內容 | -1. King of Judah
2Ki 21:24-26 22:1 1Ch 3:14 2Ch 33:25
.Ancestor of Jesus
Mt 1:10,11
.Killed in battle with Pharaoh-necho
2Ki 23:29,30 2Ch 35:20-24
.Lamentations for
2Ch 35:25
.Piety of: exemplified in his repairing of the temple
2Ki 22:3-7 2Ch 34:1-4
.Solicitude when the copy of the law was discovered and read
to him
2Ki 22:8-20 2Ch 34:14-33
.In keeping a solemn Passover
2Ki 23:21-23 2Ch 35:1-19
.Called JOSIAS
Mt 1:10,11
.Prophecies concerning
1Ki 13:1-3
.Destroys the altar and high places of idolatry
2Ki 23:3-20,24,25
-2. Son of Zephaniah
Zec 6:10