中文內容 | -所羅門聖殿的柱子
王上 7:13-22 王下 25:17
王下 25:13 耶 52:17,20,21
王上 7:6
耶 31:21
創 19:26 路 17:32
.雅各, 紀念在異象中見到天使
創 28:18 31:13 35:14
.雅各, 紀念與拉班立約
創 31:45
.摩西, 紀念耶和華與以色列立約
出 24:4
.約書亞, 紀念過約但河
書 4:1-9 申 27:2-6 書 8:30
.約書亞, 在示劍
書 24:25-27 士 9:6
.撒母耳, 紀念打敗非利士人
撒上 7:12
.押沙龍, 為了使他的名字流芳後世
撒下 18:18
書 15:6 18:17
撒下 20:8 王上 1:9
賽 19:19
申 12:3
出 13:21,22 民 14:4 申 1:33 尼 9:19
-見 雲, 雲柱
啟 3:12 |
內容 | -Of Solomon's temple
1Ki 7:13-22 2Ki 25:17
-Broken and carried to Babylon
2Ki 25:13 Jer 52:17,20,21
-Of Solomon's palaces
1Ki 7:6
-Used to mark roads
Jer 31:21
-Pillar of salt, Lot's wife turned to
Ge 19:26 Lu 17:32
-Monuments erected to commemorate events
.By Jacob, his vision of angels
Ge 28:18 31:13 35:14
-By Jacob, his covenant with Laban
Ge 31:45
-By Moses, the covenant between Jehovah and Israel
Ex 24:4
-By Joshua, the crossing of the Jordan River
Jos 4:1-9 De 27:2-6 Jos 8:30
-By Joshua, at Shechem
Jos 24:25-27 Jud 9:6
-By Samuel, the defeat of the Philistines
1Sa 7:12
-By Absalom, to keep his name alive
2Sa 18:18
-As a boundary
Jos 15:6 18:17
-As a road sign
1Sa 20:19
-As a landmark
2Sa 20:8 1Ki 1:9
-Prophecy of one in Egypt
Isa 19:19
-Monuments of idolatry, to be destroyed
De 12:3
Re 3:12