 16:1 代下 28
王下 16:5-9
王下 16:10-18
王下 16:19,20 代下 29:32
王下 18:1-8
王下 18:7
.亞述王攻佔猶大, 褻瀆猶大的神, 結果全軍覆沒
王下 18:9-37 王下 19
.希西家生重病, 奇蹟似地康復
王下 20
王下 20:21 代下 33:1-20
王下 21:1-18
王下 21:18-26 代下 33:20-25
.約西亞接續亞們作王; 聖殿得以整修; 重新找到律法書;
接下來是宗教復興; 君王駕崩
王下 22 23:1-30 代下 34 代下 35
.約哈斯接續約西亞作王, 在位期間三年, 被埃及王罷免,
王下 23:30-35 代下 36:1-3
.約雅敬坐上寶座; 向尼布甲尼撒納貢三年; 反叛; 被征
王下 24:1-6 代下 36:4-8
.約雅斤登基; 遭受異族入侵, 被擄至巴比倫
王下 24:8-16 代下 36:9,10
.尼布甲尼撒下令西底家為王; 他反叛; 因此, 尼布甲尼撒
佔領猶大, 攻陷耶路撒冷, 將百姓擄至巴比倫, 劫掠聖殿
王下 24:17-20 王下 25 代下 36:11-21
.最窮的百姓被留下來守住國土, 接著支離破碎的猶大軍隊
王下 25:12,22,23 耶 39:10 40:7-12 52:16
王下 25:22
王下 25:23,24 耶 40:7-12
王下 25:25 耶 40:13-16 41:1-3
耶 41:1-18
王下 25:26 耶 41:14-18 42:13-18
結 5 結 6 結 7 結 16 23:22-44
但 5:13 6:13 耶 52:28-30
結 1:1 10:15
詩 137
斯 3
斯 4 斯 5 斯 6 斯 7 斯 8 斯 9
代下 36:22,23 拉 1:1-4
.古列指示重建聖殿, 並將擄至巴比倫的器皿回歸原位
代下 36:23 拉 1:3-11
拉 6:1-14
.以斯拉帶了 1754 名擄民回耶路撒冷
拉 2
拉 3 拉 4 拉 5 拉 6
拉 7
拉 8
.歸回的擄民中有敗壞的事件; 洗心革面
拉 9 拉 10
.尼希米受委任率領剩餘的擄民, 共計 49942 人,
尼 2 7:5-67 詩 85 詩 87 詩 107 詩 126
尼 2 尼 3 尼 4 尼 5 尼 6 尼 12
尼 8
.守嚴肅會; 祭司蒙潔淨, 訂定盟約
尼 8 尼 9 尼 10
尼 11
尼 12
尼 13
路 3:15
約 2:23 10:42 11:45 12:11 徒 21:20
.見 耶穌, 耶穌遭棄絕
太 21:43 路 20:16
賽 8:14,15 49:5,7 52:14 53:1-3 亞 11 亞 13 太 21:33 22:1
申 28:49-57 王下 20:17,18 21:12-15 22:16,17 23:26,27
賽 1:1-24 賽 3 4:1 賽 5 6:9-13 7:17-25 8:14-22 賽 9
賽 10:12 22:1-14 28:14-22 29:1-10 30:1-17 31:1-3 32:9-14
耶 1:11-16 4:5-31 耶 6 7:8-34 耶 8 9:9-26 10:17-22
耶 11:9-23 13:9-27 14:14-18 15:1-14 16 17:1-4 18:15-17
耶 19 20:5 21:4-7 22:24-30 25:8-38 耶 28 耶 34 耶 37
耶 38:1-3 42:13-22 耶 43 耶 44 耶 45 哀 5:6 結 4 結 5
結 11:7-12 結 12 結 15 結 16 結 17 結 19 22:13-22
結 23:22-35 結 24 33:21-29 但 9:26,27 珥 2:1-17 摩 2:4,5
彌 2:10 3 4:8-10 哈 1:6-11 番 1 亞 11 14:1-3 瑪 4:1
太 21:33,34 23:35-38 24:2,14-42 可 13:1-13 路 13:34,35
路 19:43,44 21:5-25 23:28-31 啟 1:7
賽 24:1 耶 9:16 何 9:17 珥 3:6,20 摩 9:9
結 4:13 5:10,12 20:23 36:19 但 9:7 約 7:35 徒 2:5
賽 1:25-27 2:1-5 4:2-6 11:11-13 賽 25 26:1,2,12-19
賽 27:13 29:18-24 30:18-26 32:15-20 33:13-24 賽 35
賽 37:31,32 40:2,9 41:27 44 49:13-23 賽 51 52:1-12
賽 60 61:4-9 賽 62 66:5-22 耶 3:14-18 4:3-18 12:14-16
耶 23:3 24:1-7 29:1-14 30:3-22 32:36-44 耶33 44:28
結 14:22,23 16:60-63 20:40,41 36:1-38 37:12,21
但 11:30-45 12:1 珥 3 摩 9:9-15 俄 1:17-21 彌 2:12,13
彌 5:3 番 2:7 亞 1:14-21 亞 2 亞 8 10:5-12 12:1-14
亞 13 14:3-21 瑪 3:4 羅 11 林後 3:16 啟 7:5
.Of captivity, famine, and judgments
1Ki 14:15,16 17:1 20:13-28 2Ki 7:1,2,17 8:1 Isa 7:8 8:4-7 9:8-21 17:3-11 28:1-8 Ho 1:1-9 2:1-13 4 8 9 10 11:5,6 12:7-14 13 Am 2:6-16 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
.Of restoration
Ho 2:14-23 11:9-11 13:13,14 14:8
.Of the reunion of the ten tribes and Judah
Jer 3:18 Eze 37:16-22
.See the following
.The nation composed of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin,
called JUDAH, and JEWS, ruled by the descendants of David
Isa 11:12
.In the historical books of first and second Kings, and first
and second Chronicles the nation is called JUDAH, but in the
prophecies it is frequently referred to as ISRAEL, as in
Isa 8:14 49:7
.The list of rulers and the periods of time over which they
-1. Rehoboam, seventeen years
-2. Abijah (Abijam), three years
-3. Asa, forty-one years
-4. Jehoshaphat, twenty-five years
-5. Jehoram, eight years
-6. Ahaziah, one year
.Athaliah's usurpation, six years
-7. Joash (Jehoash), forty years
-8. Amaziah, twenty-nine years
-9. Uzziah (Azariah), fifty-two years
-10. Jotham, sixteen years
-11. Ahaz, sixteen years
-12. Hezekiah, twenty-nine years
-13. Manasseh, fifty-five years
-14. Amon, two years
-15. Josiah, thirty-one years
-16. Jehoahaz (Josiah's son), three months
-17. Jehoiakim (Josiah's son), eleven years
-18. Jehoiachin (Jeconiah), Jehoiakim's son, three months
-19. Zedekiah (Mattaniah), Josiah's son, eleven years
-(For the history of the above kings see under each name)
.Rehoboam succeeds Solomon. As a consequence of his arbitrary
policy, ten tribes rebel
1Ki 12
.Other circumstances of his reign
1Ki 14:21-31 2Ch 10 11 12
.Death of Rehoboam
1Ki 14:31
.Abijam's wicked reign
1Ki 15:1-8 2Ch 13
.Asa's good reign
1Ki 15:9-24 2Ch 14 15 16
.Asa makes a treaty with Ben-hadad, king of Syria, to make
war against Israel
1Ki 15:16-24
.Jehoshaphat succeeds Asa
1Ki 15:24 2Ch 17 18 19 20 21:1
.Jehoshaphat joins Ahab against the king of Syria
1Ki 22
.Jehoram, also called JORAM, reigns in place of his father,
2Ki 8:16-24 2Ch 21
.Edom revolts
2Ki 8:20-22
.Ahaziah, also called AZARIAH
2Ch 22:6
2Ch 21:17 25:23
.Ahaziah succeeds Jehoram
2Ki 8:24-29 2Ch 22
.Ahaziah killed by Jehu
2Ki 9:27-29 2Ch 22:8,9
.Athaliah, his mother, succeeds him
2Ki 11:1-16 2Ch 22:10-12 23:1-15
.Jehoash (also called JOASH) succeeds Athaliah
2Ki 11:21 12:1-21 2Ch 24
.The temple repaired
2Ki 12
.Amaziah reigns, and Judah is invaded by the king of Israel;
Jerusalem is taken and the sacred things of the temple
carried away
2Ki 14:1-20 2Ch 25
.Azariah (also called UZZIAH) succeeds him
2Ki 14:21,22 15:1-7 2Ch 26
.Jotham succeeds Uzziah
2Ki 15:7,32-38 2Ch 27
.Rezin, king of Syria, invades Judah
2Ki 15:37
.Jotham is succeeded by Ahaz
2Ki 16:1 2Ch 28
.Judah is invaded by the kings of Samaria and Syria; Ahaz
hires the king of Assyria to make war on the king of Syria
2Ki 16:5-9
.Ahaz changes the nature of the altar in the temple
2Ki 16:10-18
.Hezekiah succeeds Ahaz
2Ki 16:19,20 2Ch 29:32
.Hezekiah's good reign
2Ki 18:1-8
.Hezekiah revolts from the sovereignty of the king of Assyria
2Ki 18:7
.The king of Assyria invades Judah, and blasphemes the God of
Judah; his army overthrown
2Ki 18:9-37 19
.Hezekiah's sickness and miraculous restoration
2Ki 20
.Hezekiah succeeded by Manasseh
2Ki 20:21 2Ch 33:1-20
.Manasseh's wicked reign
2Ki 21:1-18
.Amon succeeds Manasseh on the throne
2Ki 21:18-26 2Ch 33:20-25
.Josiah succeeds Amon; the temple is repaired; the book of
the law recovered; religious revival follows; and the king
2Ki 22 23:1-30 2Ch 34 35
.Josiah is succeeded by Jehoahaz, who reigned for three
months, was dethroned by the king of Egypt, and the land was
put under taxation
2Ki 23:30-35 2Ch 36:1-3
.Jehoiakim is elevated to the throne; becomes tributary to
Nebuchadnezzar for three years; he rebels; is conquered and
carried off to Babylon
2Ki 24:1-6 2Ch 36:4-8
.Jehoiachin is made king; suffers invasion and is carried off
to Babylon
2Ki 24:8-16 2Ch 36:9,10
.Zedekiah is made king by Nebuchadnezzar; he rebels; so,
Nebuchadnezzar invades Judah, takes Jerusalem, and carries
off the people to Babylon, despoiling the temple
2Ki 24:17-20 25 2Ch 36:11-21
.The poorest of the people were left to occupy the country,
and were joined by fragments of the army of Judah, the
dispersed Israelites in other lands, and the king's
2Ki 25:12,22,23 Jer 39:10 40:7-12 52:16
.Gedaliah was appointed governor over the region
2Ki 25:22
.Gedaliah's adminstration was favorable to the people
2Ki 25:23,24 Jer 40:7-12
.Gedaliah was conspired against and assassinated by Ishmael
2Ki 25:25 Jer 40:13-16 41:1-3
.Ishmael seeks to betray the people to the Ammonites
Jer 41:1-18
.The people in fear, take refuge in Egypt
2Ki 25:26 Jer 41:14-18 42:13-18
.Great wickedness is the cause of their adversity
Eze 5 6 7 16 23:22-44
.They live in Babylon
Da 5:13 6:13 Jer 52:28-30
.Beside the Chebar River
Eze 1:1 10:15
.Patriotism of
Ps 137
.Plotted against, by Haman
Es 3
.Are saved by Esther
Es 4 5 6 7 8 9
.Cyrus decrees their restoration
2Ch 36:22,23 Ezr 1:1-4
.Cyrus directs the rebuilding of the temple, and the
restoration of the vessels which had been carried off to
2Ch 36:23 Ezr 1:3-11
.Proclamation renewed by Darius and Artaxerxes
Ezr 6:1-14
.Ezra returns with One-thousand seven-hundred and fifty-four
of the exiles to Jerusalem
Ezr 2
.Temple rebuilt and dedicated
Ezr 3 4 5 6
.Artaxerxes issues the proclamation to restore the temple
Ezr 7
.Priests and Levites authorized to return
Ezr 8
.Corruptions among the returned captives; their reform
Ezr 9 10
.Nehemiah is commissioned to lead the remainder of the
captivity, forty-nine thousand nine-hundred and forty-two go
back to Canaan
Ne 2 7:5-67 Ps 85 87 107 126
.The wall of Jerusalem rebuilt and dedicated
Ne 2 3 4 5 6 12
.The law read and expounded
Ne 8
.Solemn feast is kept; priests are purified, and the covenant
Ne 8 9 10
.One-tenth of the people, to be determined by lot, volunteer
to live in Jerusalem, and the remaining ninety percent live
in other cities
Ne 11
.Catalogue of the priests and Levites who came up with
Ne 12
.Nehemiah reforms various abuses
Ne 13
.The people expect a Messiah
Lu 3:15
.Many accept Jesus as the Christ
Joh 2:23 10:42 11:45 12:11 Ac 21:20
.The majority reject Jesus
.Rejected by God
Mt 21:43 Lu 20:16
.Of their rejection of the Messiah
Isa 8:14,15 49:5,7 52:14 53:1-3 Zec 11 13 Mt 21:33 22:1
.Of war and other judgments
De 28:49-57 2Ki 20:17,18 21:12-15 22:16,17 23:26,27 Isa 1:1-24 3 4:1 5 6:9-13 7:17-25 8:14-22 9 10:12 22:1-14 28:14-22 29:1-10 30:1-17 31:1-3 32:9-14 Jer
1:11-16 4:5-31 6 7:8-34 8 9:9-26 10:17-22 11:9-23 13:9-27 14:14-18 15:1-14 16 17:1-4 18:15-17 19 20:5 21:4-7 22:24-30 25:8-38 28 34 37 38:1-3 42:13-22 43 44 45 La 5:6 Eze 4 5 11:7-12 12 15 16 17 19 22:13-22 23:22-35 24 33:21-29 Da 9:26,27 Joe 2:1-17 Am 2:4,5 Mic 2:10 3 4:8-10 Hab 1:6-11 Zep
1 Zec 11 14:1-3 Mal 4:1 Mt 21:33,34 23:35-38 24:2,14-42 Mr 13:1-13 Lu 13:34,35 19:43,44 21:5-25 23:28-31 Re 1:7
.Dispersion of
Isa 24:1 Jer 9:16 Ho 9:17 Joe 3:6,20 Am 9:9 Eze
4:13 5:10,12 20:23 36:19 Da 9:7 Joh 7:35 Ac 2:5
.Of blessing and restoration
Isa 1:25-27 2:1-5 4:2-6 11:11-13 25 26:1,2,12-19 27:13 29:18-24 30:18-26 32:15-20 33:13-24 35 37:31,32 40:2,9 41:27 44 49:13-23 51 52:1-12 60 61:4-9 62 66:5-22 Jer 3:14-18 4:3-18 12:14-16 23:3 24:1-7 29:1-14 30:3-22 32:36-44 33 44:28 Eze
14:22,23 16:60-63 20:40,41 36:1-38 37:12,21 Da
11:30-45 12:1 Joe 3 Am 9:9-15 Ob 1:17-21 Mic 2:12,13 5:3 Zep 2:7 Zec 1:14-21 2 8 10:5-12 12:1-14 13 14:3-21 Mal 3:4 Ro 11 2Co 3:16 Re 7:5