內容 | -Created by God
Ge 1:16 Ps 8:3 136:7-9
-Its light
Job 31:26 Ec 12:2 So 6:10 Jer 31:35 1Co 15:41
-Its influences
De 33:14 Ps 121:6
-Seasons of (months)
Ps 104:19
-Joseph's dream concerning
Ge 37:9
-Stands still
Jos 10:12 13 Hab 3:11
-Worship of, forbidden
De 4:19 17:3
2Ki 23:5 Job 31:26,27 Jer 7:18 8:2 44:17-19,25
-No light of, in heaven
Re 21:23
-Darkening of
Job 25:5 Isa 13:10 24:23 Eze 32:7 Joe 2:10,31 3:15 Mt
24:29 Mr 13:24 Lu 21:25 Ac 2:20 Re 6:12 8:12
Nu 10:10 28:11-15 1Ch 23:31 2Ch 31:3 Ezr 3:5
.Traffic at the time of, prohibited
Am 8:5
.Shining of
Isa 30:26 60:19 Re 21:23
Re 12:1