中文內容 | -基督的能力
.身為上帝的兒子, 就是上帝的權能
約 5:17-19 10:28-30
.身為凡人, 其能力來自上帝
徒 10:38
弗 1:20,21 彼前 3:22
太 28:18
約 17:2
約 3:35 弗 1:22
帖後 1:9
提前 6:16
腓 3:21
約 1:3,10 西 1:16
西 1:17 來 1:3
賽 63:1 來 7:25
太 7:28,29 路 4:32
太 8:27 路 5:17
太 10:1 可 16:17,18 路 10:17
太 9:6 徒 5:31
約 5:21,25,26
約 17:2
約 5:28,29
約 2:19 10:18
約 16:33
西 2:15 來 2:14
約一 3:8
彼後 1:16
詩 110:3
來 2:18
腓 4:13 提後 4:17
提後 1:12 4:18
腓 3:21
林後 12:9
.聖徒聚會時, 基督的能力也同在
林前 5:4
.基督再臨時, 祂的大能會以特殊的方式顯現
可 13:26 彼後 1:16
林前 15:24
詩 2:9 賽 11:4 63:3 帖後 1:9
.見 耶穌基督
詩 62:11
詩 29:3,5 68:33
.上帝的指頭 (手段)
出 8:19 詩 8:3
出 9:3,15 賽 48:13
伯 40:9 賽 52:10
伯 26:14
詩 79:11 鴻 1:3
詩 89:13 136:12
出 15:6 賽 63:12
伯 9:4 詩 89:13
賽 26:4 羅 1:20
羅 9:21
賽 43:13 弗 3:7
申 32:39 但 4:35
出 15:11,12 申 3:24 伯 40:9 詩 89:8
伯 5:9 9:10
伯 26:14 傳 3:11
太 19:26
創 18:14 耶 32:27
.使人得勝, 不在乎人多人少
撒上 14:6
代上 29:12 詩 68:35
詩 102:25 耶 10:12
詩 65:6 66:7
路 11:20
林後 13:4 西 2:12
林前 6:14
羅 1:16 林前 1:18,24
詩 106:8
出 9:16 羅 9:22
詩 63:1,2
耶 20:11
林後 9:8
弗 6:10 西 1:11
詩 37:17 賽 41:10
林後 6:7 提後 1:8
尼 1:10 但 3:17
伯 36:22
彼前 1:5
代上 16:9
林後 13:4 弗 1:19 3:20
林前 2:5
代上 29:11 賽 33:13
詩 79:11 太 6:13
耶 5:22 太 10:28
詩 21:13 猶 1:25
林前 3:6-8 加 2:8 弗 3:7
賽 26:4 羅 4:21
太 22:29
拉 8:22
路 12:5
啟 4:11 5:13 11:17
.見 上帝/神 , 是全能的
.見 上帝/神 , 上帝的能力
太 12:28 路 11:20
路 4:14
太 12:28
創 1:2 伯 26:13 詩 104:30
路 1:35
彼前 3:18
結 37:11-14 羅 8:11
羅 15:19
林前 2:4 帖前 1:5
亞 4:6,7
路 24:49
徒 1:8
詩 51:12
弗 3:16
彌 3:8 徒 6:5,10 提後 1:7,8
羅 8:26
羅 15:13
路 24:49 徒 1:8,9
弗 6:17
.見 聖靈
創 32:28 賽 40:29-31 可 9:29 路 1:17 4:32 24:49
約 7:38,39 徒 1:8 2:2-4 6:8 弗 1:19,20 林前 1:24-28
林前 4:19,20 林後 12:9 帖前 1:5 提後 1:7 來 6:5
.見 聖靈
.As the Son of God, is the power of God
Joh 5:17-19 10:28-30
.As man, is from the Father
Ac 10:38
.Described as supreme
Eph 1:20,21 1Pe 3:22
Mt 28:18
.Over all flesh
Joh 17:2
.Over all things
Joh 3:35 Eph 1:22
2Th 1:9
1Ti 6:16
.Is able to subdue all things
Php 3:21
.Exemplified in creation
Joh 1:3,10 Col 1:16
.Upholding all things
Col 1:17 Heb 1:3
Isa 63:1 Heb 7:25
.His teaching
Mt 7:28,29 Lu 4:32
.Performing miracles
Mt 8:27 Lu 5:17
.Enabling others to work miracles
Mt 10:1 Mr 16:17,18 Lu 10:17
.Forgiving sins
Mt 9:6 Ac 5:31
.Giving spiritual life
Joh 5:21,25,26
.Giving eternal life
Joh 17:2
.Raising the dead
Joh 5:28,29
.Rising from the dead
Joh 2:19 10:18
.Overcoming the world
Joh 16:33
.Overcoming Satan
Col 2:15 Heb 2:14
.Destroying the works of Satan
1Jo 3:8
.Ministers should make known
2Pe 1:16
.Saints made willing by
Ps 110:3
.Helped by
Heb 2:18
.Strengthened by
Php 4:13 2Ti 4:17
.Preserved by
2Ti 1:12 4:18
.Bodies of, will be changed by
Php 3:21
.Rests upon saints
2Co 12:9
.Present in the assembly of saints
1Co 5:4
.Will be specially manifested at his second coming
Mr 13:26 2Pe 1:16
.Will subdue all power
1Co 15:24
.The wicked will be destroyed by
Ps 2:9 Isa 11:4 63:3 2Th 1:9
.One of his attributes
Ps 62:11
.Expressed by
.The voice of God
Ps 29:3,5 68:33
.The finger of God
Ex 8:19 Ps 8:3
.The hand of God
Ex 9:3,15 Isa 48:13
.The arm of God
Job 40:9 Isa 52:10
.The thunder of his power
Job 26:14
.Described as
Ps 79:11 Na 1:3
Ps 89:13 136:12
Ex 15:6 Isa 63:12
Job 9:4 Ps 89:13
Isa 26:4 Ro 1:20
Ro 9:21
Isa 43:13 Eph 3:7
De 32:39 Da 4:35
Ex 15:11,12 De 3:24 Job 40:9 Ps 89:8
Job 5:9 9:10
Job 26:14 Ec 3:11
.All things possible to
Mt 19:26
.Nothing too difficult for
Ge 18:14 Jer 32:27
.Can save by many or by few
1Sa 14:6
.Is the source of all strength
1Ch 29:12 Ps 68:35
.In the creation
Ps 102:25 Jer 10:12
.In establishing and governing all things
Ps 65:6 66:7
.In the miracles of Christ
Lu 11:20
.In the resurrection of Christ
2Co 13:4 Col 2:12
.In the resurrection of saints
1Co 6:14
.In making the gospel effectual
Ro 1:16 1Co 1:18,24
.In delivering his people
Ps 106:8
.In the destruction of the wicked
Ex 9:16 Ro 9:22
.Saints long for exhibitions of
Ps 63:1,2
.Have confidence in
Jer 20:11
.Receive increase of grace by
2Co 9:8
.Strengthened by
Eph 6:10 Col 1:11
.Upheld by
Ps 37:17 Isa 41:10
.Supported in affliction by
2Co 6:7 2Ti 1:8
.Delivered by
Ne 1:10 Da 3:17
.Exalted by
Job 36:22
.Kept by, unto salvation
1Pe 1:5
.Exerted in behalf of saints
1Ch 16:9
.Works in and for saints
2Co 13:4 Eph 1:19 3:20
.The faith that saints rely on
1Co 2:5
.Should be acknowledged
1Ch 29:11 Isa 33:13
.Pleaded in prayer
Ps 79:11 Mt 6:13
Jer 5:22 Mt 10:28
Ps 21:13 Jude 1:25
.Efficiency of ministers is through
1Co 3:6-8 Ga 2:8 Eph 3:7
.Is a ground of trust
Isa 26:4 Ro 4:21
.Wicked people
.Do not know
Mt 22:29
.Have against them
Ezr 8:22
.Will be destroyed by
Lu 12:5
.The heavenly host magnified
Re 4:11 5:13 11:17
.Is the power of God
Mt 12:28 Lu 11:20
.Christ commenced his ministry in
Lu 4:14
.Christ worked his miracles by
Mt 12:28
.Exemplified in
.The creation
Ge 1:2 Job 26:13 Ps 104:30
.The conception of Christ
Lu 1:35
.Raising Christ from the dead
1Pe 3:18
.Giving spiritual life
Eze 37:11-14 Ro 8:11
.Performing miracles
Ro 15:19
.Making the gospel effective
1Co 2:4 1Th 1:5
.Overcoming all difficulties
Zec 4:6,7
.Promised by the Father
Lu 24:49
.Promised by Christ
Ac 1:8
.Upheld by
Ps 51:12
.Strengthened by
Eph 3:16
.Enabled to speak the truth boldly by
Mic 3:8 Ac 6:5,10 2Ti 1:7,8
.Helped in prayer by
Ro 8:26
.Abound in hope by
Ro 15:13
.Qualifies ministers
Lu 24:49 Ac 1:8,9
.God's word the instrument of
Eph 6:17
Ge 32:28 Isa 40:29-31 Mr 9:29 Lu 1:17 4:32 24:49 Joh
7:38,39 Ac 1:8 2:2-4 6:8 Eph 1:19,20 1Co 1:24-28 4:19,20 2Co 12:9 1Th 1:5 2Ti 1:7 Heb 6:5