中文內容 | -1. 分配給便雅憫支派的一座城邑
書 18:26
士 20:1-3
.並下令懲罰便雅憫人, 因為他們蹂躪利未人的妾
士 20:10
.撒母耳召集他們, 斥責他們崇拜偶像
撒上 7:5
撒上 10:17-25
撒上 7:16
王上 15:22 代下 16:6
.以色列百姓被擄後, 暫時成為以色列的首都
王下 25:23,25 耶 40:6-15 41:1-14
尼 3:7,15,19
-2. 利巴嫩附近的一座平原
書 11:3,8
-3. 一座摩押城邑
撒上 22:3,4
-4. 猶大低地的一座城市
書 15:38
內容 | -1. A city allotted to the tribe of Benjamin
Jos 18:26
.The Israelites assemble at
Jud 20:1-3
.And decree the penalty to be visited upon the Benjamites for
their maltreatment of the Levite's concubine
Jud 20:10
.Assembled by Samuel so that he could reprove them for their
1Sa 7:5
.They crown Saul king of Israel at
1Sa 10:17-25
.A judgment seat of Samuel
1Sa 7:16
.Walled up by Asa
1Ki 15:22 2Ch 16:6
.Temporarily the capitol of the country after the people of
Israel had been carried away captive
2Ki 25:23,25 Jer 40:6-15 41:1-14
.Captivity returned to
Ne 3:7,15,19
-2. A valley near Lebanon
Jos 11:3,8
-3. A city in Moab
.David puts his parents into the care of the king of
1Sa 22:3,4
-4. A city in the lowlands of Judah
Jos 15:38