內容 | -Law concerning
Le 13 14 22:4 Nu 5:1-3 12:14 De 24:8 Mt 8:4 Lu 5:14 17:14
-Sent as a judgment on
Nu 12:1-10
2Ki 5:27
2Ch 26:20,21
2Ki 5:27
-Isolation of lepers
Le 13:46 Nu 5:2 12:14 2Ki 15:5 2Ch 26:21
-Separate burial of
2Ch 26:23
-Instances of leprosy not mentioned above
.Four lepers outside Samaria
2Ki 7:3
2Ki 15:5
Mr 14:3
Nu 12:13,14
2Ki 5:8-14
.By Jesus
Mt 8:3 Mr 1:40-42 Lu 5:13 17:12-14
.Disciples empowered to heal
Mt 10:8