中文內容 | -(國王受誰影響)
-見 君王/國王
太 16:13 路 9:18
約 3:1,2
約 19:38
約 9:21,22
約 12:42,43
太 21:26 可 11:18,32 12:12
徒 4:21 5:26
.保羅, 原本強迫提摩太受割禮
徒 16:3
.雅各和基督徒長老, 原本要求保羅遵守某些儀式
徒 21:18-26
.眾門徒, 原本力挺割禮
加 6:12
加 2:11-14
.見 審慎/深思熟慮
.希律 (安提帕), 在施洗約翰這件事上
可 6:26
徒 12:3
.彼得, 關於耶穌
太 26:69-75
太 27:23-27 可 15:15 路 23:13-25 約 18:38,39 19:4-14
.腓力斯和波求非斯都, 關於保羅
徒 24:27 25:9
內容 | -(Kings influenced by)
-Jesus inquires about
Mt 16:13 Lu 9:18
-Feared by
Joh 3:2
.Joseph of Arimathaea
Joh 19:38
.The parents of the man who was born blind
Joh 9:21,22
.Rulers, who believed in Jesus, but feared the Pharisees
Joh 12:42,43
.Chief priests, who feared to answer the questions of Jesus
Mt 21:26 Mr 11:18,32 12:12
.Chief preists, who feared to further persecute the disciples
Ac 4:21 5:26
.By Paul, in circumcising Timothy
Ac 16:3
.James and the Christian elders, who required Paul to observe
certain rites
Ac 21:18-26
.Disciples, who urged circumcision
Ga 6:12
.Peter and Barnabas with others
Ga 2:11-14
.By Herod (Antipas), in the case of John the Baptist
Mr 6:26
.Of Peter
Ac 12:3
.By Peter, concerning Jesus
Mt 26:69-75
.By Pilate
Mt 27:23-27 Mr 15:15 Lu 23:13-25 Joh 18:38,39 19:4-14
.By Felix and Festus, concerning Paul
Ac 24:27 25:9