中文內容 | -(徹底改變態度和價值觀, 亦即回轉歸向上帝)
創 6:6,7 出 32:14 申 32:36 士 2:18 撒上 15:11,29,35
撒下 24:16 代上 21:15 詩 106:45 110:4 135:14 耶 15:6
耶 18:8,10 26:3 42:10 珥 2:13 摩 7:3,6 拿 3:9,10
太 3
太 4:17 可 1:15
箴 1:23-33 耶 7:3,5 26:3 何 14:1-3 摩 5:4-6 太 3:2
利 26:40-42 代下 7:14
民 14:39-45
來 12:16,17
利 26:40-42 申 4:29-31 10:16 30:1-3,8-10 32:29
王上 8:33-50 代下 6:36-39 7:14 30:6-9 尼 1:9 伯 11:13-15
伯 22:23 33:26-28 34:31,32 36:10 詩 22:27 34:14,18 51:17
詩 95:7,8 147:3 箴 1:22,23 9:6 28:13 賽 10:21 22:12
賽 31:6 44:22 46:8 55:6,7 57:15 59:20 61:1,2
耶 3:4,12-14,19 4:1-4,14 6:8,16 7:5,7 13:15,16 18:8,11
耶 24:7 25:5 26:3,13 31:9 36:3,7 50:4,5 結 7:16
結 11:18-20 12:3 14:6 16:61-63 18:21-23,27,28,30-32 20:43
結 33:10-12,14-16,19 36:31 37:23 但 4:27 何 2:7 3:5 5:15
何 10:12 12:6 14:1,2 珥 1:14 2:12,13,15-18 摩 4:12
摩 5:6,15 拿 3:8,9 該 1:7 亞 1:3 12:10 瑪 3:7
太 3:2,7,8 4:17 5:4 9:13 可 1:4,15 2:17 6:12 路 3:3
路 5:32 6:21 10:13 13:1-5 15:1-10 18:10-14 24:47
徒 2:38,40 3:19 5:31 8:22 17:30 20:21 26:20 羅 2:4
羅 11:23 14:11 弗 5:14 提後 2:25 來 6:1 雅 4:8-10
林前 1:9 啟 2:5 3:2,3,19
.見 服罪
.見 悔罪
.見 痛悔
.見 罪, 認罪
.見 罪, 罪得赦免
.約瑟的兄弟, 懊悔惡待約瑟
創 42:21 50:17,18
.法老, 後悔先前心硬
出 9:27 10:16,17
.巴蘭, 悔悟他靈性盲目
民 22:34 22:24-35
出 33:3,4
.火蛇之災降臨時, 就後悔抱怨沒糧沒水
民 21:4-7
士 2:1-5
.受非利士人侵擾時 就懊悔拜了偶像
士 10:6-16 撒上 7:3-6
撒上 12:16-20
.亞撒年間, 因為亞撒利雅的傳講而悔改
代下 15:1-15
代下 28:9-15
代下 30:11
.亞干, 悔悟不該偷竊
書 7:20
.掃羅, 受撒母耳責難, 就懊悔沒殲滅亞瑪力人
撒上 15:24 15:6-31
.大衛, 受先知拿單責難, 就懊悔犯了姦淫謀殺罪
撒下 12:11,13 12:7-14
.見 詩篇 , 悔罪的詩篇
.羅波安, 猶大國遭外侮, 耶路撒冷遭圍困, 就因此悔改
代下 12:1-12
.希西家, 生病時就悔改
代下 32:26
.希西家, 受先知彌迦責備
耶 26:18,19
.亞哈, 以利亞責備他拜偶像時
王上 21:27 21:17-29
王下 13:4
.約西阿, 得知希勒家在聖殿裡找著上帝的律法時
王下 22:11-20
.瑪拿西, 被亞述王擄至巴比倫
代下 33:12,13
拉 6:21
拉 10
尼 5:1-13
尼 8:1-12 9:1-3
該 1
.約拿, 受罰以後
拿 2:2-9
.尼尼微人, 聽了約拿的傳講
拿 3:5-9
.猶太人, 聽了施洗約翰的傳講
太 3:6
路 7:37-48
太 21:29
路 15:17-21
.彼得, 因為不認耶穌
太 26:75 可 14:72 路 22:62
太 27:3-5 徒 1:16,18
.以弗所人, 聽了保羅的傳講
徒 19:18
民 21:7 撒下 24:10,17 代上 21:17 代下 29:6
拉 9:4,6,10,13,14 尼 1:6,7 9:16-37 伯 7:20 9:20 13:23
伯 40:4 42:5 詩 32:5 38:3,4,18 40:12 41:4 51:1-4,7-17
詩 69:5,10 73:21,22 106:6 119:59,176 130:1-3 賽 6:5
賽 38:15,17 59:12-15 64:5-7 耶 3:21,22,25 8:14 14:7,20
耶 31:18,19 哀 3:40,41 但 9:5-7 10:12 何 6:1 14:3,8
拿 3:10 彌 7:9 路 15:17-20 林前 15:9 林後 7:9-11 彼前 2:25
.見 罪, 認罪 |
內容 | -(A complete reversal of one's attitude and values, i. e. a
turning toward God)
-Attributed to God
Ge 6:6,7 Ex 32:14 De 32:36 Jud 2:18 1Sa 15:11,29,35 2Sa 24:16 1Ch 21:15 Ps 106:45 110:4 135:14 Jer 15:6 18:8,10 26:3 42:10 Joe 2:13 Am 7:3,6 Jon 3:9,10
-The burden of the preaching
.Of John the Baptist
Mt 3
.Of Jesus
Mt 4:17 Mr 1:15
-Exhortation to
Pr 1:23-33 Jer 7:3,5 26:3 Ho 14:1-3 Am 5:4-6 Mt 3:2
-Condition of God's favor
Le 26:40-42 2Ch 7:14
.To Israel
Nu 14:39-45
.To Esau
Heb 12:16,17
Le 26:40-42 De 4:29-31 10:16 30:1-3,8-10 32:29 1Ki
8:33-50 2Ch 6:36-39 7:14 30:6-9 Ne 1:9 Job 11:13-15 22:23 33:26-28 34:31,32 36:10 Ps 22:27 34:14,18 51:17 95:7,8 147:3 Pr 1:22,23 9:6 28:13 Isa 10:21 22:12 31:6 44:22 46:8 55:6,7 57:15 59:20 61:1,2 Jer
3:4,12-14,19 4:1-4,14 6:8,16 7:5,7 13:15,16 18:8,11 24:7 25:5 26:3,13 31:9 36:3,7 50:4,5 Eze 7:16 11:18-20 12:3 14:6 16:61-63 18:21-23,27,28,30-32 20:43 33:10-12,14-16,19 36:31 37:23 Da 4:27 Ho 2:7 3:5 5:15 10:12 12:6 14:1,2 Joe 1:14 2:12,13,15-18 Am 4:12 5:6,15 Jon 3:8,9 Hag 1:7 Zec 1:3 12:10 Mal 3:7 Mt
3:2,7,8 4:17 5:4 9:13 Mr 1:4,15 2:17 6:12 Lu 3:3 5:32 6:21 10:13 13:1-5 15:1-10 18:10-14 24:47 Ac
2:38,40 3:19 5:31 8:22 17:30 20:21 26:20 Ro 2:4 11:23 14:11 Eph 5:14 2Ti 2:25 Heb 6:1 Jas 4:8-10 1Jo
1:9 Re 2:5 3:2,3,19
.Joseph's brothers, of their maltreatment of Joseph
Ge 42:21 50:17,18
.Pharaoh, of his hardness of heart
Ex 9:27 10:16,17
.Balaam, of his spiritual blindness
Nu 22:34 22:24-35
.Of worshiping the golden calf
Ex 33:3,4
.Of their complaining because of lack of bread and water,
when the plague of fiery serpents came upon them
Nu 21:4-7
.When rebuked by an angel for not expelling the Canaanites
Jud 2:1-5
.Of their idolatry, when afflicted by the Philistines
Jud 10:6-16 1Sa 7:3-6
.In asking for a king
1Sa 12:16-20
.In the time of Asa, by the preaching of Azariah
2Ch 15:1-15
.By the preaching of Oded
2Ch 28:9-15
.Under the influence of Hezekiah
2Ch 30:11
.Achan, because of his theft
Jos 7:20
.Saul, at the rebuke of Samuel for not destroying the
1Sa 15:24 15:6-31
.David, at the rebuke of Nathan, the prophet, for his sins of
adultery and murder
2Sa 12:11,13 12:7-14
.Rehoboam, when his kingdom was invaded, and Jerusalem was
2Ch 12:1-12
.Hezekiah, at the time of his sickness
2Ch 32:26
.When reproved by the prophet Micah
Jer 26:18,19
.Ahab, when reproved by Elijah for Ahab's idolatry
1Ki 21:27 21:17-29
2Ki 13:4
.Josiah, when he heard the law of God which had been
discovered in the temple by Hilkiah
2Ki 22:11-20
.Manasseh, when he was carried away captive to Babylon by the
king of Assyria
2Ch 33:12,13
.The Jews of the exile
.At the dedication of the second temple
Ezr 6:21
.Because of their idolatrous marriages
Ezr 10
.Because of their oppressive usury
Ne 5:1-13
.After hearing the law expounded by Ezra
Ne 8:1-12 9:1-3
.By the preaching of Haggai
Hag 1
.Jonah, after his punishment
Jon 2:2-9
.The Ninevites, by the preaching of Jonah
Jon 3:5-9
.The Jews, by the preaching of John the Baptist
Mt 3:6
.The woman who anointed Jesus with oil
Lu 7:37-48
.The disobedient son
Mt 21:29
.The Prodigal Son
Lu 15:17-21
.Peter, because of his denial of Jesus
Mt 26:75 Mr 14:72 Lu 22:62
Mt 27:3-5 Ac 1:16,18
.The Ephesians, by the preaching of Paul
Ac 19:18
Nu 21:7 2Sa 24:10,17 1Ch 21:17 2Ch 29:6 Ezr
9:4,6,10,13,14 Ne 1:6,7 9:16-37 Job 7:20 9:20 13:23 40:4 42:5 Ps 32:5 38:3,4,18 40:12 41:4 51:1-4,7-17 69:5,10 73:21,22 106:6 119:59,176 130:1-3 Isa 6:5 38:15,17 59:12-15 64:5-7 Jer 3:21,22,25 8:14 14:7,20 31:18,19 La 3:40,41 Da 9:5-7 10:12 Ho 6:1 14:3,8 Jon
3:10 Mic 7:9 Lu 15:17-20 1Co 15:9 2Co 7:9-11 1Pe 2:25