中文內容 | -被比作
太 13:24-30,38-43 可 4:26-29
太 13:31,32 可 4:30,31 路 13:18,19
太 13:33 路 13:21
太 13:44
太 13:45
太 13:47-50
太 18:23-35
太 20:1-16
太 22:2-14 路 14:16-24
太 25:1-13
.一個人要遠行到外國去, 就叫了僕人來, 把他的家業交給他們
太 25:14-30 路 19:12-27
約 18:36
太 18:3 19:14 可 10:14 路 18:16
太 19:23,24 可 10:23-25 路 18:24,25,29,30
太 16:19
路 8:1
路 8:10
羅 14:17
-見 教會
-見 耶穌, 耶穌基督的國度
內容 | -Compared
.To a man who sowed good seed
Mt 13:24-30,38-43 Mr 4:26-29
.To a granule of mustard seed
Mt 13:31,32 Mr 4:30,31 Lu 13:18,19
.To leaven (yeast)
Mt 13:33 Lu 13:21
.To a treasure
Mt 13:44
.To a pearl
Mt 13:45
.To a net
Mt 13:47-50
.To a king who called his servants for a reckoning (an audit)
Mt 18:23-35
.To a householder
Mt 20:1-16
.To a king who made a marriage feast for his son
Mt 22:2-14 Lu 14:16-24
.To ten virgins
Mt 25:1-13
.To a man, traveling into a far country, who called his
servants, and delivered to them his goods
Mt 25:14-30 Lu 19:12-27
-"My kingdom is not of this world,"
Joh 18:36
-Children of the
Mt 18:3 19:14 Mr 10:14 Lu 18:16
-Rich people cannot enter
Mt 19:23,24 Mr 10:23-25 Lu 18:24,25,29,30
-Keys of
Mt 16:19
-Good news of
Lu 8:1
-Mysteries of
Lu 8:10
-Does not consist of meat and drink
Ro 14:17