中文內容 | -又名「西門巴約拿」、「磯法」
太 16:16-19 可 3:16 約 1:42
太 4:18 路 5:1-7 約 21:3
太 4:18-20 可 1:16-18 路 5:1-11
太 8:14 可 1:29,30 路 4:38
太 10:2 16:18,19 可 3:16 路 6:14 徒 1:13
可 1:36,37
太 16:16-19 可 8:29 路 9:20 約 6:68,69
太 16:22,23 可 8:32,33
.人群推擠耶穌, 血漏婦人摸祂時
路 8:45
約 13:6-11
可 5:37 路 8:51
太 17:1-4 可 9:2-6 路 9:28-33 彼後 1:16-18
太 26:36-46 可 14:33-42 路 22:40-46
路 12:41
太 18:21
太 15:11,15
可 13:3,4
太 14:28-31
路 22:8
可 11:21
-耶穌預言他的背叛, 他當下表明忠心不二
太 26:33-35 可 14:29-31 路 22:31-34 約 13:36-38
太 26:51 可 14:47 路 22:50 約 18:10
太 26:58 可 14:54 路 22:54 約 18:15
-不認耶穌, 繼而悔悟
太 26:69-75 可 14:66-72 路 22:55-62 約 18:17,18,25-27
路 24:12 約 20:2-6
-耶穌復活後, 捎訊息給彼得
可 16:7
路 24:34 林前 15:4,5
認出耶穌後, 就跳進海裡, 又游到岸上;
約 21:1-23
徒 1:13
-在門徒面前談到猶大的死, 主張找人填補使徒的空缺
徒 1:15-22
徒 2:14-40
徒 3
-受公會指控; 他的申辯
徒 4:1-23
徒 5:1-11
-下監, 遭鞭笞; 在公會前申辯
徒 5:17-42
徒 8:14
徒 8:15-17
-行邪術的西門想收買彼得的聖靈大能, 彼得就斥責他
徒 8:18-24
徒 8:25
加 1:18 2:9
-去呂大; 醫治以尼雅
徒 9:32-34
-去約帕; 住在硝皮匠西門家裡; 讓多加死裡復活
徒 9:36-43
-在異象中見到一塊布, 包著禮儀上算為潔淨和不潔淨的動物
徒 10:9-16
-接待百夫長的僕人; 前往該撒利亞; 向百夫長一家傳道, 並
徒 10
徒 11:1-18 15:7-11
-鋃鐺入獄, 蒙天使搭救
徒 12:3-19
彼前 1:1 彼後 1:1
.見 神蹟
內容 | -Also called SIMON BAR-JONA and CEPHAS
Mt 16:16-19 Mr 3:16 Joh 1:42
-A fisherman
Mt 4:18 Lu 5:1-7 Joh 21:3
-Call of
Mt 4:18-20 Mr 1:16-18 Lu 5:1-11
-His mother-in-law healed
Mt 8:14 Mr 1:29,30 Lu 4:38
-An apostle
Mt 10:2 16:18,19 Mr 3:16 Lu 6:14 Ac 1:13
-An evangelist
Mr 1:36,37
-Confesses Jesus to be the Messiah
Mt 16:16-19 Mr 8:29 Lu 9:20 Joh 6:68,69
-His presumption
.In rebuking Jesus
Mt 16:22,23 Mr 8:32,33
.When the throng was pressing Jesus and the woman with the
blood disorder touched him
Lu 8:45
.In refusing to let Jesus wash Peter's feet
Joh 13:6-11
.At the healing of Jairus' daughter
Mr 5:37 Lu 8:51
.At the transfiguration
Mt 17:1-4 Mr 9:2-6 Lu 9:28-33 2Pe 1:16-18
.In the garden of Gethsemane
Mt 26:36-46 Mr 14:33-42 Lu 22:40-46
-Seeks the interpretation
-Of the parable of the steward
Lu 12:41
-Of the law of forgiveness
Mt 18:21
-Of the law of defilement
Mt 15:15
-Of the prophecy of Jesus concerning his second coming
Mr 13:3,4
-Walks upon the water of Lake Galilee
Mt 14:28-31
-Sent with John to prepare the Passover meal
Lu 22:8
-Calls attention to the withered fig tree
Mr 11:21
-His treachery foretold by Jesus, and his profession of
Mt 26:33-35 Mr 14:29-31 Lu 22:31-34 Joh 13:36-38
-Cuts off the ear of Malchus
Mt 26:51 Mr 14:47 Lu 22:50
-Follows Jesus to the high priest's palace
Mt 26:58 Mr 14:54 Lu 22:54 Joh 18:15
-His denial of Jesus, and his repentance
Mt 26:69-75 Mr 14:66-72 Lu 22:55-62 Joh 18:17,18,25-27
-Visits the gravesite of Jesus
Lu 24:12 Joh 20:2-6
-Jesus sends message to, after the resurrection
Mr 16:7
-Jesus appears to
Lu 24:34 1Co 15:4,5
-Present at Lake Tiberias when Jesus appeared to his disciples;
jumps into the water, and comes to shore when Jesus is
recognized; is commissioned to feed the flock of Christ
Joh 21:1-23
-Lives in Jerusalem
Ac 1:13
-His statement in front of the disciples concerning the death
of Judas, and his recommendation that the vacancy in the
apostleship be filled
Ac 1:15-22
-Preaches on Pentecost day
Ac 2:14-40
-Heals the immobile man in the portico of the temple
Ac 3
-Accused by the council; his defense
Ac 4:1-23
-Foretells the death of Ananias and Sapphira
Ac 5:1-11
-Imprisoned and scourged; his defense before the council
Ac 5:17-42
-Goes to Samaria
Ac 8:14
-Prays for the reception of the miraculous gifts of the Holy
Ac 8:15-18
-Rebukes Simon, the sorcerer, who desires to purchase this
Ac 8:18-24
-Returns to Jerusalem
Ac 8:25
-Receives Paul
Ga 1:18 2:9
-Visits Lydda; heals Aeneas
Ac 9:32-34
-Visits Joppa; stays with Simon, the tanner; raises Dorcas from
the dead
Ac 9:36-43
-Has a vision of a sheet containing ceremonially clean and
unclean animals
Ac 10:9-16
-Receives the servant of the centurion; goes to Caesarea;
preaches and immerses the centurion and his household
Ac 10
-Advocates the preaching of the gospel to the Gentiles in the
hearing of the apostles and elders
Ac 11:1-18 15:7-11
-Imprisoned and delivered by an angel
Ac 12:3-19
-Writes two epistles
1Pe 1:1 2Pe 1:1
-Miracles of