中文內容 | -聖經上提到指摘的地方
利 19:17 詩 141:5 箴 9:7,8 10:17 12:1 13:18
箴 15:5,10,12,31,32 17:10 19:25 21:11 25:12 26:5
箴 27:5,6 28:23 傳 7:5 摩 5:10 太 18:15-17 路 17:3,4
約 7:7 加 4:16 弗 4:15 5:11,13 腓 3:1 帖前 5:14
提前 5:1,2,20 提後 4:2 多 1:13 來 3:13 啟 11:10
出 10:29 11:8
出 16:6,7 32:19-30 民 14:41 20:10 32:14
申 1:12,26-43 9:16-24 29:2-4 31:27-29 32:15-18
利 10:16-18
民 16:9-11
書 22:15-20
士 20:12,13
撒上 15:14-35
撒上 19:4,5
撒下 12:1-9
撒下 19:1-7 24:3 代上 21:3
撒下 24:13
代下 12:5
王上 13:1-10 代下 13:8-11
王上 18:18-21 21:20-24
王下 1
王上 22:14-28
王下 3:13,14
王下 5:26
王下 8:11-13
王下 13:19
王下 20:17
王下 12:7
代下 15:2
代下 26:17,18
代下 16:7-9
代下 19:2
代下 24:20
代下 28:9-11
耶 26:8-11
拉 10:10
尼 5:6-13
尼 13
但 4:27
但 5:17-24
摩 7:12-17
.當法利賽人和撒都該人來向耶穌求神蹟時,耶穌指摘他們 (猶太人)
太 16:1-4 可 8:11,12
太 23 路 11:37-54
路 16
約 8:7
路 14:16-24
太 21:28-32
太 21:33-46 可 12:1-12 路 20:9-20
路 13:6-9
太 21:17-20 可 11:12-14
太 3:7-12 路 3:7-9
太 14:3 可 6:17 路 3:19,20
徒 8:20-23
徒 7:51-53
徒 13:9-11
徒 23:3
徒 16:37-40
民 14:9,10 耶 26:11
王上 18:17 21:20 22:8
代下 16:10
可 6:18,19
路 4:28,29
徒 5:33 7:54
.見 遭上帝擯棄/可棄絕 |
內容 | -General scriptures concerning
Le 19:17 Ps 141:5 Pr 9:7,8 10:17 12:1 13:18 15:5,10,12,31,32 17:10 19:25 21:11 25:12 26:5 27:5,6 28:23 Ec 7:5 Am 5:10 Mt 18:15-17 Lu 17:3,4 Joh 7:7 Ga
4:16 Eph 4:15 5:11,13 Php 3:1 1Th 5:14 1Ti 5:1,2,20 2Ti 4:2 Tit 1:13 Heb 3:13 Re 11:10
.Instances of
.Moses, of Pharaoh
Ex 10:29 11:8
.Moses, of the Israelites
Ex 16:6,7 32:19-30 Nu 14:41 20:10 32:14 De
1:12,26-43 9:16-24 29:2-4 31:27-29 32:15-18
.Moses, of Eleazar
Le 10:16-18
.Moses, of Korah
Nu 16:9-11
.Israelites, of the two and one-half tribes
Jos 22:15-20
.Israelites, of the tribe of Benjamin
Jud 20:12,13
.Samuel, of Saul
1Sa 15:14-35
.Jonathan, of Saul
1Sa 19:4,5
.Nathan, of David
2Sa 12:1-9
.Joab, of David
2Sa 19:1-7 24:3 1Ch 21:3
.The prophet Gad, of David
2Sa 24:13
.Shemaiah, of Rehoboam
2Ch 12:5
.A prophet of Judah, of Jeroboam
1Ki 13:1-10 2Ch 13:8-11
.Elijah, of Ahab
1Ki 18:18-21 21:20-24
.Elijah, of Ahaziah
2Ki 1
.Micaiah, of Ahab
1Ki 22:14-28
.Elisha, of Jehoram
2Ki 3:13,14
.Elisha, of Gehazi
2Ki 5:26
.Elisha, of Hazael
2Ki 8:11-13
.Elisha, of Jeroboam
2Ki 13:19
.Isaiah, of Hezekiah
2Ki 20:17
.Jehoash, of Jehoiada
2Ki 12:7
.Azariah, of Asa
2Ch 15:2
.Azariah, of Uzziah
2Ch 26:17,18
.Hanani, of Asa
2Ch 16:7-9
.Jehu, of Jehoshaphat
2Ch 19:2
.Zechariah, of the princes of Judah
2Ch 24:20
.Oded, of the people of Samaria
2Ch 28:9-11
.Jeremiah, of the cities of Judah
Jer 26:8-11
.Ezra, of the men of Judah and Benjamin
Ezr 10:10
.Nehemiah, of the Jews
Ne 5:6-13
.Nehemiah, of the corruptions in the temple, and of the
violation of the Sabbath
Ne 13
.Daniel, of Nebuchadnezzar
Da 4:27
.Daniel, of Belshazzar
Da 5:17-24
.Amos, of the Israelites
Am 7:12-17
.Jesus, of the Jews, when the Pharisees and the Sadducees
came to him desiring a miraculous sign
Mt 16:1-4 Mr 8:11,12
.Jesus, of the scribes and Pharisees
Mt 23 Lu 11:37-54
.Jesus, of the Pharisees
Lu 16
.Jesus, of the Pharisees, when they brought the woman to him
who had been caught in the act of adultery
Joh 8:7
.In the parables of Jesus
.Of the king's feast
Lu 14:16-24
.Of the two sons
Mt 21:28-32
.Of the vineyard
Mt 21:33-46 Mr 12:1-12 Lu 20:9-20
.Of the barren fig tree
Lu 13:6-9
.The withering of the fig tree
Mt 21:17-20 Mr 11:12-14
.John the Baptist, of the Jews
Mt 3:7-12 Lu 3:7-9
.John the Baptist, of Herod Antipas
Mt 14:3 Mr 6:17 Lu 3:19,20
.Peter, of Simon, the sorcerer
Ac 8:20-23
.Stephen, of the high priest
Ac 7:51-53
.Paul, of Elymas (Bar-Jesus), the sorcerer
Ac 13:9-11
.Paul, of Ananias, the high priest
Ac 23:3
.Paul and Silas, of the magistrates of Philippi
Ac 16:37-40
.By the Israelites
Nu 14:9,10 Jer 26:11
.By Ahab
1Ki 18:17 21:20 22:8
.By Asa
2Ch 16:10
.By Herodias
Mr 6:18,19
.By the people of Nazareth
Lu 4:28,29
.By the Jewish leaders
Ac 5:33 7:54