Ge 23:17,18 26:20
.Rights in, violated
Ge 21:25 26:18-22
Le 27:16-25
.Alienated for debt
Le 25:29,30
.By absence
2Ki 8:1-6
.In villages, inalienable
Le 25:31-33
Le 27:14,15
.Confiscation of (Naboth's vineyard)
1Ki 21:15,16
.Priests exempt from taxes
Ge 47:22
.Entail of
Nu 27:1-11 36:1-9
Ec 2:21
.Landmarks of, not to be removed
De 19:14 27:17
.Rights in, sacred
Ex 20:17 De 5:21
.Laws concerning trespass of, and violence to
Ex 21:28-36 22:9 De 23:25
.Strayed, to be returned to owner
Le 6:3,4 De 22:1-3
Ex 22:14,15
Ex 22:10-15
.Sold for debt
Pr 22:26,27
.Rights of redemption of
Jer 32:7
.Dedicated to God, redemption of
Le 27:9-13,26-33
.In slaves
Ex 21:4