中文內容 | -一般經文
創 6:3 出 20:12 王上 3:11-14 伯 5:26 詩 21:4 34:11-13
詩 90:10 91:16 箴 3:1,2,16 9:11 10:27 賽 65:20
彼前 3:10,11
-見 高齡
.亞當, 九百三十歲
創 5:5
.塞特, 九百一十二歲
創 5:8
.以挪士, 九百零五歲
創 5:11
.該南, 九百一十歲
創 5:14
.瑪勒列, 八百九十五歲
創 5:17
.雅列, 九百六十二歲
創 5:20
.以諾, 三百六十五歲
創 5:23
.瑪土撒拉, 九百六十九歲
創 5:27
.拉麥, 七百七十七歲
創 5:31
.挪亞, 九百五十歲
創 9:29
.閃, 六百歲
創 11:10,11
.亞法撒, 四百三十八歲
創 11:12,13
.沙拉, 四百三十三歲
創 11:14,15
.希伯, 四百六十四歲
創 11:16,17
.法勒, 兩百三十九歲
創 11:18,19
.拉吳, 兩百三十九歲
創 11:20,21
.西鹿, 兩百三十歲
創 11:22,23
.拿鶴, 一百四十八歲
創 11:24,25
.他拉, 二百零五歲
創 11:32
.約伯, 遭受磨難後「活了一百四十年」, 而後
伯 42:16,17
.撒拉, 一百二十七歲
創 23:1
.亞伯拉罕, 一百七十五歲
創 25:7
.以撒, 一百八十歲
創 35:28
.雅各, 一百四十七歲
創 47:28
.約瑟, 一百一十歲
創 50:26
.暗蘭, 一百三十七歲
出 6:20
.亞倫, 一百二十三歲
民 33:39
.摩西, 一百二十歲
申 31:2 34:7
.約書亞, 一百一十歲
書 24:29
.以利, 九十八歲
撒上 4:15
.巴西萊, 八十歲
撒下 19:32
.耶何耶大, 一百三十歲
代下 24:15
.亞拿, 老於八十四歲才過世
路 2:36,37
門 1:9 |
內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Ge 6:3 Ex 20:12 1Ki 3:11-14 Job 5:26 Ps 21:4 34:11-13 90:10 91:16 Pr 3:1,2,16 9:11 10:27 Isa 65:20 1Pe
.Adam, nine-hundred and thirty years
Ge 5:5
.Seth, nine-hundred and twelve years
Ge 5:8
.Enos, nine-hundred and five years
Ge 5:11
.Cainan, nine-hundred and ten years
Ge 5:14
.Mahalaleel, eight-hundred and ninety-five years
Ge 5:17
.Jared, nine-hundred and sixty-two years
Ge 5:20
.Enoch, three-hundred and sixty-five years
Ge 5:23
.Methuselah, nine-hundred and sixty-nine years
Ge 5:27
.Lamech, seven-hundred and seventy-seven years
Ge 5:31
.Noah, nine-hundred and fifty years
Ge 9:29
.Shem, six-hundred years
Ge 11:10,11
.Arphaxad, four-hundred and thirty-eight years
Ge 11:12,13
.Salah, four-hundred and thirty-three years
Ge 11:14,15
.Eber, four-hundred and sixty-four years
Ge 11:16,17
.Peleg, two-hundred and thirty-nine years
Ge 11:18,19
.Reu, two-hundred and thirty-nine years
Ge 11:20,21
.Serug, two-hundred and thirty years
Ge 11:22,23
.Nahor, one-hundred and forty-eight years
Ge 11:24,25
.Terah, two-hundred and five years
Ge 11:32
.Job, "lived one-hundred and forty years" after his ordeal,
and then "he died at a very great age,"
Job 42:16,17
.Sarah, one-hundred and twenty-seven years
Ge 23:1
.Abraham, one-hundred and seventy-five years
Ge 25:7
.Isaac, one-hundred and eighty years
Ge 35:28
.Jacob, one-hundred and forty-seven years
Ge 47:28
.Joseph, one-hundred and ten years
Ge 50:26
.Amram, one-hundred and thirty-seven years
Ex 6:20
.Aaron, one-hundred and twenty-three years
Nu 33:39
.Moses, one-hundred and twenty years
De 31:2 34:7
.Joshua, one-hundred and ten years
Jos 24:29
.Eli, ninety-eight years
1Sa 4:15
.Barzillai, eighty years
2Sa 19:32
.Jehoiada, one-hundred and thirty years
2Ch 24:15
.Anna, older than eighty-four years
Lu 2:36,37
.Paul, "the aged one"
Phm 1:9