中文內容 | -約瑟
創 39:20-23
創 40 41:1-44
耶 38:6-28 39:14
太 11:2 14:3-12 可 6:17 路 3:20
太 26:47-75
太 27 可 14:43-72
可 15 路 22:47-71
路 23 約 18:3-40
約 19
徒 5:17-42
徒 12:3-19
徒 16:19-40 21:27-40
徒 22 徒 23 徒 24 徒 25 徒 26 徒 27 徒 28
徒 16:19-40
士 16:21
王上 22:27
徒 12:6
箴 7:22 耶 29:26 徒 16:24
耶 32:2
耶 37:15
創 40:3
太 11:2 徒 24:23
徒 12:6,7
耶 37:20,21
耶 38:6 哀 3:53,54
-見 俘虜
徒 12:18,19
徒 22:24
太 27:26 可 15:15 徒 16:23,33 林後 6:5 11:23,24
徒 24:10 25:8,16 26:1 提後 4:16
耶 38:7-28
徒 16:33
徒 24:22-23
徒 27:1,3 28:16,30,31
太 25:35-46
太 27:15-17 可 15:6 路 23:17 約 18:39
書 10:16-27 撒上 15:33 27:11 撒下 12:31 王下 25:7
代上 20:3 何 13:16 摩 1:13 哀 3:34
民 31:9,17
士 1:6,7
王下 25:7
.見 俘虜
詩 69:33 79:11 102:19,20 146:7
.見 俘虜
.見 囚禁
賽 61:1 路 4:18 |
內容 | -Joseph
Ge 39:20-23 40 41:1-44
Jer 38:6-28 39:14
-John the Baptist
Mt 11:2 14:3-12 Mr 6:17 Lu 3:20
Mt 26:47-75 27 Mr 14:43-72 15 Lu 22:47-71 23 Joh
18:3-40 19
-The apostles
Ac 5:17-42
Ac 12:3-19
Ac 16:19-40 21:27-40 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Ac 16:19-40
-Required to labor
Jud 16:21
-Sustained on bread and water of affliction
1Ki 22:27
-In chains
Ac 12:6
-In stocks
Pr 7:22 Jer 29:26 Ac 16:24
.In the court of the palace
Jer 32:2
.In the house of the scribe
Jer 37:15
.In the house of the captain of the guard
Ge 40:3
-Visited by friends
Mt 11:2 Ac 24:23
-Bound to soldiers
Ac 12:6,7
-Severe hardships of, mitigated
Jer 37:20,21
-Cruelty to
Jer 38:6 La 3:53,54
-Guards responsible for
Ac 12:18,19
-Tortured to extort self-incriminating testimony
Ac 22:24
Mt 27:26 Mr 15:15 Ac 16:23,33 2Co 6:5 11:23,24
-Permitted to make defense
Ac 24:10 25:8,16 26:1 2Ti 4:16
-Kindness to
.By the prison guard to Jeremiah
Jer 38:7-28
.By the Philippian jailer to Paul
Ac 16:33
.By Felix
Ac 24:23
.By Julius, the centurion
Ac 27:1,3 28:16,30,31
-To be visited and ministered to
Mt 25:35-46
-Released at feasts
Mt 27:15-17 Mr 15:6 Lu 23:17 Joh 18:39
.Put to death
Jos 10:16-27 1Sa 15:33 27:11 2Sa 12:31 2Ki 25:7 1Ch
20:3 Ho 13:16 Am 1:13 La 3:34
.By divine command
Nu 31:9,17
.Thumbs and toes cut off
Jud 1:6,7
2Ki 25:7
.Consolations for
Ps 69:33 79:11 102:19,20 146:7
Isa 61:1 Lu 4:18