中文內容 | -摩西以前的祭司
創 14:18 來 5:6,10,11 6:20 7:1-21
出 2:16
.頒佈律法以前, 以色列的祭司
出 19:22,24
傳 5:6
出 28:1-4 29:9,44 民 3:10 18:7 代上 23:13
出 27:21 28:43 29:9
出 29:1-9,19-35 40:12-16 利 6:20-23 8:6-35 來 7:21
利 21:6,7 22:9,16
出 40:30-32 利 16:24
.見 承接聖職, 如上
利 21:17-23
出 28:2-43 39:1-29 利 6:10,11 8:13 結 44:17-19
結 42:14 44:19
利 16:6,24 結 44:27
結 44:25,26
利 21:7-15 結 44:22
結 40:45,46
拉 7:24
.大衛背叛掃羅時, 祭司武裝組織起來, 預備作戰
代上 12:27,28
結 44:20
代上 24:1-19 28:13,21 代下 8:14 31:2 35:4,5
拉 2:36-39 尼 13:30
路 1:8,9,23
民 3:10 16:1-50 18:7 代下 26:18
王上 12:31 13:33
.見 利未人
.見 神僕
利 1:4-17 2:2,16 3:5,11,13,16 4:5-12,17,25,26,30-35
代上 16:40 代下 13:11 29:34 35:11-14 拉 6:20
來 10:11
.見 祭
利 23:10,11 申 26:2-4
民 6:22-27 申 21:5 代下 30:27
利 10:11 申 24:8 27:14 31:9-13 33:10 耶 2:8
瑪 2:7
出 27:20,21 代下 13:11 利 24:3,4
利 6:12,13
尼 10:34
民 4:5-15 18:1,5,7
拉 7:1-6 尼 8:9
尼 10:38
民 10:2-10 31:6 書 6:1-27 代下 13:12
.見 痲瘋
利 15:31
.見 沾染污穢
利 27:8,12
來 9:6
民 3:9,32 4:19,28,33 代上 9:20
民 5:14-31 申 17:8-13 19:17 21:5 代下 19:8
結 44:23,24
申 20:2-4
書 3 4:15-18
撒上 4:3-5
民 18:20 申 10:9 14:27 18:1,2 書 13:14,33 14:3
書 18:7 結 44:28
利 25:32-34 民 35:2-8 書 21:1-4,13-19,41,42
代上 6:57-60 尼 11:11,20 結 45:1-6 48:8-20
利 27:21
民 18:8-18,26-32 尼 10:38
.戰時掠物的一部分, 包括俘虜
民 31:25-29
利 23:20 24:9 民 18:12,13,17,18 申 18:3-5 尼 10:36
利 27:23
民 3:46-51 18:15,16
利 27:21 民 5:9,10 18:14
利 5:16 22:14 民 5:8
利 5:15,18 民 18:9 王下 12:16
出 25:30 利 24:5-9 代下 2:4 13:11 尼 10:33 太 12:4
來 9:2
出 29:27-34 利 2:2,3,9,10 5:12,13,16 6:15-18,26
利 7:6-10,31-34 10:12-14 14:12,13 民 6:19,20 18:8-19
申 18:3-5 撒上 2:13,14 結 44:28-31 45:1-4 林前 9:13
代下 31:4-19
結 48:8-14
利 22:11-13 民 18:11,19
出 19:6 賽 61:6 彼前 2:9 啟 1:6 5:10 20:6
利 21:10-15 民 3:32
.見 摩西時代設立的祭司, 如上
出 28:2-43 39:1-31 利 8:7-9
徒 23:5
民 18:2,5,7
來 5:1 8:3
民 4:19 撒上 2:36
民 8:11-21
王下 12:10 22:4 代下 24:6-14 34:9
出 27:20,21 30:8 利 24:3,4 民 8:3
出 30:7,8 撒上 2:28 代上 23:13
利 24:8
利 4:3-12
出 30:10 利 16:1-34 來 5:3 9:7,22,23
民 5:15 申 17:8-13 撒上 4:18 何 4:4 太 26:3,50,57,62
徒 5:21-28 23:1-5
民 1:3
民 27:18,19,21
民 31:26-29
.見 祭司的薪給, 如上
民 3:32 4:16 31:6 代上 9:20 撒下 15:24 王下 25:18
路 3:2
.十個支派反叛時, 仍忠於羅波安
代下 11:13
代下 29:4-17
代下 36:14
耶 29:1
拉 1:5 2:36-39,61,70 3:8 7:7 8:24-30
尼 7:39-42,63-73 10:1-8 12:1-7
拉 9:1,2 10:5,18,19 尼 10:28
拉 3:1-7
拉 3:8-13
約 1:19
太 26:3-5,14,15,47,51 可 14:10,11,43-47,53-66 15:1
路 22:2-6,50,54,66-71 23:1,2 約 11:47 19:15,16,18
太 26:57-68 27:1,2 可 14:53-65 路 22:54-71 23:13-24
約 18:15-32
太 27:20 可 15:11 路 23:18
徒 22:5
徒 4:6-21 5:17-41
.審問司提反, 定他的罪, 並用石頭打死他
徒 6:12-15 7
徒 22:30 23:1-5
耶 23:11,12 結 22:26 路 10:31
撒上 2:12-17,22
拉 9:1,2 10:18-22 尼 13:4-9,13,28,29
代上 9:10-13
撒上 16:5 |
Ge 14:18 Heb 5:6,10,11 6:20 7:1-21
Ex 2:16
.Priests in Israel before the giving of the law
Ex 19:22,24
.Called "angel,"
Ec 5:6
Ex 28:1-4 29:9,44 Nu 3:10 18:7 1Ch 23:13
.Hereditary, descent of office
Ex 27:21 28:43 29:9
.Consecration of
Ex 29:1-9,19-35 40:12-16 Le 6:20-23 8:6-35 Heb 7:21
.Is holy
Le 21:6,7 22:9,16
.Ablutions of
Ex 40:30-32 Le 16:24
.Must be without blemish
Le 21:17-23
.Vestments of
Ex 28:2-43 39:1-29 Le 6:10,11 8:13 Eze 44:17-19
.Don vestments in the temple area
Eze 42:14 44:19
.Atonement for
Le 16:6,24 Eze 44:27
.Defilement and purification of
Eze 44:25,26
.Marriage of
Le 21:7-15 Eze 44:22
.Chambers for, in the temple area
Eze 40:45,46
.Exempt from tax
Ezr 7:24
.Armed and organized for war at the time of the disaffection
toward Saul
1Ch 12:27,28
.Beard and hair of
Eze 44:20
.Twenty-four divisions (shifts) of
1Ch 24:1-19 28:13,21 2Ch 8:14 31:2 35:4,5 Ezr
2:36-39 Ne 13:30
.Chosen by lot
Lu 1:8,9,23
.Usurpations of office of
Nu 3:10 16 18:7 2Ch 26:18
.Priests who were not from the sons of Levi were appointed by
1Ki 12:31 13:33
.To offer sacrifices
Le 1:4-17 2:2,16 3:5,11,13,16 4:5-12,17,25,26,30-35 1Ch 16:40 2Ch 13:11 29:34 35:11-14 Ezr 6:20 Heb
.To offer the firstfruits
Le 23:10,11 De 26:3,4
.Pronounce benedictions
Nu 6:22-27 De 21:5 2Ch 30:27
.Teach the law
Le 10:11 De 24:8 27:14 31:9-13 33:10 Jer 2:8 Mal
.Light the lamps in the tabernacle
Ex 27:20,21 2Ch 13:11 Le 24:3,4
.Keep the sacred fire always burning
Le 6:12,13
.To furnish a quota of wood for the sanctuary
Ne 10:34
.Responsible for the sanctuary
Nu 4:5-15 18:1,5,7
.To act as scribes
Ezr 7:1-6 Ne 8:9
.Be present at and supervise the tithing
Ne 10:38
.Sound the trumpet in summoning assemblies and in battle
Nu 10:2-10 31:6 Jos 6 2Ch 13:12
.Examine lepers
.Purify the unclean
Le 15:31
.Valuate things devoted
Le 27:8,12
.Officiate in the Holy Place
Heb 9:6
.Chiefs of Levites
Nu 3:9,32 4:19,28,33 1Ch 9:20
.To act as magistrates
Nu 5:14-31 De 17:8-13 19:17 21:5 2Ch 19:8 Eze
.To encourage the army on the eve of battle
De 20:2-4
.Carry the ark of the covenant
.Through the Jordan River
Jos 3 4:15-18
.In battle
1Sa 4:3-5
.No part of the land of Canaan allowed to
Nu 18:20 De 10:9 14:27 18:1,2 Jos 13:14,33 14:3 18:7 Eze 44:28
.Provided with cities and suburbs
Le 25:32-34 Nu 35:2-8 Jos 21:1-4,13-19,41,42 1Ch
6:57-60 Ne 11:11,20 Eze 45:1-6 48:8-20
.Own lands sanctified to the Lord
Le 27:21
.Tithes of the tithes
Nu 18:8-18,26-32 Ne 10:38
.Part of the plunder of war, including captives
Nu 31:25-29
Le 23:20 24:9 Nu 18:12,13,17,18 De 18:3-5 Ne 10:36
.Redemption money
Le 27:23
.Of the firstborn
Nu 3:46-51 18:15,16
.Things devoted
Le 27:21 Nu 5:9,10 18:14
Le 5:16 22:14 Nu 5:8
.Trespass money and other trepass offerings
Le 5:15,18 Nu 18:9 2Ki 12:16
.The shewbread
Ex 25:30 Le 24:5-9 2Ch 2:4 13:11 Ne 10:33 Mt 12:4 Heb 9:2
.Portions of sacrifices and offerings
Ex 29:27-34 Le 2:2,3,9,10 5:12,13,16 6:15-18,26 7:6-10,31-34 10:12-14 14:12,13 Nu 6:19,20 18:8-19 De
18:3-5 1Sa 2:13,14 Eze 44:28-31 45:1-4 1Co 9:13
.Regulations by Hezekiah concerning benefits to the priests
2Ch 31:4-19
.Portion of land allotted to, in redistribution in Ezekiel's
Eze 48:8-14
.For the sustenance of their families
Le 22:11-13 Nu 18:11,19
Ex 19:6 Isa 61:6 1Pe 2:9 Re 1:6 5:10 20:6
-(Moses did not denominate Aaron chief or high priest)
-(The function he served was superior to that of other priests)
.The title appears after the institution of the office
Le 21:10-15 Nu 3:32
.For qualifications, consecration, etc
.See under the general topic above, PRIEST, MOSAIC
.Vestments of
Ex 28:2-43 39:1-31 Le 8:7-9
.Respect due to
Ac 23:5
.Had charge of the sanctuary and altar
Nu 18:2,5,7
.To offer sacrifices
Heb 5:1 8:3
.To designate subordinate priests for duty
Nu 4:19 1Sa 2:36
.To officiate in consecrations of Levites
Nu 8:11-21
.To have charge of the treasury
2Ki 12:10 22:4 2Ch 24:6-14 34:9
.To light the lamps of the tabernacle
Ex 27:20,21 30:8 Le 24:3,4 Nu 8:3
.To burn incense
Ex 30:7,8 1Sa 2:28 1Ch 23:13
.To place shewbread on the table every Sabbath
Le 24:8
.To offer for his own sins of ignorance
Le 4:3-12
.On the Day of Atonement
Ex 30:10 Le 16 Heb 5:3 9:7,22,23
Nu 5:15 De 17:8-13 1Sa 4:18 Ho 4:4 Mt 26:3,50,57,62 Ac 5:21-28 23:1-5
.To count the people
Nu 1:3
.Officiate at the choice of a ruler
Nu 27:18,19,21
.Distribute the plunder of war
Nu 31:26-29
.Benefits of
.A second priest, under the high priest
Nu 3:32 4:16 31:6 1Ch 9:20 2Sa 15:24 2Ki 25:18 Lu
.Loyal to Rehoboam at the time of the revolt of the ten
2Ch 11:13
.Zeal of, in purging the temple
2Ch 29:4-17
.Wickedness of
2Ch 36:14
.Taken with the captivity to Babylon
Jer 29:1
.Return from the captivity
Ezr 1:5 2:36-39,61,70 3:8 7:7 8:24-30 Ne
7:39-42,63-73 10:1-8 12:1-7
.Polluted by marrying idolatrous wives
Ezr 9:1,2 10:5,18,19 Ne 10:28
.Restore the altar, and offer sacrifices
Ezr 3:1-7
.Supervise the building of the new temple
Ezr 3:8-13
.Inquire of John the Baptist to see if he might be the
Joh 1:19
.Conspire to destroy Jesus
Mt 26:3-5,14,15,47,51 Mr 14:10,11,43-47,53-66 15:1 Lu
22:2-6,50,54,66-71 23:1,2 Joh 11:47 19:15,16,18
.Put on trial and condemn Jesus
Mt 26:57-68 27:1,2 Mr 14:53-65 Lu 22:54-71 23:13-24 Joh 18:15-32
.Incite the people to ask that Barabbas be released and Jesus
be destroyed
Mt 27:20 Mr 15:11 Lu 23:18
.Persecute the disciples
Ac 22:5
.Reprove and threaten Peter and John
Ac 4:6-21 5:17-41
.Put on trial, condemn, and stone Stephen
Ac 6:12-15 7
.Paul brought before
Ac 22:30 23:1-5
Jer 23:11,12 Eze 22:26 Lu 10:31
.Instances of
.Eli's sons
1Sa 2:12-17,22
.Of the captivity
Ezr 9:1,2 10:18-22 Ne 13:4-9,13,28,29
1Ch 9:10-13
.Priestly office performed by prophets
1Sa 16:5