中文內容 | -1. (挪亞) 拉麥的兒子
創 5:28,29
.建造方舟, 救他一家人免受大洪水之災
創 6:14-22
創 7 創 8 太 24:38 路 17:27 來 11:7 彼前 3:20
創 8:20,21
.上帝以彩虹為立約的記號, 擔保以後地上不再有毀滅的洪水
創 8:20,22 9:9-17
.酩酊大醉, 咒詛迦南
創 9:20-27
創 9:26,27
創 9:28,29
-2. (挪阿) 西羅非哈的女兒; 為了讓她們姊妹能順利繼承地業,
民 26:33 27:1-7
民 36 書 17:3-7
內容 | -1. Son of Lamech
Ge 5:28,29
.Builds an ark (ship) and saves his family from the great
Ge 6:14-22 7 8 Mt 24:38 Lu 17:27 Heb 11:7 1Pe 3:20
.Builds an altar and offers sacrifices
Ge 8:20,21
.Receives the covenant from God that no flood would ever
again visit the earth; the rainbow instituted as a token of
the covenant
Ge 8:20,22 9:9-17
.Intoxication of, and his curse upon Canaan
Ge 9:20-27
.His blessing upon Shem and Japheth
Ge 9:26,27
.Dies at the age of nine-hundred and fifty years
Ge 9:28,29
-2. A daughter of Zelophehad, special legislation in regard to
the inheritance of
Nu 26:33 27:1-7 36 Jos 17:3-7