中文內容 | -一般經文
創 4:6 49:7 代下 28:9 伯 5:2 19:29 詩 37:8 55:3
詩 76:10 箴 6:34 12:16 14:17,29 15:1,18 16:14,29,32
箴 17:14 19:11,12,19 21:24 22:24,25 25:28 27:3,4
箴 29:8,9,22 30:33 傳 7:9 何 7:16 摩 1:11 拿 4:4
太 5:22 林後 12:20 加 5:19-21 弗 4:26,31 西 3:8 提前 2:8
多 1:7 雅 1:19,20
-見 恨惡
-見 嫉妒/嫉恨
-見 惡意
-見 言語, 惡毒的言語
-見 衝突/爭執/不和
-見 仁慈
-見 溫柔/謙和/逆來順受
-見 耐心
創 4:5-8
創 49:5-7
出 10:11,28
出 11:8 民 20:10,11
民 22:27,29
民 24:10,11
.以法蓮人向基甸發怒, 因為基甸沒有請求他們
士 8:1
.約拿單, 因為掃羅迫害大衛而發怒
撒上 20:34 代下 25:10
.掃羅向約拿單發怒, 因為約拿單同情大衛
撒上 20:30-34
.亞哈, 因為拿伯不賣葡萄園
王上 21:4
.乃縵, 因為以利沙指示他在約但河中沐浴
王下 5:12
.亞撒, 因為先知斥責他
代下 16:10
.烏西雅向祭司亞撒利雅發怒, 因為遭亞撒利雅責備
代下 26:17-19
.亞哈隨魯向瓦實提發怒, 因為她不肯讓王的朝臣見識她的美
斯 1:12 7:7
.哈曼, 因為末底改不向他行禮
斯 3:5
.以利戶, 因為約伯辯贏他的朋友
伯 32:3
賽 16:6
.尼布甲尼撒, 因為三個希伯來人抗命, 不肯拜他的偶像
但 3:13,19
.約拿, 因為蓖麻枯槁
拿 4:1,2,4-9
太 2:16
路 4:28
徒 23:3
徒 7:54-58
出 22:24 32:10 33:5 民 11:1,10,33 12:9 14:11
民 16:20,21,45 25:3,4,11 32:10,11,13 申 6:14,15
申 9:13,14,18-20 32:21,22 書 7:1,26 23:16 士 2:12 3:8
士 10:7 撒上 28:18 撒下 6:7 22:8,9 王上 11:9 16:2-13
王下 13:3 17:18 22:13 23:26 詩 7:11 69:24 74:1 76:7
詩 78:21,38,49,50 85:3 90:11 103:8 106:23,29,32 110:5
賽 5:25 9:17,19,21 12:1 13:9,13 30:27 42:25 48:9
賽 57:16,17 63:3-6 66:15 耶 3:12 4:4,8,26 7:20 10:10
耶 17:4 21:5,6 23:20 25:15-17,37,38 30:24 32:37 33:5
耶 36:7 42:18 44:6 51:45 哀 2:1,3,6 4:11 結 5:13,15
結 25:14-17 但 9:16 何 11:9 13:11 14:4 鴻 1:2,3,6
太 22:7,13 羅 1:18 2:5 弗 5:6 西 3:6 來 3:11 4:3
啟 6:16,17 14:10,11 15:1,7 16:19 19:15 |
內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Ge 4:6 49:7 2Ch 28:9 Job 5:2 19:29 Ps 37:8 55:3 76:10 Pr 6:34 12:16 14:17,29 15:1,18 16:14,29,32 17:14 19:11,12,19 21:24 22:24,25 25:28 27:3,4 29:8,9,22 30:33 Ec 7:9 Ho 7:16 Am 1:11 Jon 4:4 Mt
5:22 2Co 12:20 Ga 5:19-21 Eph 4:26,31 Col 3:8 1Ti 2:8 Tit 1:7 Jas 1:19,20
.Of Cain slaying Abel
Ge 4:5-8
.Simeon and Levi, on account of the humbling of their sister,
Ge 49:5-7
.Pharaoh, toward Moses
Ex 10:11,28
.Moses, toward Pharaoh
Ex 11:8 Nu 20:10,11
.Balaam, toward his ass
Nu 22:27,29
.Balak, toward Balaam
Nu 24:10,11
.Ephraimites, toward Gideon, for not soliciting their help
against the Midianites
Jud 8:1
.Jonathan, on account of Saul's persecution of David
1Sa 20:34 2Ch 25:10
.Saul, toward Jonathan, on account of his sympathy with David
1Sa 20:30-34
.Ahab, because Naboth would not sell his vineyard
1Ki 21:4
.Naaman, because Elisha directed him to wash in the Jordan
2Ki 5:12
.Asa, because the prophet rebuked him
2Ch 16:10
.Uzziah toward Azariah, the priest, because of his reproof of
2Ch 26:19
.Ahasuerus, toward Vashti, for refusing to amuse his
Es 1:12 7:7
.Haman, because Mordecai did not salute him
Es 3:5
.Elihu, because Job had beaten his friends in argument
Job 32:3
Isa 16:6
.Nebuchadnezzar, on account of the insubordination of the
three Hebrews, who refused to worship his idol
Da 3:13,19
.Jonah, because the gourd withered
Jon 4:1,2,4,9
.Herod, toward the wise men who deceived him
Mt 2:16
.The people of Nazareth, toward Jesus
Lu 4:28
.Paul, toward Ananias
Ac 23:3
.Jews, against Stephen
Ac 7:54-58
Ex 22:24 32:10 33:5 Nu 11:1,10,33 12:9 14:11 16:20,21,45 25:3,4,11 32:10,11,13 De 6:14,15 9:13,14,18-20 32:21,22 Jos 7:1,26 23:16 Jud 2:12 3:8 10:7 1Sa 28:18 2Sa 6:7 22:8,9 1Ki 11:9 16:2-13 2Ki
13:3 17:18 22:13 23:26 Ps 7:11 69:24 74:1 76:7 78:21,38,49,50 85:3 90:11 103:8 106:23,29,32 110:5 Isa
5:25 9:17,19,21 12:1 13:9,13 30:27 42:25 48:9 57:16,17 63:3-6 66:15 Jer 3:12 4:4,8,26 7:20 10:10 17:4 21:5,6 23:20 25:15-17,37,38 30:24 32:37 33:5 36:7 42:18 44:6 51:45 La 2:1,3,6 4:11 Eze 5:13,15 25:14-17 Da 9:16 Ho 11:9 13:11 14:4 Na 1:2,3,6 Mt
22:7,13 Ro 1:18 2:5 Eph 5:6 Col 3:6 Heb 3:11 4:3 Re
6:16,17 14:10,11 15:1,7 16:19 19:15