中文內容 | -1. 大衛的史官
撒下 8:16 20:24 王上 4:3 代上 18:15
-2. 所羅門糧食補給的官員之一
王上 4:17
-3. 猶大王
王上 15:24 22:41 代上 3:10 代下 17:1 太 1:8
代下 17:2
代下 17:7-9
王上 22:43 代下 17:7-9 19:3-11
代下 17:11
代下 17:12-19
王上 22 代下 18
代下 19:2
代下 20
.為了與他施通商而建造船隻, 後來船隻毀壞了
王上 22:48,49 代下 20:35-37
.同以色列王約蘭一起入侵摩押地, 打敗摩押人
王下 3
王下 12:18
王上 22:50 代下 21:1
王上 22:43,46 代下 17:1-9 19 20:1-32 22:9
王上 22:45,48
代上 21:2,3
-4. 耶戶的父親
王下 9:2,14
-5. 一位協助將約櫃從俄別以東帶回來的祭司
代上 15:24
-6. 一個山谷
珥 3:2,12,14
內容 | -1. David's recorder
2Sa 8:16 20:24 1Ki 4:3 1Ch 18:15
-2. One of Solomon's commissariat officers
1Ki 4:17
-3. King of Judah
.Succeeds Asa
1Ki 15:24 22:41 1Ch 3:10 2Ch 17:1 Mt 1:8
.Strengthens himself against Israel
2Ch 17:2
.Inaugurates a system of public instruction in the law
2Ch 17:7-9
.His wise reign
1Ki 22:43 2Ch 17:7-9 19:3-11
.His system of taxation
2Ch 17:11
.His military forces and armaments
2Ch 17:12-19
.Joins Ahab in an invasion of Ramoth-gilead
1Ki 22 2Ch 18
.Rebuked by the prophet Jehu
2Ch 19:2
.The allied forces of the Amorites, Moabites, and other
tribes invade his territory, and are defeated by
2Ch 20
.Builds ships for commerce with Tarshish, ships are destroyed
1Ki 22:48,49 2Ch 20:35-37
.Joins Jehoram, king of Israel, in an invasion of the land of
Moab, defeats the Moabites
2Ki 3
.Makes valuable gifts to the temple
2Ki 12:18
.Death of
1Ki 22:50 2Ch 21:1
.Religious zeal of
1Ki 22:43,46 2Ch 17:1-9 19 20:1-32 22:9
.Prosperity of
1Ki 22:45,48
.Bequests of, to his children
1Ch 21:2,3
-4. Father of Jehu
2Ki 9:2,14
-5. A priest who assisted in bringing the ark of the covenant
from Obed-edom
1Ch 15:24
-6. A valley
Joe 3:2,12,14