主題OMRI (暗利 )
 -1. 以色列王
   .原為以色列軍元帥, 軍隊聽說以拉王被暗殺後便擁戴他為王
       王上 16:16 
   .擊敗對手提比尼, 建立自己的地位
       王上 16:17-22 
       王上 20:34 
   .掌政邪僻, 駕崩
       王上 16:23-28 
       彌 6:16 

 -2. 比結的兒子, 便雅憫的孫子
     代上 7:6-8 

 -3. 法勒斯的後裔
     代上 9:4 

 -4. 米迦勒的兒子, 在大衛時期是以薩迦支派的領袖
     代上 27:18 

 -1. King of Israel
   .Was commander of the army of Israel, and was proclaimed king
    by the army upon news of the assassination of King Elah
       1Ki 16:16 
   .Defeats his rival, Tibni, and establishes himself
       1Ki 16:17-22 
   .Surrendered cities to king of Syria
       1Ki 20:34 
   .Wicked reign and death of
       1Ki 16:23-28 
   .Denounced by Micah
       Mic 6:16 

 -2. A son of Becher, grandson of Benjamin
     1Ch 7:8 

 -3. A descendant of Pharez
     1Ch 9:4 

 -4. Son of Michael, and ruler of the tribe of Issachar during
  the time of David
     1Ch 27:18 
