中文內容 | -1. 又稱為何西阿
民 13:8 代上 7:27
出 24:13 32:17 33:11
民 11:28
民 13:8
民 14:6-10
民 14:30,38 32:12
民 27:18-23 申 1:38 3:28 31:3,7,23 34:9
民 27:18 申 34:9 書 1:5,9 3:7 8:8
.回報迦南是可以安居的美地, 奇妙地得以保命
民 14:10
書 1:5-9
書 1 書 2 書 3 書 4 徒 7:45 來 4:8
.重新為以色列子民設立割禮; 重新堅立逾越節;
書 5
書 6
書 7 8
書 9:3-27
書 9:1,2
.六王向基遍人開戰; 敗北、被殺
書 10
書 10:28-43
書 11
書 11:23
書 12
書 13 書 14 書 15 書 16 書 17 書 18 書 19
書 18:1
書 20
書 21
書 23 書 24
民 26:63-65
書 19:49,50
書 24:29,30
書 1:16-18
書 6:16
出 17:13
書 8
書 10
書 11
士 2:8
-2. 一個以色列人
撒上 6:14,18
-3. 耶路撒冷的省長
王下 23:8
-4. 又稱為耶書亞
拉 2:2
拉 3 4:1-6
拉 5 該 1:1,12-14 2:2
亞 3 6:9-15
內容 | -1. Also called JEHOSHUA, and JEHOSHUAH, and OSHEA
.Son of Nun
Nu 13:8 1Ch 7:27
.Intimately associated with Moses
Ex 24:13 32:17 33:11
.A religious zealot
Nu 11:28
.Sent with others to view the promised land
Nu 13:8
.Makes a favorable report
Nu 14:6-10
.Rewarded for his courage and fidelity
Nu 14:30,38 32:12
.Commissioned, ordained, and charged with the responsibilites
of Moses' office
Nu 27:18-23 De 1:38 3:28 31:3,7,23 34:9
.Divinely inspired
Nu 27:18 De 34:9 Jos 1:5,9 3:7 8:8
.His life miraculously preserved when he made a favorable
report about the land
Nu 14:10
.Promises to
Jos 1:5-9
.Leads the people into the land of Canaan
Jos 1 2 3 4 Ac 7:45 Heb 4:8
.Renews circumcision of the children of Israel;
re-establishes the Passover; has a vision of the angel of
Jos 5
.Besieges and captures Jericho
Jos 6
.Captures Ai
Jos 7 8
.Makes a treaty with the Gibeonites
Jos 9:3-27
.The kings of the six nations of the Canaanites band together
against him
Jos 9:1,2
.The six kings make war upon the Gibeonites; are defeated and
Jos 10
.Defeats seven other kings
Jos 10:28-43
.Conquers Hazor
Jos 11
.Completes the conquest of the whole land
Jos 11:23
.List of the kings whom Joshua struck down
Jos 12
.Allots the land
Jos 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
.Sets the tabernacle up at Shiloh
Jos 18:1
.Sets apart several cities of refuge
Jos 20
.48 Cities for the Levites
Jos 21
.Exhortation of, before his death
Jos 23 24
.Survives the Israelites who refused to enter the promised
Nu 26:63-65
.His portion of the land
Jos 19:49,50
.Death and burial of
Jos 24:29,30
.Esteem with which he was held
Jos 1:16-18
.Faith of
Jos 6:16
.Military genius of, as exhibited
.At the defeat of the Amalekites
Ex 17:13
.At Ai
Jos 8
.At Gibeon
Jos 10
.At Hazor
Jos 11
.Age of, at death
Jud 2:8
-2.An Israelite
1Sa 6:14,18
-3. A governor of Jerusalem
2Ki 23:8
-4. Also called JESHUA
.The high priest of the captivity
Ezr 2:2
.Assists Zerubbabel in restoring the temple
Ezr 3 4:1-6 5 Hag 1:1,12-14 2:2
.Of the restoration of God's people
Zec 3 6:9-15