中文內容 | -1. 雅各的兒子
創 30:18 出 1:3 代上 2:1
創 49:14,15
代上 7:2,5
.見下一點, 以薩迦支派
-2. 以薩迦支派
民 1:28,29 2:6
民 26:25
申 33:18,19
民 2:3,5 10:14,15
書 19:17-23 17:10,11
士 5:15
代上 12:32,40
代下 30:18
.見 以色列, 以色列支派
內容 | -1. A son of Jacob
Ge 30:18 Ex 1:3 1Ch 2:1
.Jacob's prophetic benedictions upon
Ge 49:14,15
.In the time of David
1Ch 7:2,5
.See TRIBE OF, below
-2. The tribe of Issachar
.Military forces of, taken at Sinai
Nu 1:28,29 2:6
.On the plains of Moab
Nu 26:25
.Moses' blessing upon
De 33:18,19
.Places in the march and encampments
Nu 2:3,5 10:14,15
.Parts of Canaan allotted to
Jos 19:17-23 17:10,11
.Join Deborah and Barak in war against Sisera
Jud 5:15
.Insurgents from, joined David
1Ch 12:32,40
.Join with the kingdom of Judah after the conquest of the
land by
2Ch 30:18
.For things common to all the tribes