中文內容 | -(由上帝委派並撤換)
-見 政府, 統管的上帝
但 4
-見 國家
.見 君王/國王
創 27:29,37
創 10:8-10
創 14:13-24 17:6 21:21-32
創 14:18
創 26:26-31
創 38:24
出 6:14
創 17:20
.以掃, 以及以東的族長
創 36
.見 政府
創 41:33 出 18:21,22 23:8 申 1:13 16:18-20 27:19
撒下 23:3,4 拉 7:25 詩 2:10,11 72:1-17 箴 16:10,12 17:7
箴 19:12 20:8,26,28 21:1 24:23-26 25:2,3,5 28:2,16
箴 29:2,4,14 31:4,5,8,9 傳 8:4 10:16,17 賽 5:22,23 16:5
賽 28:6 60:17 耶 13:18 羅 12:8 13:1-7 提前 2:1,2
彼前 2:13,14
出 18:16,20,21 23:3,6,7,9 利 19:15 24:22 民 27:16,17
申 1:16,17 16:18-20 17:16-20 19:18,19 24:16 25:1
書 1:7,8 代下 9:8 19:6,7 拉 7:25,26 詩 82:2-4 148:11,13
賽 58:6 耶 21:12 22:1-3 亞 7:9,10 8:16 羅 13:3
提前 2:2 彼前 2:14
.法老, 對待亞伯拉罕
創 12:15-20
.亞比米勒, 對待以撒
創 26:6-11
.約瑟, 處理埃及的事務
創 41:37-57
.法老, 對待雅各和其家人
創 47:5-10 50:1-6
.摩西, 管理以色列百姓的事務
民 16:15
.見 政府, 摩西時代的政府
.撒母耳, 仲裁不求回報
撒上 12:3,4
.掃羅, 擊敗亞捫人之後
撒上 11:12,13
.所羅門, 為兩個各執一詞的母親定奪兒子該歸誰
王上 3:16-28
.所羅門, 根據示巴女王的證詞
王上 10:6-9
.亞撒, 除去孌童和其他拜偶像的可憎之事
王上 15:11-15 代下 14:2-5
.約沙法, 遵行耶和華的道
王上 22:41-46 代下 17:3-10 代下 19:1-11 20:3-30
.希西家, 敬畏耶和華
王下 18:3 20:1-11 代下 30:1-27 31:1-21
.約西亞, 修葺聖殿, 並行其他善事
王下 22 23:1-37 代下 34:1-33 35:1-27
.古列, 解放猶太人
拉 1
.大利烏, 推動聖殿重建
拉 6:1-12
.亞達薛西, 任命以斯拉恢復耶路撒冷的敬拜形式
拉 7 尼 2 5:14
尼 4 5:1-19
.見 但以理
.尼微微王, 悔改並宣告禁食
拿 3:6-9
創 15:13,14 出 3:9 申 27:19 撒上 8:10-18 代下 28:19
尼 5:7-9 9:34-37 伯 24:22,24 35:9 詩 10:17,18 12:5,8
詩 49:20 58:1,2 82:2 94:20,21 110:5 箴 17:15,26
箴 28:15,16,28 29:2,4,12 30:21,22 傳 3:16,17 4:1,13,14
傳 5:8 8:9 10:5-7,16,17 賽 1:23 3:12,14,15 5:7 10:1-3
賽 14:4-20 28:14,15 29:20,21 30:33 33:1 40:23 52:5
賽 59:14,15 耶 5:28,29 結 21:25,26 22:6,27 28:2
結 34:2-4,7-10 45:9 何 5:10 7:3 10:7 摩 3:10,11 4:1,2
摩 5:11,12 6:12,13 彌 3:1-3,9-11 7:3,4 哈 1:4 2:5-13
番 1:8 3:3 徒 23:3 雅 2:6,9
.波提乏, 把約瑟打入大牢
創 39:20 40:15
.法老, 欺壓以色列人
出 1 出 2 出 3 出 4 出 5 出 6 出 7 出 8 出 9
出 10 出 11
.亞多尼比色, 凌虐七十個王
士 1:7
.亞比米勒, 殺了七十個親兄弟
士 9:1-5
.以利的兒子, 褻瀆祭物
撒上 2:12-17
.敗壞自己, 也敗壞敬拜的人
撒上 2:22
.撒母耳的兒子, 收受賄賂
撒上 8:1-5
.掃羅, 憐惜亞甲,也愛惜上好的戰利品
撒上 15:8-35
.掃羅, 因嫉妒而謀害大衛
撒上 19
.掃羅, 殺了亞希米勒與祭司
撒上 22:7-19
.哈嫩, 虐待大衛的僕人
撒下 10:4 代上 19:2-5
.大衛, 數點以色列人和猶大人
撒下 24:1-9 代上 21:1-7 27:23,24
.所羅門, 極盡奢華之能事, 且拜偶像
王上 11:1-13
.所羅門, 欺壓百姓
王上 12:4 4:7-23
.羅波安, 加重百姓所負的軛
王上 12:8-11 代下 10:1-15
.耶羅波安, 扭曲真正的敬拜
王上 12:26-33 13:1-5 14:16
.耶羅波安, 抬舉凡民為祭司
王上 12:31 13:33 王下 17:32 代下 11:14,15 結 44:7
民 3:10
.亞比央, 隨從羅波安的惡行
王上 15:3
.拿答, 行耶羅波安的惡道
王上 15:26
.巴沙, 行耶羅波安的惡道
王上 15:33,34
.亞撒, 將先見打入大牢, 並欺壓百姓
代下 16:10
.心利, 行耶羅波安的惡道
王上 16:19
.暗利, 行耶羅波安的惡道
王上 16:25-29
.亞哈, 事奉巴力
王上 16:30-33 21:21-26
.亞哈, 沒收拿伯的葡萄園
王上 21 撒上 8:14 王上 22:38 王下 9:26
.約蘭, 固守耶羅波安的罪行
王下 3:2,3
.哈薛, 燒殺擄掠
王下 8:12 10:32 12:17 13:3-7
.約蘭, 行以色列諸王的惡道
王下 8:18 代下 21:13
.耶戶, 不離耶羅波安的罪
王下 10:29
.約哈斯, 隨從耶羅波安的罪行
王下 13:1,2
.約阿施, 隨從耶羅波安的壞榜樣
王下 13:10,11
.耶羅波安二世, 不離耶羅波安的罪
王下 14:23,24
.亞撒利雅、米拿現、比加轄、比加, 隨從耶羅波安的罪行
王下 15:9,18,24,28
王下 15:25
.何細亞, 謀叛比加
王下 15:30
.何細亞, 允許百姓祭祀巴力
王下 17:1,2,7-18
.亞哈斯, 為了拜偶像焚獻自己的兒女
王下 16:3 代下 28:2-4
.瑪拿西, 犯了祭拜天上萬象等可憎罪行
王下 21:1-17 代下 33:2-7
.亞捫, 隨從瑪拿西的惡榜樣
王下 21:19-22
.約哈斯, 隨從其先祖的惡道
王下 23:32
.約雅敬, 行其先祖的惡道
王下 23:37
.約雅斤, 行其先祖的惡道
王下 24:9
.西底家, 隨從約雅敬的惡榜樣
王下 24:19 代下 36:12,13
耶 38:5,6
.約阿施, 殺害撒迦利亞
代下 24:2,17-25
.亞哈謝, 行亞哈家的惡行
代下 22:1-9
.亞瑪謝, 祭拜西珥的神明
代下 25:14
.烏西雅, 庖代祭司職務
代下 26:16
.亞哈隨魯和哈曼, 下令處死所有猶太人 (種族滅絕)
斯 3
.尼布甲尼撒, 下旨滅絕哲士
但 2:1-13
.尼布甲尼撒, 把三個希伯來人丟進火窯
但 3:1-23
.伯沙撒, 醉酒誤國逆天
但 5:22
.大利烏, 將自己神化
但 6:7,9
.總督, 謀害但以理
但 6:1-9
.希律大帝, 殺害伯利恆的嬰孩
太 2:16-18
.希律安提帕斯, 將施洗約翰斬首
太 14:1-11
.希律安提帕斯, 狡詐暴虐
路 13:31,32 23:6-15
.希律亞基帕一世, 逼迫耶路撒冷會眾
徒 12:1-19
.彼拉多, 將耶穌釘十字架
太 27:11-26 可 15:15
.祭司長、長老和猶太公會, 找作假見證的陷害耶穌
太 26:59
.大祭司亞拿尼亞, 吩咐人打保羅
徒 23:2
.見 政府
.見 法官/士師
.見 君王/國王 |
內容 | -(Appointed and removed by God)
Da 4
Ge 27:29,37
Ge 10:8-10
Ge 14:13-24 17:6 21:21-32
Ge 14:18
Ge 26:26-31
Ge 38:24
.Heads of families
Ex 6:14
Ge 17:20
.Esau, and the dukes of Edom
Ge 36
Ge 41:33 Ex 18:21,22 23:8 De 1:13 16:18-20 27:19 2Sa
23:3,4 Ezr 7:25 Ps 2:10,11 72:1-17 Pr 16:10,12 17:7 19:12 20:8,26,28 21:1 24:23-26 25:2,3,5 28:2,16 29:2,4,14 31:4,5,8,9 Ec 8:4 10:16,17 Isa 5:22,23 16:5 28:6 60:17 Jer 13:18 Ro 12:8 13:1-7 1Ti 2:1,2 1Pe
Ex 18:16,20,21 23:3,6,7,9 Le 19:15 24:22 Nu 27:16,17 De 1:16,17 16:18-20 17:16-20 19:18,19 24:16 25:1 Jos
1:7,8 2Ch 9:8 19:6,7 Ezr 7:25,26 Ps 82:2-4 148:11,13 Isa 58:6 Jer 21:12 22:1-3 Zec 7:9,10 8:16 Ro 13:3 1Ti
2:2 1Pe 2:14
.Pharaoh, in his treatment of Abraham
Ge 12:15-20
.Abimelech, in his treatment of Isaac
Ge 26:6-11
.Joseph, in how he conducted the affairs of Egypt
Ge 41:37-57
.Pharaoh, in his treatment of Jacob and his family
Ge 47:5-10 50:1-6
.Moses, in his administration of the affairs of the people
of Israel
Nu 16:15
.Samuel, in not receiving compensation for judgment
1Sa 12:3,4
.Saul, after the defeat of the Ammonites
1Sa 11:12,13
.Solomon, in his judgment between the two women who claimed
the same child
1Ki 3:16-28
.Solomon, according to the testimony of the queen of Sheba
1Ki 10:6-9
.Asa, in abolishing sodomy and other abominations of
1Ki 15:11-15 2Ch 14:2-5
.Jehoshaphat, in walking in the ways of the Lord
1Ki 22:41-46 2Ch 17:3-10 19 20:3-30
.Hezekiah, in his fear of the Lord
2Ki 18:3 20:1-11 2Ch 30 31
.Josiah, in repairing the temple and in other good works
2Ki 22 23 2Ch 34 35
.Cyrus, in emancipating the Jews
Ezr 1
.Darius, in advancing the rebuilding of the temple
Ezr 6:1-12
.Artaxerxes, in commissioning Ezra to restore the forms of
worship at Jerusalem
Ezr 7 Ne 2 5:14
Ne 4 5
.King of Nineveh, in repenting, and proclaimimg a fast
Jon 3:6-9
Ge 15:13,14 Ex 3:9 De 27:19 1Sa 8:10-18 2Ch 28:19 Ne
5:7-9 9:34-37 Job 24:22,24 35:9 Ps 10:17,18 12:5,8 49:20 58:1,2 82:2 94:20,21 110:5 Pr 17:15,26 28:15,16,28 29:2,4,12 30:21,22 Ec 3:16,17 4:1,13,14 5:8 8:9 10:5-7,16,17 Isa 1:23 3:12,14,15 5:7 10:1-3 14:4-20 28:14,15 29:20,21 30:33 33:1 40:23 52:5 59:14,15 Jer 5:28,29 Eze 21:25,26 22:6,27 28:2 34:2-4,7-10 45:9 Ho 5:10 7:3 10:7 Am 3:10,11 4:1,2 5:11,12 6:12,13 Mic 3:1-3,9-11 7:3,4 Hab 1:4 2:5-13 Zep 1:8 3:3 Ac 23:3 Jas 2:6,9
.Potiphar, putting Joseph into prison
Ge 39:20 40:15
.Pharaoh, oppressing the Israelites
Ex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
.Adoni-bezek, torturing seventy kings
Jud 1:7
.Abimelech, killing his seventy brothers
Jud 9:1-5
.Eli's sons, desecrating the sacrifices
1Sa 2:12-17
.Debauching themselves and the worshipers
1Sa 2:22
.Samuel's sons, taking bribes
1Sa 8:1-5
.Saul, sparing Agag and the best of the booty
1Sa 15:8-35
.Saul, jealously plotting against David
1Sa 19
.Saul, killing Ahimelech and the priests
1Sa 22:7-19
.Hanun, maltreating David's servants
2Sa 10:4 1Ch 19:2-5
.David, numbering Israel and Judah
2Sa 24:1-9 1Ch 21:1-7 27:23,24
.Solomon, luxurious, and idolatrous
1Ki 11:1-13
.Solomon, oppressing the people
1Ki 12:4 4:7-23
.Rehoboam, making the yoke heavy
1Ki 12:8-11 2Ch 10:1-15
.Jeroboam, perverting the true worship
1Ki 12:26-33 13:1-5 14:16
.Exalting debased persons to the priesthood
1Ki 12:31 13:33 2Ki 17:32 2Ch 11:14,15 Eze 44:7 Nu 3:10
.Abijam, walking in the sins of Rehoboam
1Ki 15:3
.Nadab, walking in the ways of Jeroboam
1Ki 15:26
.Baasha, walking in the ways of Jeroboam
1Ki 15:33,34
.Asa, imprisoning the seer, and oppressing the people
2Ch 16:10
.Zimri, walking in the ways of Jeroboam
1Ki 16:19
.Omri, walking in the ways of Jeroboam
1Ki 16:25-29
.Ahab, serving Baal
1Ki 16:30-33 21:21-26
.Confiscating Naboth's vineyard
1Ki 21 1Sa 8:14 1Ki 22:38 2Ki 9:26
.Jehoram, cleaving to the sins of Jeroboam
2Ki 3:2,3
.Hazael, committing pillage (plundering)
2Ki 8:12 10:32 12:17 13:3-7
.Jehoram, walking in the ways of the kings of Israel
2Ki 8:18 2Ch 21:13
.Jehu, departing not from the sins of Jeroboam
2Ki 10:29
.Jehoahaz, in following the sins of Jeroboam
2Ki 13:1,2
.Jehoash, in following the wicked example of Jeroboam
2Ki 13:10,11
.Jeroboam II, not departing from the sins of Jeroboam
2Ki 14:23,24
.Zachariah, Menahem, Pekahiah, and Pekah, following the
sins of Jeroboam
2Ki 15:9,18,24,28
.Conspiring against Pekahiah and assassinating him
2Ki 15:25
.Hoshea, who conspired against Pekah
2Ki 15:30
.In permitting Baal-worship
2Ki 17:1,2,7-18
.Ahaz, burning his own children in idolatrous sacrifice
2Ki 16:3 2Ch 28:2-4
.Manasseh, who committed the abominations of the heathen
2Ki 21:1-17 2Ch 33:2-7
.Amon, who followed the evil example of Manasseh
2Ki 21:19-22
.Jehoahaz, who followed in the ways of his forefathers
2Ki 23:32
.Jehoiakim, in walking in the ways of his forefathers
2Ki 23:37
.Jehoiachin, in walking in the ways of his forefathers
2Ki 24:9
.Zedekiah, following the evil example of Jehoiakim
2Ki 24:19 2Ch 36:12,13
.And persecuting Jeremiah
Jer 38:5,6
.Joash, killing Zechariah
2Ch 24:2,17-25
.Ahaziah, doing evil like the household of Ahab
2Ch 22:1-9
.Amaziah, worshiping the gods of Seir
2Ch 25:14
.Uzziah, invading the priest's office
2Ch 26:16
.Ahasuerus and Haman, decreeing the death of all Jews
Es 3
.Nebuchadnezzar, commanding to destroy the wise men
Da 2:1-13
.Nebuchadnezzar, committing the three Hebrews to the
Da 3:1-23
.Belshazzar, in drunkenness and committing sacrilege
Da 5:22
.Darius, in deifying himself
Da 6:7,9
.The princes, conspiring against Daniel
Da 6:1-9
.Herod the Great, killing the infants in Bethlehem
Mt 2:16-18
.Herod Antipas, in beheading John the Baptist
Mt 14:1-11
.Herod Antipas, in craftiness and tyranny
Lu 13:31,32 23:6-15
.Herod Agrippa I, persecuting the congregation in Jerusalem
Ac 12:1-19
.Pilate, delivering up Jesus for crucifixion
Mt 27:11-26 Mr 15:15
.The chief priests, elders, and the Sanhedrin, seeking
false witness against Jesus
Mt 26:59
.Ananias, the high priest, commanding to strike Paul
Ac 23:2