中文內容 | -一般經文
伯 34:3,4 詩 39:1 112:5 箴 6:1,2 8:12 11:13,15,29
箴 12:8,16,23 13:16 14:8,15,16,18 15:5,22 16:20,21
箴 17:2,18 18:15,16 19:2 20:5,16,18 21:5,20,23
箴 22:3,7,26,27 23:1-3,9 24:6,27 25:8-10 26:4,5 27:12
箴 29:8,11 傳 7:16,17 8:2,3 10:1,10 何 14:9 摩 5:13
太 5:25,26 7:6 路 14:28-32 羅 14:16 林前 6:12 8:8-13
林前 10:23,25-33 西 4:5 雅 1:19
-見 外交/圓滑/交際手腕
-見 恩慈/溫和
-見 智慧
.雅各, 與以掃互動
創 32:3-21
.雅各, 女兒底拿遭玷污後, 審慎決定如何向兒子開口
創 34:5,30
.約瑟, 關於埃及的事
創 41:33-57
出 18:17-23
.以色列人, 審慎與兩個半支派協商, 避開可能的戰事
書 22:10-34
.掃羅, 不殺基列雅比人
撒上 11:13
.大衛, 與掃羅互動
撒上 18:5-30
.大衛, 推翻亞希多弗狡詐的計謀
撒下 15:33-37
.亞比該, 平息大衛的怒氣
撒上 25:18-31
.亞吉, 打發大衛離開
撒上 29
.以利亞, 逃避耶洗別
王上 19:3,4
王上 12:7
.約蘭, 察覺亞蘭人的詭計
王下 7:12,13
.尼希米, 處理耶路撒冷的事務
尼 2:12-16 4:13-23
但 1:8-14
耶 26:17-23
太 9:30 16:20 可 3:12 5:43 7:36 8:30 9:9
約 7:10
約 11:54 12:36
太 12:14-16 可 3:7 約 11:47-54
.約瑟, 對待馬利亞
太 1:19
.彼得, 逃離希律亞基帕一世
徒 12:17
徒 16:3
徒 21:20-26
徒 23:6
.妥善管理會眾所獻的禮物, 免得人說閒話
林後 8:20
.欠缺縝密的思慮, 不顧聖靈和朋友的警告, 仍堅持要去耶路撒冷
徒 20:22-25,37,38 21:10-14
.保羅和巴拿巴, 躲避逼迫
徒 14:6
.保羅和西拉, 逃離庇哩亞
徒 17:10-15
.以弗所城的書記, 避免一場暴動
徒 19:29-41
.見 外交/圓滑/交際手腕 |
內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Job 34:3,4 Ps 39:1 112:5 Pr 6:1,2 8:12 11:13,15,29 12:8,16,23 13:16 14:8,15,16,18 15:5,22 16:20,21 17:2,18 18:15,16 19:2 20:5,16,18 21:5,20,23 22:3,7,26,27 23:1-3,9 24:6,27 25:8-10 26:4,5 27:12 29:8,11 Ec 7:16,17 8:2,3 10:1,10 Ho 14:9 Am 5:13 Mt
5:25,26 7:6 Lu 14:28-32 Ro 14:16 1Co 6:12 8:8-13 10:23,25-33 Col 4:5 Jas 1:19
.Jacob, in his conduct toward Esau
Ge 32:3-21
.Jacob, toward his sons, after Dinah's defilement
Ge 34:5,30
.Joseph, in the affairs of Egypt
Ge 41:33-57
.Jethro's advice to Moses
Ex 18:17-23
.The Israelites, in the threatened war with the two and
one-half tribes
Jos 22:10-34
.Saul, in not killing the Jabesh-gileadites
1Sa 11:13
.David, in his conduct toward Saul
1Sa 18:5-30
.David, in overthrowing Ahithophel's shrewd advice
2Sa 15:33-37
.Abigail, in averting David's anger
1Sa 25:18-31
.Achish, in dismissing David
1Sa 29
.Elijah, in his escape from Jezebel
1Ki 19:3,4
.Rehoboam's advisers
1Ki 12:7
.Jehoram, in suspecting a Syrian stratagem
2Ki 7:12,13
.Nehemiah, in conduct of affairs at Jerusalem
Ne 2:12-16 4:13-23
Da 1:8-14
.Certain elders of Israel
Jer 26:17-23
.Of Jesus
.In charging those who were healed not to "advertise" his
Mt 9:30 16:20 Mr 3:12 5:43 7:36 8:30 9:9
.Going to the feast secretly
Joh 7:10
.In walking "no longer openly,"
Joh 11:54 12:36
.In avoiding his enemies
Mt 12:14-16 Mr 3:7 Joh 11:47-54
.Joseph, in his conduct toward Mary
Mt 1:19
.Peter, in escaping from Herod Agrippa I
Ac 12:17
.In circumcising Timothy
Ac 16:3
.In performing temple rites
Ac 21:20-26
.In turning the Jewish sects against each other
Ac 23:6
.Avoiding suspicion in administering the gifts of the
2Co 8:20
.His lack of, in his persistence in going to Jerusalem
despite the warnings of the Spirit and his friends
Ac 20:22-25,37,38 21:10-14
.Paul and Barnabas, in escaping persecution
Ac 14:6
.Paul and Silas, in escaping from Berea
Ac 17:10-15
.The town clerk of Ephesus, in averting a riot
Ac 19:29-41