中文內容 | -1. (腓力) 希律安提帕的兄弟, 希羅底的丈夫
太 14:3 可 6:17 路 3:19
-2. (腓力) 以土利亞分封的王
路 3:1
-3. (腓利) 七個受雇的僕人之一 (Greek: diakonos)
徒 6:5
徒 8:4-14
徒 8:27-38
.被主的靈提到古鎖, 在各城宣傳福音, 直到該撒利亞
徒 8:39,40
.住在該撒利亞, 款待保羅
徒 21:8
.有四個女兒 (皆為先知)
徒 21:9,10
-4. (腓力) 十二使徒之一
太 10:3 可 3:18 路 6:14 徒 1:13
約 1:43
約 1:45-50
.耶穌餵飽群眾, 腓力協助打理大夥的伙食
約 6:5-7
約 12:20-22
約 14:8-13
內容 | -1. The brother of Herod Antipas and the husband of Herodias
Mt 14:3 Mr 6:17 Lu 3:19
-2. Tetrarch of Iturea
Lu 3:1
-3. One of the seven servants (Greek: diakonos)
Ac 6:5
.Successfully preaches in Samaria
Ac 8:4-14
.Expounds the Scriptures to the Ethiopian eunuch whom he
Ac 8:27-38
.Caught away by the Spirit to Azotus, preaches in the cities,
and goes to Caesarea
Ac 8:39,40
.Lives at Caesarea, and entertains Paul
Ac 21:8
.Has four daughters (prophetesses)
Ac 21:9,10
-4. One of the twelve apostles
Mt 10:3 Mr 3:18 Lu 6:14 Ac 1:13
.Call of
Joh 1:43
.Brings Nathanael to Jesus
Joh 1:45-50
.Assists in caring for the multitude whom Jesus miraculously
Joh 6:5-7
.Brings certain Greeks to Jesus who desire to see him
Joh 12:20-22
.Asks Jesus to show the Father
Joh 14:8-13